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Weight Training

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For years, people have believed strength and weight training put too great of a strain on young athletes bodies and put them at high risk for injury. When done correctly though, strength training can benefit a young athlete's performance in a variety of ways. When the right guidelines are followed and the proper supervision is in place, young athletes can minimise their risk for injury greatly.Taking the time to do a proper warm-up and cool-down, knowing the correct technique, and using the right equipment with a suitable amount of weight are just a few, of many, ways young athletes can protect themselves from strength training related injuries.
Doing a warm up suitable for an athlete's particular workout is key. Performing high-rep, low-intensity, …show more content…
The primary goal of a cool-down is to slowly bring an athlete back to a normal heart and breathing rate and to slowly cool the body back to a normal temperature (National Academy). While training, athletes hearts will begin pumping at an accelerated rate. Heart rate increases during workouts because the heart needs to get oxygenated blood to lower extremities and back to the heart quickly. When exercise is stopped abruptly, it causes the athlete’s blood to begin to slowly make its way back to the heart. This can cause blood to pool in the lower extremities, causing an even slower return of blood back to the heart and brain. This can cause dizziness and fainting that could cause injury and keep an athlete from playing (Walker, …show more content…
If a lifter begins training with too much weight, it can result in serious injuries that can take months to heal. When choosing weights, lifters should start slow with light weight and gradually work their way up to heavier weights. If an athlete can do ten or more repetitions with ease, they should increase weight. To achieve optimal results, athletes should choose a weight in which they can do six to twelve repetitions before beginning to feel fatigued. When performing heavier lifts, a lower number of repetitions should be used. Knowing how to choose the amount of weight and repetitions during a workout can help keep athletes healthy and in the game (How

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