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Case Study: Middle School Student Criteria For AVID

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Middle School Student Criteria for Avid College Readiness Program: A Delphi Study
Education in the US, just like any other country is a top priority. Students go through elementary school, secondary and post-secondary school to be equipped with life skills and to get developed. In the colleges, students are prepared to be independent and acts as a bridge between high school and employment. Therefore, before students get into the colleges, they are well prepared through various programmes. Advancement via individual determination (AVID) is one of the programmes used to prepare students to be eligible for the four years in college. This programme is an instructional programme based on research, where teachers are provided with training that enables them to help their students develop critical thinking skills: its major focus is on career and college readiness. This programme targets the middle students who have the desire to go to colleges, through a well-defined criterion used to select the students. However, this programme has failed to be a success and it is the interest of this research to find out the reasons as to why it is failing. …show more content…
Millions of dollars are spent annually in the AVID programme but regardless, there has never been any strong and appealing scientific data given in support of the AVID programme. The little data available is just empirical, and has not been scientifically proven. Also, despite the fact that this programme has been shown to improve literacy in America, it has not received credit. Many have termed is as a non-achiever programme, whose mandate has not been met and nothing more but a glorified underachiever programme. This is the major worrying problem that drives this research, to determine why the AVID programme has not been able to achieve its mandated role or

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