Oliver's Evolution By John Updike: A Literary Analysis
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Every childhood can be viewed in a positive or negative way. What is one way a writer can make a story interesting to read? Some authors choose to create a strong connection between the reader and a character in order for the reader to be invested into the story. Every one of my favorite stories that I have read are all easily relatable. A story that relates best to me through the connection of characters is “Oliver’s Evolution” written by John Updike. Oliver and I both went through struggles when we were younger such as having parental issues and having poor characteristics. Having all of these qualities can destroy or make someone into a new individual. These struggles morph him from a neglected, problematic young boy to a determined, responsible…show more content… When Oliver was younger, his life began in shambles. Throughout his years, he created some bad characteristics about himself. “Oliver broke his arm down the frat stairs,” (757). Oliver is just flat out clumsy, and so am I. When I was in 7th grade CVSA soccer, a girl was showing off to our team her gymnastic skills. So, one day I decided that if a girl can do a cart wheel, so can I. With the arrogant and clumsy mindset I have, I went to do a cartwheel and my arms gave out, causing my collar bone to shatter. Just last year, on spirit day in high school, I was running down the stairs and slipped on the second from the top stair, all the way down to the last…show more content… Oliver met “Alicia, the girl was accident-prone as he” (758). Updike tried to portray the message to his readers that no matter what type of situation you are in, there is always a person who has it worse than you. I connected with Oliver and Updikes message because when I put the family distress on my shoulders, I looked at the people around school and noticed I wasn’t the only one. Many kids my parents that were divorced, or a parent that isn’t even involved in the children’s lives. I never realized that one of my friends from elementary school never had his mother in the picture. She left him and his sister when they were infants and he is still surviving. Sometimes it’s interesting to stop and look at your surroundings. Many times in life people focus on the small unimportant factors in their lives and take for granted for what they already have. “You should see him now, with their two children, a fair little girl and a dark headed boy” (758). Updike decided to add a happy ending to Oliver. Though it hasn’t happened yet, I hope one day I can be married with a partner who I love immensely and have a child or two. Updike wrote another hidden message that means whatever awful situation an individual is in, there is always a brighter future that