...OM 2 Chapter 1: Goods, Services, and Operations Management Problems, Activities, and Discussions 1) Explain how operations management activities affect the customer experiences described in the anecdote at the beginning of this chapter. What “moments of truth” would a customer at Disney World encounter? Think about the total experience including lodging, food service, shopping, and transportation, as well as theme park attractions and operations. The anecdote of a Disney experience focuses on the role of goods, services, and processes in creating customer satisfaction. Students will have many great examples of their Disney or theme park experiences. Moments of truth might include (a) booking a Disney vacation and the associated service encounters with a call center and/or travel agency (b) parking at the Disney site and taking the shuttle, (c) asking Disney employees for directions, (d) waiting for a ride or attraction, (e) where to throw away trash (trash cans located at key points and about every 25 to 50 feet, (f) watching a Disney parade, and so on. Whatever the student describes make sure you lead them into a discussion of key lessons that focus on the role of OM such as (1) process design and customer flows, (2) service encounter design and Disney employee training, (3) integrating goods and services into a CBP, (4) the importance of service management skills, (5) how services differ from goods, (6) biztainment, and (7) a continuous improvement...
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...operations and institutions in American and worldwide business. Prerequisites: All lower division business core courses or instructor's consent; corequisite Management Science 361 A. Course Objectives This course covers part of the body of knowledge known as Principles of Management and/or Organization Theory as well as the essentials of Operations Management (OM). The emphasis is on understanding the role of the Operations Managers in manufacturing and service organizations. The objective will be to learn relevant theories, concepts and techniques relevant to the activities of an Operations Manager and also learn solving OM problems. Teaching method This is a lecture/discussion course. As this course covers two subject areas, there are many topics and sub-topics to address. To make optimal use of time, the instructor will set up a broad, but clear, framework to cover a topic or a series of related topics and explain the core concepts. The best use of this approach can be made by the student only if the student does the required reading, come prepared, ask questions and take part in discussions. Examples will be worked out when dealing with topics involving quantitative techniques and numerical work. Grading policy There will be 1. Two in class exams: Test 1 is worth 30 points, Test 2 is worth 70 points 2. Some in class exercises worth 60 points....
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...OM, Anderson, Fall 2014 1 Discussion Questions (Week 6) THE GOAL Chap 1 – 15 1. Do you perceive that the people at the Bearington plant were like most manufacturing people in most companies? 2. Do you feel that the Bearington plant has the right equipment and technology to do the job? 3. What is the “Goal”? How is it related to the three performance measurements: NP, ROI & CF? Why does Alex need another set of measurement: Throughput, Inventory, OE? 4. How is "productivity" defined traditionally? How does Jonah define "productivity"? 5. How does Jonah define "Throughput", "Inventory", and "Operating Expense"? How are these definitions different from traditional definitions? 6. Using the robots as an example, explain: (1) How the standard cost system defines "efficiency" (2) How high efficiency could lead to local optimum 7. What are those three questions that Jonah asked Alex about the productivity of the robots? 8. Using the analogy between the hiking and a manufacturing operation, explain the phenomena of “dependent events” and “statistical fluctuations”. Explain what a “balanced plant” is and explain why it would not work. 9. Using the dice game to explain the phenomena of “dependent events” and “statistical fluctuations”. Explain why a “balanced plant” would not work. 10. Explain another real-life example to describe the phenomena of “dependent events” and “statistical fluctuations”? 11. The hiking did not go very well first...
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...foundation subject on Operations Management (OM). It will provide students with an understanding of the strategies, processes, and analytics of OM for both manufacturing and service organizations. At the end of the course, students will have a fair understanding of how things should be done and the importance of these functions to the success of the firm. Learning Outcomes On completion of the subject all students will be able to: a. Analyze business situations and problems by applying conceptual frameworks drawn from OM; b. Apply basic OM theories and understand the operation of manufacturing and service processes; c. Identify and analyze the means by which value is created in goods and services and delivered to users. Subject Approach The teaching approach will be a combination of lectures, class discussions, and assignments on assigned topics and case analysis. Basic concepts and technical knowledge of OM will be covered in lectures. Cases and examples will be discussed in tutorials. Students will receive feedback within three weeks of the submission of their work. Textbook Jacobs, F.R., and Chase, R.B. (2014). Operations and Supply Chain Management, (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill, New York. Reference Stevenson, W.J., and Sum, C.C. (2014). Operations Management, (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill, Singapore. Assessment: |Quiz |10% |Short questions | ...
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...Queen’s University Belfast Queen’s University Management School. MGT2005 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Semester 2, 2012 “You don’t have to change. . . Survival is not mandatory.” (Professor William E. Deming) Course Co-ordinator: Dr Yu Xiong Introduction to Operations Management Operations Management (OM) is a functional field of management encompassing the design, operation and improvement of the processes and systems employed in the creation and delivery of an organisation's products and services. Essentially, operations management is concerned with explaining how factories and services work. Managing operations well requires both strategic and tactical skills and is critical to every type of organization, for it is only through effective and efficient utilization of resources that an organization can be successful in the long run. A few common threads pervade the material we cover in this course: First, decision making in operations is highly context dependent. Recognising this is half the battle in managing an operation. The variety of operational contexts obscures the link between particular operational decisions and overall firm profitability. Making this link transparent is essential to making better operational decisions. Variability exists in any operation, and this variability needs to be managed Integration, both across functional areas within a firm, and across firms in the value creation and delivery network, is crucial for superior firm performance...
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...De skriftlige eksamensgenrer i engelsk Stx A og Hf A Man skal skrive et essay på 900-1200 ord, som altid tager udgangspunkt i en tekst. Der er 2 opgaver at vælge imellem, en om en skønlitterær tekst og en om en sagprosatekst. Det skønlitterære essay Typisk formulering: ”Write an essay (900-1200) words in which you analyse and interpret [name of text] . A part of your essay must focus on…..” Form/struktur: Essayet skal opbygges med indledning, hoveddel og konklusion. Det skal være sammenhængende og skal ikke være punktopstillet. Indledning: Indledningen skal fange læserens opmærksomhed og give en ide om essayets fokus. Skriv noget generelt om hovedtemaet og afslut afsnittet med en direkte reference til teksten (”funnel opener”). Nogle gange kan man indlede sit essay med et citat, en udfordrende påstand eller en overraskende historie for at fange læserens opmærksomhed. Indledningen skal ikke være for lang, da essayets hoveddel er det vigtigste. Hoveddel: Indeholder din analyse og fortolkning af teksten. Det er ikke et krav, at man starter med et resumé, men man kan gøre det; hvis man vælger at gøre det, skal det være kort (6-8 linjer). Når man analyserer, slår man ned på nogle bestemte elementer i teksten, og det kan være en god ide at bruge en analysemodel med engelske analysebegreber. En analyseopgave kræver, at man selv udvælger, hvad der er interessant at analysere i teksten. En vigtig del af en analyse er derfor at vælge at fokusere på de elementer i teksten, der er interessante...
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...BSTR2020K - Innkjøp- og forsyningskjedeledelse INNLEDNING Kurset er en innføringskurs og tar for seg grunnleggende elementer innen logistikk og innkjøp sett fra et økonomisk og ledelse perspektiv. Fokusert er på betydningen av logistikk og innkjøp for en bedrift. Logistikk er et tillempet fag der den praktiske forståelsen og helheten er viktig. 1.LÆRINGSUTBYTTE Emnet skal bidra til at studenten oppnår følgende læringsutbytte: KUNNSKAP Kunnskap om hvorfor logistikk og forsyningskjeder er viktige (ofte avgjørende) faktorer for å øke bedriftenes konkurranseevne og lønnsomhet. Kunnskap om hvordan fagområdet handler om å få virksomhetens material- og varestrøm til å fungere på en kostnadseffektiv og kundetilpasset/serviceorientert måte. Kunnskap om viktigheten av å studere systemet som helhet, ikke bare de enkelte deler/ funksjoner samt praktiske og miljømessige tilnærminger. Kunnskap om grunnleggende oppgaver, metoder, praksis og utfordringer i innkjøps- og anskaffelsesprosessene, materialforsyningen, produksjon og lager, distribusjon og transport. FERDIGHETER Kunne utlede planer for virksomhetens anskaffelses- og logistikksystem for å øke virksomhetens konkurransedyktighet. Kunne utlede og gjennomføre logistikkanalyser og endringsprosjekter, herunder nøkkeltalls-beregninger, lagernivåer, kapitalbinding, ledetidsanalyser og analyser med segmentering og differensiert styring. Kunne bedømme hovedprinsippene i administrative oppgaver i innkjøpsarbeidet (tilbud, avtaler...
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...OM 367: Strategic Supply Chain Management Professor Stephen M. Gilbert Classroom: CBA 4.348 Class Meeting Time: TTH 12:30-2:00 Office: CBA 3.424 Phone: 471-9456 (O) e-mail: steve.gilbert@mccombs.utexas.edu Mail Box: Dept. of IROM, CBA 5.202 Fax: 471-3937 (O) Office Hrs: T-TH 10:30-11:30, and by appt. COURSE DESCRIPTION Supply Chain Management involves the flows of materials and information among all of the firms that contribute value to a product, from the source of raw materials to end customers. We will integrate issues from marketing (channels of distribution), logistics, and operations management to develop a broad understanding of a supply chain. By taking a strategic perspective, we will focus on relatively long term decisions involving the investment in productive resources, configuration of processes, product designs, and development of parterships with suppliers and channels of distribution. Although the development of analytical tools is not one of the primary objectives of the course, students should be comfortable with quantitative analysis. By the end of the course, you should have developed an appreciation for the major strategic issues trade-offs in supply chain management as well as the ability to use conceptual frameworks to make decisions. TEACHING/LEARNING METHODOLOGY The detailed course outline starting on page 6 lists, for every class session, the reading(s), case(s), assignment(s), and anything else of importance. Please read this outline carefully...
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...0830-0900 0905-1035 1105-1135 1140-1310 1435-1505 1510-1640 IE 1 ME 15 OM 16 MACS 15 * FMG 15 * FMG 16 BII 1 OM 17 BII 2 30-Mar Mon 31-Mar Tue 1-Apr Wed 2-Apr Thu 3-Apr Fri 4-Apr Sat ME 16 MACS 16 IE 2 * FMG-17 Joint 1. The soft copy of the weekly schedule is available on the main page of the LUMS website www.lums.edu.pk - Information For: Students\Schedules\MBA Schedule 2. Class timings may sometimes differ from the usual timetable. Please follow the timings given on the inner pages. 3. 4. * For course titles and instructors, please turn overleaf. FMG WAC is due on Sunday, April 05. Follow the timings given on the inner pages for FMG 15 & 16 and Friday, April 03. MBA CLASS OF 2016 SEMESTER II (S II) LIST OF COURSES BEING OFFERED Code Units Course Title Instructor BII FMG IE MACS ME OM 0.5 1 0.5 1 1 1 Business Integration and Innovation Financial Management Islamic Ethics Managerial Accounting and Control Systems Managerial Economics Operations Management Jamshed H Khan Syed Mubashir Ali Kamran Rashid Ayesha Bhatti / M Junaid Ashraf Tanveer Shehzad Hassan Rauf / Syed Zahoor Hassan SULEMAN DAWOOD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MBA PROGRAMME CLASS OF 2016, SECTION B AUDITORIUM A-104 SEMESTER II 2014-2015 (SII) Assignments for the week of March 30 to April 03, 2015 *************************************************************************** MONDAY, MARCH 30 0830 - 0900 0905 - 1035 Discussion Group: Operations Management OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT HASSAN RAUF Topic:...
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...organization or group | Role | rol | To meet a deadline | Een dealine halen | Meetings | Vergaderingen | To make sure | Er zeker van zijn | Informative | Leerzaam | Chairperson | Voorzitter | Facilitator | Someone who helps a person to find a solution to a problem | To play a role in | Een rol aannemen | To co-ordinate work | To organise all the different parts of work | To keep someone focused | Iemand gefocused houden | Corporate leaders | Bedrijfsleider | To establish rules | Regels vaststellen | Building block | Bouw steen | To set out to do something | Plannen om iets te gaan doen | Senior managers | Senior managers | Middle managers | Middel managers | On average | Gemiddeld | Productive | Produktief/ making or growing things in large quantities | High-performing companies | Goed presterende bedrijven | To rise | Stijgen | To drop | Laten vallen | To make something work | Om iets te laten werken | A waste of time | Tijdverspilling | To do everything you can | Alles eraan doen wat je kan | To run a meeting | Het leiden van een vergadering | A growing number of companies | Een stijgend aantal in bedrijven | To modestly claim | Bescheiden claimen ????? | To offer help |...
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...Discussion groups – novel study 1STF Competency aims from the curriculum: 1. forstå og bruke et bredt generelt ordforråd og et faglig ordforråd knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram 2. uttrykke seg på en nyansert og presis måte med god flyt og sammenheng, tilpasset formål og situasjon 3. innlede, holde i gang og avslutte samtaler og diskusjoner om allmenne emner og faglige emner knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram 4. bruke mønstre for uttale, intonasjon, ordbøying og varierte setningstyper i kommunikasjon 5. drøfte ulike typer engelskspråklige litterære tekster fra ulike deler av verden Specified competence based on aims: 1. Ability to use a general and field specific vocabulary. 2. Ability to communicate precisely and with relevance 3. Ability to start, continue, and end a discussion; ask relevant questions; comment on what has been said. 4. Ability to communicate with errors of pronunciation, intonation and grammar. 5. Ability to use basic literary terms correctly to analyse literary texts; ability to see similarities and differences between examples from different texts Criteria of achievement based on level of competence: Low competence 2 | Average competence 3-4 | High competence 5-6 | You have a basic and repetitive vocabulary. | Your vocabulary allows for some variation.There is substantial precision in what you communicate. | Your vocabulary is wide and allows for great variation and solid precision of communication...
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...Review and Discussion Questions What is the difference between OM and OR/MS? Between OM and IE? Operations management is the design, operation and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firms primary products and services. Operations research and management science is the application of quantitative methods to decision making in all fields. Operations managers use operations research in their decision making and deal with the same issues as Industrial Engineers. OR/MS is applied mathematics while IE is a discipline of engineering. What factors account for the resurgence of interest in OM today? * Effectively consolidating the operations resulting from mergers. * Developing flexible supply chains to enable mass customization of products and services * Managing global supplier, production, and distribution networks. * Increased commodization of suppliers * Achieving the service factory * Enhancing value-added services * Making efficient use of internet technology * Achieving good service from service firms. Can a factory be fast, dependable, and flexible; produce high quality products and still provide poor customer service from a customer’s perspective? Yes, although the company may be producing a fast, flexible high quality product the factory from the customer’s perspective can still provide poor customer service because they are not meeting the customers’ demands or the customers’ demands are not driving strategy development...
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...Operations Management (OM) and Operations Research (OR) with respect to their use within the organization’s decision-making structure. In addition, the difference in the tools and techniques of the two fields is addressed. The question is raised as to how distinct the two academic fields have become in light of the application of their models to the service industry. Suggestions are made regarding the possibility of incorporating OM/OR models and their output into the decision making structure of the organization towards the goal of “system optimization”. ORIGINS OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH A comparison of the origins of operations management and operations research reveals that both are an innovation of the 20th century. The origin of operations research was in England, circa 1937, and has its roots in scientific management, with its first significant applications to military operations in both World War I and World War II. Operations management had its origins in the early factory system, and was more associated with physical production in a factory environment and it too was strongly influenced by the scientific method. (Chase, Aquilano and Jacobs, 2001). Operations management however, by way of distinction, is more commonly applied to the management of organizational resources in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency and has equal application in the service sector as well as the manufacturing sector. Both OR and OM are mathematically oriented...
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...US E RE VI PR EW O P ON E R LY T Y ± N OF OT C E NG FO A R GE SA LE LEA OR R N CL ING AS SR O Northern Forest Products OM Case 90 Cost of Capital Directed FO R Northern Forest Products (NFP) was established in the 1800s to log timber in the Great North Woods. In response to changing conditions, the company underwent radical changes in the way it operates and currently it is a large multidivisional corporation. The major focus of the company remains managing over one million acres of timber production and overseeing the manufacture of consumer paper products from pulp derived from its land holdings. Over the years the company has diversified into several other related businesses, such as a moderately sized mill that produces paneling and wood flooring. This operation has developed a consistent outlet for all of its output and therefore is stable. The company is also involved in real estate as a result of developing some of the prime lake front properties from its forestlands for residential and private recreational use. Successful property development during the 1970s resulted in expanded real estate holdings. However, residential development was particularly hard hit during a recent economic downturn, and the company struggles in this area. NFP is aware of the increasing international demand for wood products and is concerned about recent environmental pressures concerning logging. The company believes that diversification strengthens...
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...US E RE VI PR EW O P ON E R LY T Y ± N OF OT C E NG FO A R GE SA LE LEA OR R N CL ING AS SR O Northern Forest Products OM Case 90 Cost of Capital Directed FO R Northern Forest Products (NFP) was established in the 1800s to log timber in the Great North Woods. In response to changing conditions, the company underwent radical changes in the way it operates and currently it is a large multidivisional corporation. The major focus of the company remains managing over one million acres of timber production and overseeing the manufacture of consumer paper products from pulp derived from its land holdings. Over the years the company has diversified into several other related businesses, such as a moderately sized mill that produces paneling and wood flooring. This operation has developed a consistent outlet for all of its output and therefore is stable. The company is also involved in real estate as a result of developing some of the prime lake front properties from its forestlands for residential and private recreational use. Successful property development during the 1970s resulted in expanded real estate holdings. However, residential development was particularly hard hit during a recent economic downturn, and the company struggles in this area. NFP is aware of the increasing international demand for wood products and is concerned about recent environmental pressures concerning logging. The company believes that diversification strengthens...
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