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Rosetta Stone Research Paper

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The Rosetta Stone was found on July 19, 1799 by French soldiers. The Rosetta Stone was broken, long before it was found in 1799. The Egyptian name it has now, it was found in Rashid. This block of stone lay a clue to breaking a code that baffled scholars for centuries, the Egyptian hieroglyphs. The stone features a decree issued in 196 B.C. by a group of Egyptian clergy and Egypt’s ruler, Ptolemy V, attesting to his generosity and devoutness.

It was originally displayed in a temple, possibly near the ancient town of Sais, the centuries later, it had moved to Rosetta and used in the construction of Fort Julien, where it was eventually uncovered by the French. The use of hieroglyphics died out after the 4th century and the writing system became an enigma to scholars. British scientist Thomas Young, who began studying the Rosetta Stone’s texts in 1814, made some initial progress in analyzing its hieroglyphic inscription. Young surmised that the cartouches------ hieroglyphs enclosed in ovals----- contained the phonetic spellings of royal names, including Ptolemy, who was …show more content…
“He has dedicated to the temples revenues in money and corn” they wrote on the stone. “And has undertaken much outlay to bring Egypt into prosperity.” Despite its incomplete state, the Rosetta Stone crucially preserves the three languages form the original stele. All three convey the same royal decree, with slight variations indicating the message was widely read and circulated. In modern time, this meant the stone could serve as a translation key, with the Greek portion, in particular, helping scholars crack the Hieroglyphics. Which had died out around 4th century after Rome’s rulers declared it a pagan

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