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Pilsen: A Cultural Analysis

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Chicago is a city where a person can come to see cultures from around the world without having to spend a significant amount of time and money traveling. It is one of the most diverse cities in the nation; a place where one could go to little India and Chinatown in the same day because they are just a train ride away. Many would argue that Chicago is not a melting pot, however, all the cultural diversity can be identified on different levels. In places such as Greektown, Little Italy, Chinatown, and Little Village,. one can notice the distinct cultural changes and differences each these neighborhoods have. For example, Pilsen is a beautiful place because the Mexican art can be seen as soon as you enter the town. There is also a sense of community …show more content…
The smells of the various dishes being prepared filled the air with a wonderful aroma, a warm smell that reminds you of home. People of all size and ages gather around in order to buy snacks that remind them of their motherland. These restaurants have signs that advertise how the style their food is cooked in order to show the authenticity of the Mexican style. This way they attract customers by saying it is made the same way as if it were cooked in Mexico. People from different parts of the the Chicagoland area travel all the way to Pilsen for some good, authentic, and cheap Mexican …show more content…
The National Museum of the Mexican Art has free admission to the public. This encourages people to enjoy the art and discover new things about their culture. Also the street designs and the way some sidewalks have the aztec calendar engraved on the floor represent the art of the town. A person walking around would not expect to see an Aztec calendar under their feet. The murals painted around the town represent various things such as unity, hard work, civil rights and an important historical figure. These works represent the values the community believes in. The historical figures and everyday people painted on the murals aren’t of white decent, they are colored people because these murals represent the Mexican community and gives people a way to related more with the art. People appreciate better when they can make a connection from their everyday life to the art. Even the graffiti that is seen to be vandalism is seen as art by many because it connects with their life. Needless to say, Pilsen, itself is art. It is its own museum by exhibiting different form of art throughout the

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