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Low Income Clientele: A Case Study

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How Extension educators can improve participation among low income clientele

What is the problem you wish to address with your project?
In recent years, larger numbers of low-income clientele have not participated heavily within Cooperative Extension Service (Moore, Samuel, & Israel, 2014). While the number of low-income residents continues to increase considerably, resources to the education programs did not keep pace with this growth. Learning how to attracted non-traditional Extension audiences requires significantly more effort, time, and resources than with traditional audiences (Moore, Samuel, & Israel, 2014). Delivering educational programs to those of different cultures can challenge Extension, so it is important re-think our methods, mindsets, and assumptions (Schauber & Castania, 2001). To reach an audience, one must understand it, and in particular, realize the complications preventing them from …show more content…
The effectiveness can also be determine how well participants successfully used information distributed by the FCES staff. One addition step to determine the overall effectiveness of the SoTL project is to use pre and post surveys. FCES will implement surveys to its clientele to measure how satisfied they are with the overall product. Although, customer satisfaction is usually associated with merchandising and commercial stores, Florida Cooperative Extension Service (FCES) has been dedicated to measuring the quality of Extension services they provide to its clientele. Customer satisfaction is important when providing appropriate solutions to meet the needs of diverse audiences. Therefore, an increased examination into factors affecting customer satisfaction appropriate approach to the successful involvement. Through this process we can measure the behavior of the low income audiences to see if there was a change in the level of participation in

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