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Olivette: A Short Story

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“Hurry up, Olivette!”
“Shut up Rowena, I’m going as fast as I can. It’s not like they’re already here!”
Rowena ran to the shadows of the half-shattered window and peered around the corner. The mob was just gathering outside. They had brought pitchforks and torches, like that would be any help against them. She was just about to yell at Olivette when she saw them. Three witches and the demons they get their power from were amongst the bloodthirsty crowd.
“Those bloody snitches! Do you see that Olivette? The bloody traitors? Well, now we know how they bloody found us! They aren’t even in alliance to the bloody Grand Coven! They’re bloody demon powered! They can’t even conjure their own bloody power!”
“Rowena, do you even know another word besides …show more content…
The hut didn’t have much in the way of furniture, a small table and chairs in one room, a couch, and a bed in the other room, but it was alive with rats. Rowena and Olivette seemed not to notice. They had just escaped a witch burning. Many witches have done that before, but to their knowledge they were the only ones to escape when the entire army was there.
They were sure they were dead, but something happened. Something so strange, so unusual that they were sure the other witches would think they were crazy. They still thought they were crazy even though they witnessed it. Someone, had saved them.
Olivette started muttering to herself, something about Rowena and her idiotic ego. Nothing happened for a few minutes as the rest of the mob gathered outside of the hut. It was silence in it’s purest form now.
“Well we don’t have to hurry now, Rowena, it sounds like they …show more content…
A large barrier enveloped the two of them, just in time to shield them from the explosion. The flames doubled in size and then collapsed unto themselves. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Someone had stopped the explosion, someone powerful. There was only one witch that had that kind of power, and, since they had just broken the one rule that they had to follow, she couldn’t be too happy.
There was a loud clattering as the mob gathered again. That wasn’t good the spell still had a full minute before the barrier collapsed. The mob seemed to be excited as if they had caught them, but there was no way they could’ve. There was a loud bang and they saw someone running towards them.
“Hey! Nasty crowd aren’t they? We better get out of here before they get over the spell!”
A guy in a long dark purple cloak had just walked, well ran, out of the hut. He had short spiky black hair with a red streak running through it. A long, matt black sword was strapped across his shoulder. He wore a smile even though he was obviously tired. But the strangest thing about him was his eyes. His left was lime green and his right was sapphire blue. The spell entrapping them was still active, he saw that and snapped his fingers. The barrier flickered and disappeared.
“How did you do that? Only the Grand witch can do that. Right, Rowena?”
“Yeah, that’s what they

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