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Culture Of Giza Research Paper

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Giza has fascinated the world with its architecture culture. Archeologists and

historians still debate on how the pyramids were established even though the

egyptians have their own theories about the connection and relation with the God.

Giza is located west and south of the today’s city known as “Cairo”. The Great

Pyramid of Djoser is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza

plateau. This is known to be the tallest man-made pyramid in the world for over

3800 years. What is left of the pyramid is the core layer of the architecture, the

original outside layer was covered with casing stones that formed a smooth outer

surface. Historians believed that this was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty

Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. …show more content…
The materials used for this architecture were blocks, Tura

limestone for casing, large granite stones mostly decorated in the King’s chamber

(they weigh approximately from 25 to 80 tonnes).

The pyramids contain three known chambers inside the Great Pyramid, the Queen’s

chamber, the King’s chamber and the Grand Gallery. The entrance in the Pyramid is

17 meters high vertically above ground level and 7,29 meters east of the centerline

of the pyramid. Throughout the pyramid, the circulation occurs through the

horizontal passage in the south wall of the chambers. The Queen's Chamber is in

between the north and south faces of the pyramid and measures 5.75 metres north

to south, 5.23 metres east to west, and has a pointed roof with an apex 6.23

metres above the floor. As the ascending passage the next stop is the Grand

gallery. It is 8.6 meters high and 46.68 meters long, at the base it is 2.06 meters

wide. The King’s Chamber is 10.47 meters from East to West and 5.234 meters

North to South. It has a flat roof of 5.974 meters above the floor, the walls are

covered with granite.

Tourists enters the Pyramid through the Robbers’ tunnel, a tunnel created around

AD 820 by Caliph al-Ma'mun. As this tunnel leads straight through the

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