...generality causes in language 4. Use definitions to increase precision and clarity and to influence attitudes 5. Understand the types of definitions 6. Acquire skills for writing an effective argumentative essay rom August 1987 until January 2007, Alan Greenspan was chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (“the Fed”). Because any remark he made about U.S. monetary policy could cause markets all over the world to fluctuate wildly, he developed a complicated way of speaking that came to be known as “Fedspeak.” Here’s an example: It is a tricky problem to find the particular calibration in timing that would be appropriate to 2/9/2016 12:17 PM 3 of 56 stem the acceleration in risk premiums created by falling incomes without prematurely aborting the decline in the inflation-generated risk premiums.* Greenspan has admitted that such remarks were not really intended to be understood. Asked to give an example by commenting on the weather, Greenspan replied, I would generally expect that today in Washington, D.C., the probability of changes in the weather is highly uncertain. But we are monitoring the data in such a manner that we will be able to update people on changes that are important.* Page 70 2/9/2016 12:17 PM This tells us nothing about the weather, of course, and was not intended to. Many times, though, we run across similarly complicated examples of speech or writing that do seem to be intended to inform us. For example, Allan Bloom, the famous American educator who authored The Closing...
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...Sixties journal response due Discuss Machiavelli/Jefferson essay prompt Man and the State: Machiavelli on Political Power Discuss rhetorical and critical reasoning implications Homework: World of Ideas – “Government Introduction: (14-19) Machiavelli’s “The Qualities of the Prince” (36-53) Journal response – Machiavelli text Prereading Questions (39); Questions for Critical Reading 1-5 (50) Define the terms ends and means, and explain why they are important. Compare Machiavelli’s advice with the behavior of a specific politician – past or present. Under what political circumstances might the ends justify the means? 05 The Old Globe 10 Machiavelli packet due Group presentation and discussion – Machiavelli Discuss rhetorical and critical reasoning implications Homework: World of Ideas – Jefferson’s “The Declaration of Independence” (76-84) Journal response to the Jefferson text Prereading Questions (80); Questions for Critical Reading1-5 (84) How does the document seem to define independence? Use this definition as a basis for your own. To what extent does your definition agree with Jefferson? 12 Jefferson packet due ...
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...Definition of Terms Paper Definition of Terms Paper In today’s health care environment patient safety has become one of the most important objectives in all health care institutions. One of the main issues when it comes to safety of patients is errors that can occur when abbreviations are not used properly when dealing with health information technology. It is important for health care employees to have knowledge and a clear understanding of what the abbreviations stand for, as well as the purpose of them. When dealing with a patient’s personal information that concerns their medical history, there must be the use of accurate written or computerized documentation at all times. This paper will define the following abbreviations: AMR, CMR, CMS, CMS 1500, CPT, DRG, EPR, HL7, ICD-9, UB-2, and the important role each plays in health care information technology. AMR The abbreviation AMR refers to what is known as Automated Medical Records. An Automated Medical Records system is used to record all information concerning a patient’s care from the initial consultation, the admission into the hospital if applicable, any treatment involved and medications dispensed, to the final billing (Pinkerton, 2006).When an AMR is used the amount of paperwork associated with a health care practice or hospital can be lessened. Automated patient information has the capability to provide health care workers and organization with patient information that can be critical when treating them. The information...
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...standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment” (Merriam-Webster, 2017). The sociological definition is “an oversimplified, generally over-exaggerated belief that all members of a certain group act and think in the same fashion“ (Publishing, 2017). I believe there is a commonly missed component in those definitions that can create unexpected and unforeseen issues. Often with these issues, one can find misunderstandings, as well as the perpetuation of issues like racism. These problems...
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...Tani’qua Jones Dr. Boyd American Lit. After reading and analyzing de Crevecoeur’s essay, “What is an American,” one could argue that the entire purpose of the essay was to describe an egalitarianism society, a society which has never existed in his eyes. De Crevecoeur was raised in a family of Counts and Countesses, experiencing the fortune of being born into a wealthy and prosperous family, while witnesses the misfortune of those who weren’t. Through the details and images described, from his experiences, in Letters of an American Farmer we obtain the true sense of being English or French; something de Crevecoeur wasn’t all too proud to be called. John de Crevecoeur was more honored to be called an American, working as a farmer, a life vastly different from the comfort and riches of being a Count. In “What is an American,” De Crevecoeur compares Europe and America to define the nature of being an American. And he illustrates throughout the essay, why the great American frontier is preferred by the vast majority. Although de Crevecoeur was born in France, he sees himself as an Englishman who has come to settle in America. Through his eyes we explore the differences he encounters in America that he would never discover in England. Most of these changes are based on his experience of being an American farmer, working on the beautiful open frontier. Here de Crevecoeur sees the industry of his native country displayed in a new manner, “there are no great manufacturers employing...
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...Point: Reading and Writing Short Arguments by Gilbert H. Muller and Harvey S. Wiener Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Pearson Longman, Inc. Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Custom Publishing All rights reserved. Permission in writing must be obtained from the publisher before any part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-536-97722-4 2005240359 AP Please visit our web site at www.pearsoncustom.com ISBN 0-558-55519-5 PEARSON CUSTOM PUBLISHING 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116 A Pearson Education Company Research and Writing, Custom Edition. Published by Pearson Custom Publishing. Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Custom Publishing. 1 Reading Arguments ontemporary American culture often seems dominated by argument. Television talk show hosts and radio shock jocks battle over countless issues. Hip-hop artists...
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...2001 life in America changed forever when terrorists crashed planes into the twin towers, pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. Since the occurrence of those events the word “terrorism” has been part of the common vocabulary in our day to day lives. The threat of terrorism has brought about many changes. It has created tighter security restrictions, increased intelligence gathering, and for some a sense of paranoia. It has also created a hatred towards those who seek to terrorize the United States. One must ask what is terrorism exactly and why does it happen? The word terrorism was first used in the late 18th century. In Geoffrey Nunberg’s essay “The War of Words: “Terror” and “Terrorism” he uses French Revolutionary Robespierre’s definition of terror as “nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue” (Nunberg 433). Terrorism was the action of a people who were working for and ideological cause. It was a means of bringing about change. Whether the action was positive or negative was determined by the group defining it. While those acting to bring...
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...355:101 Paper#1 Rough Draft September 18, 2015 Culture Constitutes Live As social animals, human beings find their values and senses of existence in association with others. Therefore, the process of interaction between human beings and their surrounding formed culture. Furthermore, the shaped culture for a long time makes up for people’ s cognizes and tradition. It means, different regions and countries shape different cultures that constitute normal behavior of human beings. Today, as a "melting pot", the world turns into a multicultural society. With the development of society and technology, people have more opportunity to meet others all over the world. While such kind of impact, limited by various factors such as the era, region, cultural cognition, presents various forms and differences. Ethan Watters, the author of “The Mega-Marketing of Depression in Japan” who addresses a story of an American pharmaceutical company finds out that their product is not popular in Japan. The reason is the Japanese have a different conception of depression with the American. In order to open the Japanese market, the American company attempts to convince the Japanese to change their cultural perceptions of depressions and accepts a new language to describe depression. Due to the diverse background, personal experiences and cultural assumptions, people have the discrepancy to the same thing. Shared common assumptions impact the everyday lives of people in constitutes normal cultural cognition;...
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...Bailey English Composition 101 08/1/2012 Persuasive Essay Interracial dating is increasing more and more in the 2st century. Why, one may ask? The answer lies in the fact that many people are becoming adventurous in their dating. The 21st century has introduced us to online dating, and single’s mixers, and interracial dating. Make this understood, interracial dating has been around for the ages, but it has become even more prominent in our society’s culture because people are more accepting of each other. Everyone should experience interracial dating because in the end, love knows no color. A positive reason to welcome the idea of interracial dating is the sense of adventure. Many people in the 21st century are all about seeking different and new experiences in all aspects of life. Interracial dating could be one of those experiences. The word, “adventure” does not seem appropriate with the thought of interracial dating, but truth be told, it is. Adventure does not have to mean running through a forest and swinging through vines, it can also mean having a personal adventure with someone different. Being with someone of a different race will open someone’s eyes to many things one may not have known it existed. For example, if one person does not experience an Asian person, they would never know that “American,” Chinese food is nothing like the real Chinese food that is served in China. They would realize that “American,” Chinese food was actually created in San Francisco...
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...style of Eastern cultures (Said 1982, p1086). His work generally ties to the imperialist societies and represents the issue of politics. In 1983, he published ‘from “Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, and Community”’. Constance Classen (1957 –) is an award-winning writer and researcher based in Montreal, Canada. She holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from McGill University and is the author of various essays and books on the cultural life of the senses such as ‘Worlds of Sense: Exploring the Senses in History and Across Cultures (Routledge, 1993)’. In 1996, she published ‘Sugar Cane, Coca-Cola and Hypermarkets: Consumption and Surrealism in the Argentine Northwest’ (Canadianicon 2012). Those two readings provide examples of how the human beings make their own culture, and could therefore change it. This paper briefly shows noninterference and interference in the every world life and how those two may have occurred in the global consumerism context. In the essay ‘from “Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, and Community”’, Said does not directly define culture, but he does use some textual signs...
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...“Gilded Age”. This was a term coined by Mark Twain, the most renowned American writer of the period. It refers to a superficial period of intense economic growth. During this time, businessmen created large business organizations known as trusts. The ingenuity of these entrepreneurs earned the titles of “Captains of Industry”. Yet, their ruthlessness in building wealth at the expense of their competitors, workers and consumers often earned them the title “Robber Baron”. This DBQ (Document Based Questions) asks you to decide whether these businessmen were “Captains of Industry” or “Robber Barons”. Background Essay During the post-Civil War period, an era commonly referred to as the Gilded Age, the economy of the United States grew at a fantastic rate. With the exception of a recession during the mid-1870s, and another during the mid-1890s, the economic growth was in unprecedented in United States history. Manufacturing output increased by 180 percent. Railroads, an important catalyst of growth, increased in miles by 113 percent. Steel production grew to over 10,000,000 tons per year by 1900. Every aspect of the American economy expanded from traditional activities to new enterprises brought about by the huge influx of cutting-edge technological inventions. The gross national product almost doubled during the period and the per capital GNP increased by 35 percent. Wages matured by 20 percent, and a new American middle class emerged for the first time in the history of the United...
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... In order to prove this, however, the meaning of these phrases must be found. In modern English, most people do not word things like they are in the constitution. Promoting the general welfare means, basically, that the government should provide and take care of its population. Providing schools, roads, and health care are a few of these things the government should provide (American Government, pg 7). Today, the government mostly provides these things. It is a national law for minors from ages 5-18, and there are roads, highways, and interstates available (most of them free of charge). However, one thing the government fails to provide is free healthcare to everyone. In fact, 34% of people in the United States are covered by public programs. While, in the United Kingdom, 100% of people are covered by a public program (The Commonwealth Fund). Now, the point of this essay is not to discuss how the United States’s health care system may or may not be failing, the point is to discuss how the...
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...What does it mean to be an American? That depends on who you ask, many people often think of Americans as fat and lazy slobs who mettle to much in other people affairs, living off the backs of lesser countries to sustain there egocentric existence. Others including most Americans think of the classic typical patriot, who has multiple weapons, is constantly looking over their shoulder and drives in an over sized truck with an American flag at the back. Being an American is being a Patriot, loving your country men, and your country but not afraid to challenge either in the pursuit of life liberty and happiness for all. America has sense its creation been a diverse multicultural country making blanket statements about feelings and behaviors of its inhabitants impossible. However I think everyone is in some way a Patriot which I equate to being the one defining trait of an American. The simple definition of patriotism is an emotional attachment to ones country. I think this definition has more to it than meets the eye, when you consider the principles this country was built on. This country was built on hard work and determination; the hardships endured only serve to...
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...defined? How is Christianity defined? What are some dis/advantages with each of the definitions? • What is religious literacy (and what are its different forms – pp.14-19)? Why is religious literacy significant (chs. 1-2)? • What does Prothero mean by religious illiteracy? How does this manifest itself (give examples – either from the text or from the lecture notes)? • What does Prothero identify as reasons behind the current religious illiteracy? • What does Prothero offer as a solution for the religious illiteracy problem? How practical is his solution? (ch.5) • Concepts: creationism (pp.213-4). Popper, Lakatos, Hansson (lecture for 9/13) • What is the demarcation problem? • How does Popper answer the demarcation question? What does he mean by falsifiability? What problems are there with his answer? • How does Lakatos answer the demarcation question? What problems are there with his answer? What are the elements of a research programme? Why is this term significant for Lakatos? What is the difference between a progressive and a degenerating research programme? Give examples of each. • What is Hansson proposed answer to the demarcation problem? How is it different from Popper’s and Lakatos’ proposals? Carrier (lectures for 9/13, 9/20) • How does Carrier define scientific literacy? How does this differ from the definition given by Hazen & Trefil (p.xii-xiii). • What are some of the characteristics of science...
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...What is success? Is it the process of doing a task and receiving a positive result acceptable amongst the community, or is it simply achieving ones own personal goals? Success to me can mean many things. Although I am successful in school, that does not necessarily mean I will lead a successful life. Success to me is setting personal goals, and following through with them. Whether you achieve your desired result or not, you have succeeded just by trying. Everyone’s vision of success differs. Success takes many different definitions. People have different interpretations of what success really means. For me is as simple as: living well and laughing often. The idea of living well is a very broad statement. Living well, in my opinion is getting success in personal, social and professional life. If I can achieve all of these three levels of success, I believe that I have lived well. Personal success for me is being able enjoy little things that life has to offer. For instance; understanding and appreciating diversity. To have someone to love and treasure, to meet the right person, fall in love, and get marry. To feel that I’m able to love my child and pass on wisdom to him .Feeling that someone loves me, is something that makes me completely happy and successful. Because I believe that without love, life is not thoroughly complete, thus never truly achieve success. I believe that, by being mentally and physically healthy, I have achieved personal success. When I get...
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