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Okonkwo Exile

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As we read more into Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart” we leant that Okonkwo has been exile from his village and it is having a negative impact on him. To begin, from the moment we were introduced to Okonkwo, it’s told that he’s a powerful and well-motivated man, who’s worked hard to reach the current position he has acquired. When he was younger his family was underprivileged and his dad Okoye was seen as a borrower with no interest to reimburse things he had he borrow. Okonkwo considered this to be failure, “even as a little boy he had resented his father’s failure and weakness….”and he sees his father as one; therefore he’s always been motived to be the complete opposite. However, being exiled from his village has turned Okonkwo in a broken man. …show more content…
Although he work to plant a new farm Okonkwo’s life is not jubilant any more. “His life had been ruled by a great passion- to become one of the lords of the clan. That had been his life- spring. And he had all but achieved it. Then everything had been broken.”(131). In addition, to losing motivation, he also showed what I consider weakness. In the culture which Okonkwo lives, the theme throughout the book shows there’s a tradition of spiritual sacrifice and praying to their ancestors in good and bad times something which he Okonkwo adores. However, as the times become somewhat difficult, he starts to resent principles that he has lived by for a majority of his life. “ A man could not rise beyond the destiny of his chi. The saying of elders was not true-that if a man said yeah his chi also affirmed. Here was a man whose chi said nay despite his own affirmation.” I judge that it’s a sign of weakness from Okonkwo because he has always taught his children to respect these same principles and also he practiced them when things were going the way he wanted them

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