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Omi So Up Research Paper

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The tradition of Omi Soup occurs annually on the night of Christmas Eve. The beef bone-based soup with a plethora of vegetables offers a filling warmth that creates memories that last a lifetime. The recipe’s official origin is unknown, but the last written record comes from an in-progress book of my family’s history written by my grandfather. The book mentions the soup when my ancestors were relocated into Austria from Gottschee. They decided to share the recipe as a family bond that would be passed down for generations, and to feed their large family a warm filling meal. My mother’s reaction when I asked her for an interview about “Omi Soup” was pure excitement. She loves to share the story and information of our family’s past. She talked …show more content…
The ingredients used in the soup were grown in their garden, and a beef bone would be purchased locally. The ability of the soup to be made by local, cheap, and hearty ingredients made the soups outside impact on society minimal. They did not need to purchase extravagant spices or ingredients, but instead used their own resources to create something that would keep them alive through a harsh time in Europe. However, today my family doesn’t grow our own ingredients, and most likely your common beef bone isn’t locally produced. Omi Soup now relies on food suppliers to create root vegetables, and large cattle farms to produce ingredients that used to be grown fifty feet from where you consumed it. My mother mentioned that, “We usually purchase the bones from local butcher shops to get the freshest and highest quality available.” My family’s attempt to purchase the highest quality of goods are an ode to my ancestors who wanted it that way. Purchasing these high quality, semi-local ingredients seems to defeat the core purpose of Omi Soup’s inexpensiveness, but it is the only way we can cook the soup today in its proper

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...E-­‐Book  TOEIC       Par TageMajor Sommaire I  -­‐  Les  temps  du  présent  et  l’impératif  .................................................................................  5   A  -­‐  Le  présent  simple  .........................................................................................................................................................  5   B  -­‐  Le  présent  continu  ou  présent  progressif  ou  be  –ing  ...................................................................................  6   C  -­‐  Le  present  perfect  .........................................................................................................................................................  7   D  -­‐    L’impératif  ......................................................................................................................................................................  8   II  -­‐  Les  temps  du  passé  ........................................................................................................  9   A  -­‐  Le  prétérit  ........................................................................................................................................................................  9   B  -­‐  Le  past  continuous   ...

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