Premium Essay

Old and Modern Telephones


Submitted By zwatj
Words 928
Pages 4
Research Paper for the
Technology and Livelihood Education II

Early telephones were technically diverse. Some used a liquid transmitter, some had a metal diaphragm that induced current in an electromagnet wound around a permanent magnet, and some were "dynamic" - their diaphragm vibrated a coil of wire in the field of a permanent magnet or the coil vibrated the diaphragm. The dynamic kind survived in small numbers through the 20th century in military and maritime applications where its ability to create its own electrical power was crucial. The Edison patents kept the Bell monopoly viable into the 20th century, by which time the network was more important than the instrument.
Early telephones were locally powered, using either a dynamic transmitter or by the powering of a transmitter with a local battery. One of the jobs of outside plant personnel was to visit each telephone periodically to inspect the battery. During the 20th century, "common battery" operation came to dominate, powered by "talk battery" from the telephone exchange over the same wires that carried the voice signals.
By the end of 2009, there were a total of nearly 6 billion mobile and fixed-line subscribers worldwide. This included 1.26 billion fixed-line subscribers and 4.6 billion mobile subscribers.
In some countries, many telephone operating companies (commonly abbreviated to telco in American English) are in competition to provide telephone services. The above Main article lists only facilities based providers and not companies which lease services from facilities based providers in order to serve their customers.

 To compare the comparison between old and modern telephones.
 To determine their advantages and disadvantages.


It was not too

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