...NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS AN ASSESSMENT OF THE SHIPBOARD TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INTEGRATED DAMAGE CONTROL TRAINING TECHNOLOGY (DDCTT) VERSION 3.0 by Stephen J. Coughlin March 1998 Thesis Co-Advisors: Bernard J. Ulozas Alice Crawford Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. PTIC QUALITY INSPECTED 6 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20S03. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 6. March 1998 Master's Thesis FUNDING NUMBERS TITLE AND SUBTITLE An Assessment of the Shipboard Training Effectiveness of the Integrated Damage Control Training Technology (IDCTT) Version 3.0 AUTHQR(S) Stephen J. Coughlin 7. 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED PERFORMING ORGANIZATION...
Words: 34538 - Pages: 139
...Final Report Endlessrise Inc., is a design and online marketing outsourcing company exclusively for resellers. It started out as an SEO reseller program provider and engaged many agencies and consultants to resell SEO. The company evolved and is now composed of design and online marketing professionals launching and running campaigns successfully for the resellers’ clients. The company is also known for world-class customer support. The business is built on the need for a dedicated, loyal and competent Internet marketing outsourcing partner that solely caters to frontend agencies and providers, and one which doesn’t compete for their clients. When the company did their research, amazingly, they couldn’t find one, and so the company built one. Endlessrise then came into existence. Endlessrise is the pioneer of this white label, private label SEO outsourcing and SEO reseller program business model and have expanded the packages to cover other online marketing and design services. The company is very passionate and committed and they have maintained the leadership in this industry. Endlessrise exist to service only you, and to see you reach higher levels of success. Endlessrise is principally owned by Paul Stinemetz and Lee Ann Roman, known and respected in the industry today as two of the highest level marketing consultants in the world. But this was not the case when they first started out. Most would say that all odds were against them given their unique and unrelated backgrounds...
Words: 1885 - Pages: 8
...TEMPURA is synonymous to “Japanese”. When one talks of Japanese dining, one thinks of Tempura. Despite other Japanese classics, Tempura remains popular, the most common remembered dish from Japan. The brand name Tempura Japanese Grill was primarily considered due to the popularity of the name “Tempura” in the Philippines. “Tempura” connotes authenticity and quality. Authenticity of every served dish… and Quality in bringing the best formulation of Japanese dining culture. A restaurant with network of quality and variety of food selection and special offers. The concept is based on one simple premise. Tempura Japanese Grill is born out of passion for great food, best service and pocket-friendly price. It is a casual dining restaurant that brings its diners to an exciting revolution in Japanese dining. Tempura Japanese Grill has an elaborate menu selection that encompasses traditional Japanese dishes and other foreign influences. Tempura Japanese Grill became a popular spot in a quite short a time due to the management’s initiative to infuse the unique dining culture in almost all aspect of the restaurant operations. Designed with a modern Zen concept, it is such a delight to see colorful and cushioned furniture all over the restaurant making it more attractive to its diners. It is also one of the very few restaurants to offer the YAKINIKU tables – it is a Japan-made equipment with grilling and built-in exhaust where one can actually cook meat and vegetables of their...
Words: 286 - Pages: 2
...best kept gastronomic secret. This open-aired fine-dining restaurant started serving Tarlaqueños with their Sicilian-inspired cuisines two years ago. The kitchen crew is orchestrated by Chef James, the very hands-on restaurant owner, who whips a fusion of Italian dishes mixed with Western and Asian flavors. There is a degree of intimidation when ordinary people like me hear the word fine dining. It often connotes business suits and multi-set dinner courses with different cubiertos for each; complicated eating rituals and decorum only understood by the rich. But all of this cannot be more untrue with Primadeli Ristorante. Here, the atmosphere is so relaxed you can even eat with just your slippers, shorts and shirts. A fine dining experience made for every Juan as they say. But enough talk, let’s get down to business and check out their offerings. - See more at: http://www.lakadpilipinas.com/2014/04/primadeli-ristorante-tarlac-review.html#sthash.qwODEmLW.dpuf can do away with the pastas and the spring rolls; but my favorites include the shiitake soup, the caesar salad and the beef nacho grande. The ribs are highly recommended for those who love that kind of dish, but I’m more of a steak person. My top pick would be their goat rendang. I’ve tried a few rendangs before in Marawi City, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, but I’ve never had one made from goat. It was surprisingly tender and didn’t have that cloying goaty taste associated with this kind of meat. I have nothing...
Words: 841 - Pages: 4
...[pic] OJT/PRACTICUM DAILY TIMESHEET |Name of Trainee: |Hotel/Restaurant Name: | |Course/Program: |On-site Supervisor: | |Contact Number: |Office Number/s: | |Email address: | | |DATE |TIME-IN |TIME-OUT |NO OF HOURS | | | | |(Break time not included) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
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...something beyond human. After his tape ran out Garson Poole felt an intense rush of emotion and feeling simultaneously, a literal, real, physical synesthesia; Garson Poole felt human for the first time. The details he sees, hears, tastes, smells, and touches are significant because they are what finally cause Poole to feel human. The tape filtered Garson's senses: he had one type of touch, one type of hearing, one type of sight, etc; when the tape ran out, the filter was removed, and Garson was able to experience the contrast of an unfiltered world. His statement, "I am living, I have lived, I will never live," can be interpreted as an allusion to "veni, vidi, vici" through the use of asyndeton. The Narrator describes what is happening to Poole's actual mechanical body as if it had no person relying on it, as something that is simply replaceable. After Poole discovered that he was indeed not a human, his quest was to get rid of his reality tape in order to have the "opportunity to experience everything. Simultaneously. To know the universe and its entirety, to be momentarily in contact with all reality. Something that no human can do" (Dick 236). Once Poole did cut the tape, although he had up to 40 minutes to put it back together, he choose to delay long enough so that when he looked into his chest he saw it was too late for him and came to the realization that it was going to be over finally. Dick then uses extensive imagery and metaphor usage with phrases like "the silky texture...
Words: 1532 - Pages: 7
...contributions to the overall project and report. We are grateful to Status of Women Canada for funding this project and for the continued sponsorship of the Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres. We also thank the members of our Advisory Committee for pushing and challenging us throughout this project. We thank the women who facilitated focus groups and helped us contact the women in this study. Finally, this report would not be possible without the contributions of the women who told us about their experiences. © 2004 Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children ISBN# 0-9688655-3-4 1 “To understand violence, we have to examine both the personal experience and the terrain of that experience.” Dr. Yasmin Jiawani This report is built on the personal experiences of women who have experienced workplace harassment, but their stories are also about the “terrain” or the context of those experiences. In drawing out the commonalities of their experiences, we have begun to shed light on the terrain. We must transform the terrain if women are to have equality and safety in their workplaces. 2 We dedicate this report to Theresa Vince whose death in 1996 changed the views of many people in Ontario about sexual and workplace harassment. Her tragic and untimely death showed us that workplace harassment can no longer be easily dismissed as a trivial problem. Fundamentally, the goal of this report is to prevent any other woman from losing her ...
Words: 63386 - Pages: 254
...personnel I have mentored. I believe my motivation to work mostly unsupervised and the innovative ideas I have applied to GCSS-J and other programs has established a trustworthiness of my character to TEP for my own task or a current one already contracted by the company. 2. I want to continue in enhancing data accessing or mining applications for the GCSS-J program, as well as mentor others in applying the same application to their programs. Leadership: 1. Since the trust of the company’s leadership has seen fit to place me in areas of greater responsibility, I want to continue with working with peers and mentoring less experienced associates, so the company may optimize my experience. Teamwork is an essential element in TASC’s service to our government. 2. With my seasoned experience in testing protocols and the research requirements prior to fielding, my valuable knowledge would be appropriately used in leading a program or assigned more involvement in mentoring others in preparation for testing, requirements during the testing, and standards for compiling testing data. Development: 1. I would like to continue my development at TASC by submitting a bid for a government project. In so doing, I would research, coordinate, and conduct all phases required to meet the contracted project. Concurrently, if the task requires additional personnel, I want to develop an environment of responsibility while leading the task with the core competencies of leadership...
Words: 325 - Pages: 2
...The article “Why We Travel” by Pico Iyer talks about his views and opinions on why people travel to foreign places and what they expect to gain from their trips. He also mentioned a few of his past experiences and his feelings based on his travelling days. Based on this article, we conclude that travelling is not only moving elsewhere other than our homes and coming back the same person. It changes a person’s perception of life in either positive or negative ways. Through his personal travels, he has highlighted travelling makes him sees in a different point of view in most of the countries like in Paris, Mickey Rourke was still known as the greatest actor since Jerry Lewis. I’m in a full agreement in his statement of his definition of the joy travelling as people have to be open minded to enjoy ourselves. An example which would be meeting and understanding the local trends like I did when I was in Japan. Their trending faster than Malaysia when I was there. Besides that, he brought up that travelling is a way to reverse time to a small extent, and make a day last a year. I also strongly support this as families tend to cram a bunch of activities all in a day because no one in this world wants to “waste time” but wanting to make use of the little time they have away from home. I have also experienced travelling and wanting to accomplish all the plans in a day as I was in Italy for 2 months of vacation but unfortunately did not manage to visit all the...
Words: 408 - Pages: 2
...1. I can identify almost all type of variables that could affect performances reviewing the two interviews. The way the candidates describe their experience shows off that they have , even if in different views, a role perception about the job. Furthermore, opposite motivations and aptitude to the work are remarked through their expectancies and behavioral strategies. They present skill levels depending on their carrier’s path . I think organizational (defining only the area) and the environmental factors relating to the job are missing. 2. In my opinion, Dag Wicklo (DW) has a better perception of the work is going to do because of his previous experience in this field as employee and his love for selling and speak with people. Katharine Bryant (KB) knows the specific technical language but she never work as sales in this particular field and maybe she doesn’t know or remember what does it means to work as employee instead of being an owner. For J.P. Reynolds I think a good variable for perception could be the accuracy in the way candidates see the job with all the pro and cons, so being experienced in this particular field matters. Within motivations I can see again a remarkable will to make money from DW and but I could not for KB. She doesn’t feel stimulate to gain money and this could affect her performance as well. The company’s point of view on motivations has to be in line with maximization of the opportunities. DW seems more willing to try to exploit his balance...
Words: 601 - Pages: 3
...Hope.Live.Life.Love.Experience.Learn.Laugh.Cry.Smile.Hope.Live.Love.Experience.Learn.Laugh.Cry “Not Everything That Is Learned Is Contained In Books” By: Reem HachacheENG202 Fall 2013-2014Term Paper | “Learning is defined as a human adaptation process. It is a process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. The learning cycle theory begins with...
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...“Plato does not value experience enough” Discuss (10) Plato was a philosopher and mathematician born in Greece. If someone does not value something, it suggests they do not believe in its worth, importance or usefulness. To begin with, Plato was not an empiricist; someone who believes that knowledge is derived from the experience of their senses. This was due to the fact that Plato believed in A prior knowledge; knowledge gained before experience. Plato believed that when we were born, our immortal soul already gained some sort of knowledge which we are able to use in this world. Therefore Plato does not value experience enough due to his beliefs. Furthermore, Plato understood that the world in which we live is the World of Appearances, where the objects in this life are just poor copies of their true forms in the Realm of Forms. We are deceived by our senses because they limit us to how much knowledge someone can have. For example, there is only so much that we can see from our eyes, which therefore limits our knowledge. On the other hand, pain can argue against this. If you were to hit your head on something quite hard, you will feel pain and come to understand this the world we live in is real and not an “appearance”, and the experience we get here is the only experience that exists. This illustrates that Plato did not value experience enough because he thought that our senses deceived us. Similarly, Plato argued that everything in this world, the World of Appearances...
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...never experience writing to larn, not just to learn about a particular project but to learn about themselves, their values, their experiences, their environment. As teachers of composition, at some point in our careers we have undoubtedly experienced writing apprehension. We can understand why some develop an aversion to writing and would do almost anything to avoid it. WRITING APPREHENSION DEFINED the term as the tendency to experience high degrees of anxiety when asked to write, resulting in an approach-avoidance conflictive state which manifests itself in one’s behaviors, attitudes, and written products. Behaviors 1. They tend to select careers which they perceive to require little or no writing. 2. They tend to avoid courses and majors which require writing on a daily basis. 3. They write very little out of class. 4. They lack role models for writing at home, in school, and in the society at large. 5. They score lower on tests of verbal ability (SAT), reading comprehension, and standardized tests of writing ability used for college placement. 6. They do not necessarily lack motivation. Attitudes 1. Their self-concept is often lower, and they may lack self-confidence. 2. They report low success in prior experiences with school-related writing. 3. They have received negative teacher responses to prior writing attempts. 4. They are more apprehensive when writing personal narratives in which they must express personal feelings, beliefs, and experiences. 5...
Words: 494 - Pages: 2
...In coming of age one is often burdened with independence, motivation and the uncertainty of the future. In my opinion, having to undergo these changes while juggling the rigorous demands of college academic’s frequently leads to the wrong decisions. What separates me from all the other potential candidates is that I have the independence, motivation and experience from the real world to apply myself fully at Carnegie-Melon University. In my experience from manufacturing with National Petroleum Product Company (NPPC) to banking with Qatar National Bank (QNB), leading to auditing with one of the big four firms; KPMG, I have had a wealth of exposure to the business world. I have undergone job experiences such as an apprenticeship at NPPC, which introduced me to the responsibilities and work ethic required to succeed. An Internship at QNB Capital which gave me the platform to develop a professional persona and understand the nuances of the business world, and lastly a rigorous 12 hour daily internship at KPMG which has taught me the skills to work and think both independently and as a valuable member of a team. These experiences all complement the diverse skill set that shaped my personality. I have volunteered in red-cross sponsored charity events and organized my own events (American School of Doha Talent Show, Pakistan Flood Relief Red Cross Charity Fundraiser). I find that one very useful skill in my repertoire...
Words: 483 - Pages: 2
...association of wisdom with age seemed reasonable. So why did it happen, and is it a legitimate and better direction to look for answers for the world's problems? There are good reasons for this change to have occurred, for simply growing older does not automatically ensure increasing wisdom, and crucially, for the vast majority of ordinary people, both their cultural and knowledge deprivation via misinformation from those in control could, and indeed, often did ossify their ideas into ever more conservative, pessimistic and unimaginative ways of thinking. Indeed, the experiences of the majority are rarely of increasing opportunities and success, and much more frequently, of repeated retreats and even defeats of their aspirations. Indeed, their sources of information are quite consciously arranged to have this effect, whether it be in education, news, or even in their entertainment. And apart from such personal experiences, it has also mattered greatly how many and how deep were the political defeats endured by working people throughout their lives. Sadly, events like the General Strike defeat of 1929 undermined the political confidence in a whole generation. Old age was directed into disillusionment, privileged service or even quiescence. By the time of my own first consciousness of the world (in the 1940s) my working class parents were (as I only discovered later) stuffed full of incorrect...
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