...Democracy, Religion and Inequality University of Groningen Faculty of Economics and Business Bachelor Thesis International Economics and Business Name Student: Yitian Jing Student ID Number: s2012790 Student email: y.jing@student.rug.nl Date Thesis: Jun. 5th, 2012 Name Supervisor: Dr. Robbert K. J. Maseland First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my advisor, Dr. R. K. J. Maseland, for his academic guidance and encouragement throughout the research. He has been very generous sharing his experiences on institutional and cultural determinants on economy, as well as on academic research methodology and beyond. I would not have finished such a thesis paper without his support. His effort and patience would never be forgotten. Abstract The democracy’s inequality decreasing effect has been appealing to researchers for long but lacks concentrated argumentation and empirical evidence, as well as the interaction between democracy and religion. This paper conduct an empirical analysis covering time period of 1978-2010 with 86 countries to test the hypotheses of whether democracy decreases inequality and whether an egalitarian religion decreases the influence of democracy. The result shows the direct effect of democracy is weak, however, the hypothesis of religion’s effect on the democracy’s influence is partially confirmed. Therefore, democracy itself has minor influence on inequality while a large proportion of the effect is...
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...1. Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska. Chosen by John McCain (senator of Arizona) to rub as vice president 2. Palin’s popularity declined because of her teen daughter pregnancy and saying things she shouldn’t have said. 3. Casual questions- concerned with what causes what. Such questions address the roots or origins of particular events or behaviors. They attempt to explain which factor or factors made a particular outcome occur. Answering casual questions in the realm of politics and government is what political science and this book are all about. 4. Knowing the fundamentals of your political system and good thinking is important because it allows you to keep your leaders, and family and friends accountable. 5. Single cause explanations flow from a particular or partisan posture or in the need to explain something in a sound bite 6. Correlation- a relationship between factors such that change in one is accompanied by change in one is accompanied by change in the other Causation- a relationship between variables such that change in the value of the others Spurious relationship- a relationship between variables that reflects correlation but not causation 7. Government- intuitions that have the authority and capacity to create and enforce public policies (rules) for a specific territory and people. There are about 89,000 governments 8. Government is different from other institutions in society in that it has a broad right to force, government...
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...American Political Science Review Vol. 106, No. 2 May 2012 doi:10.1017/S0003055412000093 The Missionary Roots of Liberal Democracy ROBERT D. WOODBERRY National University of Singapore T his article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the development and spread of religious liberty, mass education, mass printing, newspapers, voluntary organizations, and colonial reforms, thereby creating the conditions that made stable democracy more likely. Statistically, the historic prevalence of Protestant missionaries explains about half the variation in democracy in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania and removes the impact of most variables that dominate current statistical research about democracy. The association between Protestant missions and democracy is consistent in different continents and subsamples, and it is robust to more than 50 controls and to instrumental variable analyses. ocial scientists tend to ignore religion in the processes of post-Enlightenment modernization. In individual cases and events, the role of religious actors is clear—especially in the primary documents. Yet in broad histories and comparative analyses, religious groups are pushed to the periphery, only to pop out like a jack-in-the-box from time to time to surprise and scare people and then shrink...
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...Tocqueville on Material Well-Being One’s possessions may become an important aspect of their life where people constantly desire more belongings. In a democracy, citizens crave a sense of material well-being. This unique feature of the democracy leads to individuals attempting to acquire more and more without achieving satisfaction with what they already own. People spend their money to obtain belongings rather than saving it. Unlike in an aristocracy, everyone must work for their earnings making individuals place greater significance on the possessions bought with their income. Democratic citizens, more than those in other types of government, value material items because of a restless need for more, and a middle class fueling comparisons...
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...Religion and Politics and the effect of religion in America For a virtuous instance of how religion affects politics in our current world we need not look very distant but rather look around you. The influence of Catholicism on Latin American politics, and the role religion plays on Middle Eastern politics have had a profound affect in those related societies. After examining the effects of religion into the above mentioned societies it is clear that the introduction of religion into politics has proven to be suppressive and counterproductive to most third world countries, and various subcultures in first world countries. A very well known writer and scholar on the history of Egypt, Budge, E. A. Wallis, "Egyptian Religion and Society: Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life (Library of the Mystic Arts)". Citadel Press. August 1, 1991. Wrote, “Most scholars have concluded that, in later times at least, there was no close personal tie between the individual Egyptian and the gods, that the gods remained aloof, that their relationship to humans was indirect, communicated to him by means of the king”. We must remember that there was no established book or set of teachings, as the Bible or the Qur'an, and few prescribed conditions of behavior or conduct. Humans were guided essentially by human wisdom and trusted in their belief in the goodness of the gods and of their divine son, the king. An important concept in Egyptian life was the idea of justice. Although the Egyptian was entirely...
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...“The American flag represents all of us and all the values we hold sacred.” That was a quote from Adrian Cronauer who is a former United States Air Force sergeant and radio personality (he was also portrayed by Robin William is the movie Good Morning, Vietnam). This quote begs the question, what values best represent America? Well, chances are everyone you ask that question will give you a different answer. To me America represents Democracy, rights, freedoms, equality, and diversity and in this essay I will explore all these topics. Beautiful swaying trees stand next to the sparkling blue ocean. Towering buildings made to seem small in comparison to the mammoth buildings next to them. Large, desolate deserts without a person in sight. All...
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...follower of the Puritan lifestyle and a prominent figure within its structure, however on the other hand, there was also side of him that was partial to the precursor thought of contemporary liberty. For example, he was partial to Roger Williams aiding him safe passage to exile. As a matter of fact, I consider Roger Williams one of the first outspoken activists and proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Furthermore, he was an early abolitionist in North America against slavery and developed mutually agreeable relationships with Native Americans. In addition, some of Williams’s ideas may have also influenced the religion clause and the first amendment of the United States Constitution . Arguably, the catalyst for ‘modern liberty’ has always been part of the American psyche....
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...define political cultural and it will also discuss three major influences on political culture in Ireland. To demonstrate this, this paper will explain political culture in a simple way and it will discuss the civic culture theory and Marxist tradition which will illustrate different views on the role and nature of political culture. The three major influences that this paper will discuss are socio-economic development, cultural evolution political experience in Ireland. The notion of political culture is how people view the political system as a whole. It is the way in which people respond and act towards the political system. Pye (1995 p.965) defines political culture as “the sum of the fundamental values, sentiments and knowledge that give form and substance to political processes”. Heywood’s view on political culture is that it is ‘the pattern of orientations to political objects such as parties, government, the constitution, expressed beliefs, symbols and values. Political culture differs from public opinion in that it is fashioned out of long-term values rather than simply people’s reactions to specific policies and problems’ (Heywood, 2002: 200). The process through which we learn about politics and how our political attitudes and values can be influenced is through political socialization. The main agents of political socialization are the family, education, mass media and the government. Two American scholars, Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba, studied political culture...
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...correct? In 469BC, one of the most important philosophical influences in the Ancient Greek civilisation was born. Socrates’ teachings would continue to heavily impact on philosophical thought throughout the ages. Socrates began as a stonemason, but quickly made the change to a life pursuing the answers to all moral problems with emphasis on the right conduct by which one should live their life. His teachings attracted groups of young men who adopted his methodologies and became fascinated with the ideas he presented, which although popular with some, were often in conflict with the politicians in Athens at the time. Socrates lived through one of Athens’ most advanced eras and he saw firsthand the rise of the Athenian Empire. He often passed judgment and was highly opinionated on many issues which were putting Athens on the map, including democracy. He also promoted honesty and virtue as key contributors to a happy life. Socrates was one of only a few philosophers to be recognised for his work in his lifetime and this indicates that he must have been significant in some capacity. However, Athens was an ever-expanding empire, which meant that their culture was heavily impacted on by not just Greek people on the inside but also by the countries that they conquered and the foreigners who came to Athens as slaves or traders. These outside influences must be balanced against the interior influences of men such as Socrates to explore to what extent philosophy and the teachings...
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...Minerva Perez Humanities 101 February 3, 2011 Greek influence on the Western world It is always important to look to the past in order to move toward the future. This was done in the formation of Western Society, and more specifically the formation of American society. The Greek culture defiantly served as a huge frame of reference for many aspects of Western life today. Including our government, architecture, math and the arts. Ancient Greek culture served as a very broad base for which our society was built upon. To start off with Ancient Greece had many developments in political science. During the age of Pericles, the ideal form of government was believed to be a government formed by all of the citizens regardless of wealth or social standing. This government was known as a democracy, which literally translates to "government of the people" Their government favored the ideas of many instead of the few, Just like our government today. Athens was a direct democracy, meaning every citizen participated in debates. Western civilization used this philosophy of government by many, and created an indirect democracy where citizens elect officials to make and enforce laws. They also had trials for people that were believed to be guilty, and had an actual jury made up of commoners to decide on their fate. We of course still use a method such as their democracy today. They also had the founding philosophers that...
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...Lost Reputation “There is no country in the whole world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America,” states French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville in his book Democracy in America. This comment compels us to investigate America’s progress, and determine whether or not we still deserve such a reputation. Does this statement, which was published in 1835, remain accurate? Many citizens would claim that religion continues to play an adequate role in American life today, and why shouldn’t they? Every Sunday, millions of people flock to their various churches to sing the selected hymns and to listen attentively to a profound sermon. With so many church...
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...discoveries in the natural world. They believed they could also uncover the scientific laws that governed human life. After discovering the laws of the universe, people could use the knowledge to help society improve. As the Scientific Revolution advanced, many educated Europeans came to believe that “reason” was a better guide than faith or tradition. To them, “reason” was the light that burned the darkness away and showed the way to the truth. Hence, the 18th century was labeled as the Age of Enlightenment. The Age of Enlightenment is one of the main causes of the the American and French revolutions, it is also considered as a predecessor to the Industrial Revolution. The Age of Enlightenment was influenced by the ideas of several different revolutionary thinkers, but two of the biggest thinkers of the seventeenth century, Isaac Newton and John Locke, are often referred to as the “father of Enlightenment”. The American Enlightenment, more moderate than in...
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...third president as well as an apostle of agrarian, and Benjamin Franklin, author, scientist, philosopher, and statesman. All these men emphasize the importance of using reason and logic instead of superstition or ignorance. They focus on creating and writing, science, politics and other subjects in this era which influence decades to come (Age of Enlightenment, 2011). In today’s society these ideas have become relevant. Thomas Paine influences the Enlightenment politically and socially, because of his beliefs he was damned by many people in both America and England. Thomas Paine was born in England; he was a corset maker and excise officer in England, although showed interested in philosophy and science. He later in life then met up with Benjamin Franklin in London and soon after he sailed to Philadelphia. He found work in 1775 in the Pennsylvania Magazine writing articles and essays “on democracy, universal suffrage, and revolution, shaping the unheard of idea of democracy into the freedom the citizens of so many countries know today”. Unfortunately some of his writing landed him in jail to which at that time he wrote The Age of Reason which gives his opinion on Religion giving an...
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...ancient Rome. The first stage of its development, known as "ancient civilization", was marked by the emergence of the core values of Western-type society: the relations of private ownership, private production, market-oriented, the first “government by the people” – democracy, republican form of government. In the early times of Western Civilization the foundations of civil society to ensure individual rights and freedoms were established, as well as socio-cultural system of principles, the mobilization of creativity and development of the individuals (Judith & Learner, 130). There are many significant events that happened in Western Civilization and influenced today`s world, as some of them have significantly affected our modern lifestyle and undoubtedly changed our society. Nevertheless, I think the three major elements that happened in Western Civilization are: The Rise of Christianity, the appearance of Democracy, and the invention of the printing press. To start with, I strongly believe the Rise of Christianity is one of the most significant events that have ever happened in our world. In today`s world Christianity is thought to be the biggest religion, as about 2, 1 billion people follow it. This religion is based on teachings of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God (Engels, 46). Based on Jesus preaching and...
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...debated topic amongst American schools. This is because America is the land of the free, we are able to worship who and how we want. This is why a standard Christian prayer should not be allowed in school. If we choose to allow prayer and religion in schools, we would need to be fair to all religions not just Christianity. Not everyone is the same denomination and should not have to be. Prayer was taken out of schools to be fair to all religions. The very foundation of this country allows people to worship the way they would like to. The supporters of no prayer in school feel that prayer is unconstitutional, because it forces religion and beliefs upon their children. What the supporters of no prayer in school fail to realize is that prayer in school provided a guideline for children. A recent poll showed that 80% of Americans believe in some type of religion and 50% of Americans believe that there are too little religious influences in young Americans. When prayer was taken out of school, the number of teenage pregnancies went from 5,000 per year to 27,000 per year. And violence and drug use among children has skyrocketed. We live in a society where God is a bad word and people are embarrassed to publicly worship their religion. But yet, graphic novels and violent movies are placed in schools. Children are able to bring cell phones and MP3 players but not able to describe Jesus as their hero. Since the separation of church and state, Americans feel that we are prohbited...
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