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Melanie's Whales Watching Case Study

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Melanie’s Whale Watching > Orcas > Transient and Resident
Orcas are classified into two categories: resident and transient. The Resident Orcas frequent coastal waterways of British Columbia and Washington, living off a fish-based diet, which is primarily made up of Chinook salmon. These whales are a matriarchal multi-family group and are more vocal in comparison their Transient counterparts.
The Transient Whales, on the other hand, live in small groups, consisting of a single matriline (matriarchal family). Their home range is vaster than the Residents, ranging throughout the Eastern North Pacific, with infrequent visits to inland waters. They are much quieter than their Resident counterparts, allowing them to sneak up on their preys which …show more content…
For leagues, they traveled the waters and found no prey. The adults tried to find anything that could help stave off the pangs for a while, but nothing they found was substantial and not enough for the entire pod. This season had proven tiring as their prey were fewer in number, fewer than The Matriarch — The First Daughter — remembered. The Youngs — Little Guardian, Swift Tail, and Razorback — were the first to become listless, their pace grew sluggish.
Their mothers swam close beside them, distraught and rueful as watch their calves grew weaker and weaker. Shallow-Hunter, Berg-Tipper, and Current-Glider had weaned their Youngs off the milk half a season ago — with no milk and so little prey, they could not push past the hunger pangs.
As a result, the pod swam at a much slower pace. The Matriarch was torn between pushing her daughters and sons ahead to reach their feeding grounds or to keep going at this sedated pace to conserve what remaining energy they had left.
They broke through the surface, taking a much-needed breath of air before slinking back into the depths and propelling themselves …show more content…
The two other calves chirped their agreement. She looked from her grandchildren to her daughters.
We push on.
There! / Up ahead.
In the distance, Silver-Catcher spotted a shimmering silver cloud cleaving through the current. It was a large school of silver-darts, as large as The Matriarch could remember seeing as a youngling. Unaware of their presence, the school swam a distance away from the glimmering lights above, keeping out of the Long-beaks reaches. Relief seeped into their bones at the bountiful sight before them.
The pod broke through the surface, cresting through the white swells. They all took a deep breath. Shallow-Hunter and Berg-Tipper stayed close to the surface with the calves, while Current-Glider, Razortail, and Silver-Catcher slipped down into the deep blue.
School of silver-darts / must corral and herd them / force them into a bait ball / watch and learn Berg-Tipper advised the calves.
Without a word, The Matriarch surged forward into the fray of sliver-darts, leading the hunt by sending them into a state of

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