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Pledge Of Allegiance Essay

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The Pledge of Allegiance was officially written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy, the pledge was then edited in 1923, but it was only thirty-one years later in 1954 that the words “under God” where added by Congress. Ever since this day there has been many controversial issues dealing with the addition on the words “under God” to the pledge of the United States of America because many believe it limits us to only one religion, and its against the whole ordeal of the Constitution. So the question still remains should the claim “under God” be eliminated from the pledge of Allegiance? My answer to that is yes, because why would I let my self or anyone for that matter be limited to only one religion in a Nation that practices …show more content…
It would be inhumane to use religion just to gain power and know we are the ones paying the price for the inconsiderable politicians of the past. The hard thing to accept about the words "under God" is that we are not one nation under God; “ People rage at being emotionally wounded by having to say “under God”…as not to forget the purpose of their (Founders of America) coming to this country in the first place was freedom from religious persecution.” (Elder) With that said, we all come from a variety of religious backgrounds. We all have different beliefs and assurances and the views of one religion should not be given any power towards the government. We cannot be limited to what a nation believes is our religion because it’s not, specially since most of America consist of immigrants that have many different beliefs than that of

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