Premium Essay

Summary Of Nyc's Trans Fat Ban Worked

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Words 439
Pages 2
According to the article "NYC's Trans Fat Ban Worked," New York City banned restaurants from preparing foods using artificial trans fats to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes for the people of NYC which resulted in 20 less calories of trans fat for the consumers of NYC per day. The writer concludes that the trans fat ban was successful for this reason and because there are now healthier options on NYC fast food restaurant menus. Local government should not pass laws focused on nutrition. They should not monitor what we eat because people should be able to make their own decisions. The ban would not teach people how to choose for themselves.

The fact is "The study did not track diners long enough to see if their lower-fat choices translated to actual health gains, such as a drop in heart disease or obesity, but other studies show that such benefits are possible." Based on this statement we really don't know if the governments ban on trans fat has even had any real impact on peoples health. Not to mention the 2006 requirement that came before the ban that allowed citizens to see what is going into their foods.

It's important to note that "In 2006, the federal government began requiring packaged food makers to list the amount of trans fat contained per serving, which was helpful for grocery-store shoppers comparing the …show more content…
Now that this ban has been put into place it has the potential to have a big impact on the against heart disease and diabetes. Generally speaking this a good thing for people's health, but I still believe that people should have the freedom to choose for

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