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Aristotle's Rhetoric: Western Modern Law

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2.2.3. Aristotle
Aristotle (384 – 322 BC), in the book Rhetoric, spoke widely about the punishment, and this book can be considered as one of the most influential books on the western modern law. Chapter XII and XIII of the first book of the mentioned book is used in this thesis.
In these chapters, Aristotle spoke about different themes which is related to the law, prosecution and defense; such as: the various states of mind in which a man sets about doing wrong to others, the causes of wrong actions, the kind of people to whom he does wrong, the ways in which he does it, specific or universal laws, torture, contracts, testimony, witnesses, oaths, equity, etc.
Besides, in his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle defined wrong-doing as injury which is imposed on the victim by the criminal who did the illegal action voluntarily. On the other hand, the victim is the one who endures that injury or harm, against his own will. …show more content…
As the result, he discussed that the children, idiots and the persons who suffer from the mental illness cannot be considered responsible or punishable for their acts. However, he discussed that the individuals are responsible, and ought to be punished, even for their ignorance. And, also, even sometimes the individual ignorance might be punished by a greater penalty. Yet, if the criminals did the crime under the restriction or they were not responsible for their ignorance, the punishment will be

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