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Vladek In Maus

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In Artie Spiegelman’s, Maus, Vladek undergoes the struggles of being a Jew during World War II. Throughout the novel, Vladek fears his future of his life, his family and friends, and the rest of the world, this changes his mindset to save everything he can, even if it means taking near impossible risks. In Chapter 5, The Jews were taken to Sosnowiec to work in German “shops”. Every day the Germans marched the Jews an hour and a have to work and in the night they march them back and count them and lock them in. In the “bunkers” they made in Srodula, which are places to hide, Vladek and the others were hidden from the Germans. The Germans came with dogs to smell the Jews out. Vladek and the others survive because they have such a good place,

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