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Hegemonic Femininity And Gender Analysis

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The topic chosen to be explored the intersections of hegemonic femininity throughout the beauty standards, body modifications, the factors that weigh in their influence within the issue as well as the spectrum of how females are affected. Hegemonic femininity is more than what simply seen as feminine , it is a culture that exists basing itself on how gender should be performed by a woman throughout a standard set by males in society.Hegemonic femininity can be defined as upholding the ideal standard of ultimate femininity held throughout body modification and subordination. It is the standard that abides the preferences of men that restrict women on how they should feel, act, and additionally, how they need to look ; all to be considered a woman. Even if someone who was not born a woman, but desires to become one has to follow the principles (Connell, n.d.). …show more content…
When there are claims that gender is performed it usually means that men and women have taken on a role or are acting in a way that he or she was taught (Ford, 2013). Reflecting on how role-playing is crucial to the gender that one is, and the gender that we present to the world, it is safe to say that individuals are influenced by gender subconsciously throughout the series of the multiple choices, events and interactions in life (Butler, 2013). It appears to be impossible for one to recall when the moment of reflection that brought about thinking of having a gender, or how to even fulfill a role (Butler, 2013). This could be accrued to the way society values the norm enough to carry it on to multiple generations with such high regard. Society rears each person to act, walk, speak and talk in ways that consolidate an impression of being a man or being a woman; giving the utmost

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