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Cheap Essential Oil Research Paper

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What You Need To Know About Cheap Essential Oils
By Jason Cote
Mar 26, 2012
When trying to cut costs, the first thing we usually do is defer to cheaper products. This is alright in some cases, but with the majority of situations, you really do get what you pay for. In the case of cheap essential oils, you need to consider a number of factors before spending money on low grade "scent" oils.

So many people fall head over heels for discounted products. They search circulars and end caps ruthlessly to find things that are cheap. The real story behind "cheap" is not good news, though. If you are in the market for cheap essential oils, prepare to receive an imposter in a bottle. Essential oils with a super cheap price tag probably have been overly processed and stripped of all the good things that draw us to them in the first place. Don't fall for cheap imitations that fool your nose, dig deeper. …show more content…
This adage is equally true with essential oil producers. A company who has experience in growing the crops, distilling the oil, bottling the oil, and sending it out to customers will have a comprehensive view of the process and will deliver potent oil.

To find a good essential oils brand talk to your friends who are more open to alternative health; they may be using oils and can give you some ideas. Also look into local representatives of companies like Young Living who can outfit you with information, allow you to sample different varieties, and give you a heads up about the more reasonable oils.

An equally essential way to gather information about worthwhile essential oils, is to read as much as you can. You can usually scent out fakes by reading promo information, by reading a lot of reviews, and by researching on people who have used oils for a long period of time and can spell out the differences between quality and cheap essential

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