...to considering changing her own views. After examining and arguing for both sides, Steinbock’s final view on adultery is that, if there ceases to be love in the marriage or if the spouses both agree it is okay to see other people, it is okay and even morally acceptable. Overall, adultery is acceptable for Steinbock. Even though I may not agree with Steinbock on some things, I think her arguments and her logic behind her reasoning are very sound. However, like stated above, her views are not concrete and she has some exceptions and other points she makes as well. She thinks there are very good reasons why adultery is frowned upon and seriously immoral, because of promise breaking and deception, and that infidelity is intolerable and destructive in...
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...are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, the joining of two hearts. In this ceremony today we will witness the joining Melissa and Ilya in marriage. If there is anyone present here today, who has any reason why these two people should not be married…….I mean really, why did you come? Go home! Who gives this woman to this man? (Father of the BRIDE or Family member says) My family & Ido. Please Be Seated The bridal canopy, or chuppah, under which we are standing, is a multifaceted symbol. It creates a special and sacred space for this extraordinary moment in your lives. Your chuppah is open on all sides to symbolize the importance of the world that lies beyond your new home, how important your family and friends will be in your future and that your doors will always be open. Your parents surround you, for they are the true foundation upon which the structure of your lives rests. The fragilness of the chuppah is a reminder that you must both take great care to protect the integrity and strength of the holy union that you both have begun to build today. Surely, the only true anchor that you will now have will be holding on to each other, just as you are doing now. Yes, your chuppah represents a house full of promises and it is now filled with your joyous hopes and dreams! Family surrounds you and in a real sense also represents the generations of loving, hardworking, and dedicated ancestors that have brought you to this moment. There are those who...
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...Sunday Service (October 7, 2012) April Jade Bonoan How to Keep the Faith and Finish and Finish the Race. The Book of Hebrews is known for Its Hall of the Fame – the list is long in chapter 11 of the book of names of people of old who because of their faith made their way into God’s honor roll of the faithful. Reading the entire chapter, it made me wonder how they kept the faith. Today we are going to study the twelfth chapter of Hebrews. First thing we have to do is I. Have a Proper Start How we start determines how we end. Before we run the race, we have to let go of certain things. A lot Christians instead of having a proper start found themselves running yet stopping in the middle of the race. And once they stopped it was so hard to regain the track. Paul encourages his readers to lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily ensnares. To finish the race is another way of saying that we have kept the faith. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. “ – 2 Timothy 4:7 A. Dead Works - The weight that Paul was referring to here that we should lay aside, is not a sin. These are what we call the dead works. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:23 that all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial. These are things that we could live better without. Just like in a race, the athletes have a choice what kind of clothing they would wear, but if they wanted to win, they must choose the light fabric. There are certain...
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...the lead, whether you like it or not! Phantom : Menacing voice. Be warned! My anger when I am displeased is unmatched. Fulfill my request, or suffer the consequences! Act 3 Stage Player : Next up, the beautiful…Carlotta! Carlotta : Smiles, tries to sing. No sound comes out, looked shock. Others boo. Crashing sound sfx. Phantom : You have been warned, of what will happen if I am displeased. Act 4 Christine : Let go of me! Phantom : No, you must come with me. Christine : Why are you doing this to me? The accident, it was you?! Phantom : Without a doubt, yes. They displeased me. Christine : That does not explain why you brought me here to your cellar you call a home! Phantom : I wish to bring you here so I may keep you for only a few days. And make you fall in love with me. Christine : This is insane! I wont love you. Not now, not next time, NEVER! Phantom : I will make you. You WILL LOVE ME. Christine : What kind of man are you? Hiding behind a mask and forcing me to love you? Coward! Proceeds to knock off mask. Mask falls off. Christine : Gasp. Your face…it is…like a corpse. Phantom : Picks mask and puts it back on. I am afraid that with you knowing my secret, you can never leave. Christine : NOO, YOU CANT! Act 5...
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...And the whisper in the air says….. How real is the reality of the mere existence of love and its essence? The perspectives it follows differing from an age to another is funny when understood in the literal sense. Is the essence of love a mere butterfly in a teenage girl’s tummy or the heavy heartedness of the bride when he promises to keep her happy for the clichéd rest of their lives? A million different definitions still fails to facilitate a clear understanding of how it is to be in love? What are the promises made when in an illusion of being together, how are they made, why are they made? Why make a promise when you don’t know what it means or know how to keep one. It’s not a result of others I have seen or felt in my life till now, but it’s from who I am as a being and done things myself. It’s an experience I felt within myself, absolutely nobody to blame. I gave promises with a hope to keep them and never to damage them..But then eventually they were damaged and without the slightest of my conscious I, not just hurt the people I loved from my heart but hurt myself in the end. How did it happen when all I thought was everything is going the way it has to? Do things really go the way it has to..Is there really a way that has been said by the gods or the philosophers or whoever..?A way how things must and should go or is it just simple karma? If it is karma then why is there the existence of regret? When we were born, just entering into this wild world with the most innocent...
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...believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” it’s amazing that the only condition to getting this eternal life is simply believing in Jesus. Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:13 that “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise” now Paul here simply echoes what is written in John 3:16 that all one has to do is to believe in Jesus and thus have eternal life. Paul however also tells us how and at what point does God our Heavenly Father seals us and marks us as His children. Paul tells us that when we “believed” the gospel of our salvation and in Ephesians 1:5, he tells us that this is something that our Heavenly Father predestined “according to the riches of His grace” and if you read from verse 4 you see that the motive of this predestinated plan of salvation was love, something which is also revealed in John 3:16 and also John in his epistle wrote about if you read 1 John 3:1. The love in which God has showered upon us is something that one could go on and on about because his love is everlasting. Any ways back to the Life [Jesus]. John wrote very intimately about this Life which is Jesus, “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled…” he reveals to us how realistic and how tangible this Life is (although we cannot see this Life which is...
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...use personas, which may or may not be themselves. The main persona in Christopher Marlowe’s poem, “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” makes promises to the intended audience to stay by his side. In contrast, the main persona in Sir Walter Raleigh’s poem, “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd” appears to respond to that of Marlowe’s poem in a negative tone. Because of the nature of both poems, Marlowe’s poem has a masculine voice, whereas Raleigh’s poem has a feminine voice. The history of the poem and the way it was written can help decipher whether if the poem was a masculine tone or a feminine tone, or even the each way gender reacts to the idea of courting presently in comparison to how the poets interpreted courting. Both poems were published during the late 17th century and the early 18th century. A critical essay written by Sheri E. Metzger states that “the great Elizabethan lyric sequences typically begin by identifying the poet's mistress as the primary lyric audience” and this quote shows that during the Elizabethan time period many of the lyrics of poems written would refer their mistresses as the audience. Poems were a very popular way of courting members of the opposite sex. Both poems were a way for the poet to show their emotions to their lovers. Marlowe attempted to do this by expressing the many things he had to offer to his love in order for her to come by his side. They were not just things that an ordinary person would be able to offer, but it was something...
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...In this chapter, Thompson points out the tragedy in the Bible. He continued to talk about Jephthah’s daughter and how she was not considering a hero even though she sacrificed her life for her dad’s foolish vow. Jephthah vowed to sacrifice the first thing that comes greet him when he gets back from the war, and it turns out to be his daughter. Jephthah only has one child, but he is willing to keep his promise when he told this news to his daughter they mourned. Thompson also argue on the topic of why should we honor Jephthah and not his daughter? Even though Jephthah was the one that made that vow why does his daughter has to suffer for it? Although Jephthah, to some people, seems cruel and foolish (for making that vow), he still kept his promise...
Words: 374 - Pages: 2
...God had to bring us to a greater understanding of His Word. So whether we say Emunah is faith or faithfulness, it is all about holding steady, holding firm, holding on to what is true: the faithfulness of God, to His Word, to His promises. Emunah is a commitment to a promise: like the patriarchs and the prophets before us, we will live according to God’s principles, His commandments, His laws, trusting in God’s promises that is how we keep our Faith. Genesis 15:6 says, “Avraham believed God, and God credited to him as righteousness. This is also found in Romans 4:3 – For what saith the scripture? Avraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. The Hebrew word for aman is translated into the English word believed. Aman can mean believe, trust, or to have faith. Emunah is derived from aman. Emunah implies perseverance and commitment: because God commands and promises, we will trust and obey. Deuteronomy 32:4 says “He...
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...think Paul new the gifts God gave him, and new it was his dutie to apply it to his service to God and his people. The first thing Paul told the people is follow after charity, and desire spiritual gift, but rather that you prophesy. Charity here would mean CHARITY, n. 1. In a general sense, love, benevolence, good will; that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow men to think favorably of their fellow men, and to do them good. In a theological sense, it includes supreme love to God, and universal good will to men. 1 Cor. 8. Col. 3. 1 Tim 1. The second key phrase is to desire spirtual gifts. I believe Paul made this statement because of the maganitude of the gifts to convict and empower one to live a rightious life before God, and to bestow love, good will, and kindness to fellow men that one may do kingdom building not tearing down. "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is God's way of empowering us to manifest his love to His Church and to cleanse us and make us Holy. We need therefore to acknowledge that love is necessary for the proper use of the Gifts - faith works by love (Gal. 5:6). L love edifies others (1 Cor. 8:1) As God has shown His love for you by giving you faith to believe in and trust in and cling to and rely on Jesus. Repent of anything...
Words: 1889 - Pages: 8
...attention and energy of (someone).Blurred - unable to see or be seen clearly. | | Step 3: Analyze Poetic Devices | Love deeper than the seaPowerful like a king | No one really knows how deep the ocean is so their love ran deep where there was no coming back from it. It was powerful and affected people in a way like a royal person does. | Step 4: Shifts | Sad, confused, remeniscing Goes back and forth from "you" and "me" | Sad that it happens but yet she wants to know the reason why he left and she remembers the promise ring he gave her | Step 5: Tone | Key words -Blues, heart, numb, cold, darkness, blurred | The words are a reference to feeling sad and alone. | Step 6: Theme | Heart broken | She gave him her heart and he played with with it. He left he all alone when she was all he knew. She wanys to know why he left and what was the real reason. | The Best Part of Me You took the best part of me Everything I knew was you It's hard to breathe Could you at least tell the truth? Was it me? Or was it really you? Never thought I'd be, Singing the blues there is a hollow hole Where my heart used to be So numb and cold and yet you took the best part of me Where are you? My sight is blurred by tears Thoughts consumed of you In the darkness with what my fears You took the best part of me I still have that promise ring Thought our love was deeper than the sea Or powerful like a king but yet you still took the best part of...
Words: 318 - Pages: 2
...the battlefield of the Thebes. Although the majority of the tale centers around Palamon, Arcite, and their love triangle with Emelye, their role in the tale seems to serve more being rivals in love. The unique characteristics of Palamon and Arcite contrast from Theseus, therefore, highlighting the specific qualities of Theseus; such as having great tolerance and morality, being the mediator of conflicts, and intelligent. In other words, Palamon and Arcite are both foils to Theseus. Before readers get to be introduced to Palamon and Arcite, Theseus has already shown some of his characteristics through his action of achieving justice for the side characters. The purpose of Palamon and Arcite’s existence later in the tale is to highlight and confirm these characteristics by being a foil to Theseus. In the beginning of the tale, there were tons of women on the street weeping for their unburied husband, who then begged Theseus to pity them and to help them. (Chaucer, pp. 27) Although this was a day of suffering for the women, it was also a joyful day for Theseus’s festival. “‘Who may you be that, at my coming, so /Perturb my festival with cries of woe?’” (27)...
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...story of the main character, Mary, her boyfriend, and their one shot to get out of their “town for losers.” Springsteen’s use of rhyme scheme, imagery, and personification, and simile among other elements add to the song’s theme of youths in love, restlessness, and willing to get to where they want to be. The song incorporates a very simple rhyme scheme of AA BB CC DD. Springsteen used this simple rhyme scheme to make the song sound young and simple. The simple rhyme scheme makes it as if the song is written by a young person who is not trying to be too complex and is just trying to get convey his point to Mary, the girl he is singing to. There is obvious meter to the song as well, as it follows a simple rhythm, which also accentuates the simplicity of the song as if it were written by a kid. Throughout the song, Springsteen repeats the phrase, “Oh thunder road, oh thunder road, oh thunder road.” The phrase could be used in a literal sense to describe where Mary and her boyfriend are driving, or even the road that they are using to escape from all of their problems. Thunder road is the place that they want to get. Springsteen writes, “Riding out tonight to case the promise land.” It is almost as if thunder road is their promise land, and if they don’t get to it, they will be trapped in the, “town for losers,” forever. During the second verse after the song, Springsteen sings about all the eerie sights, visions and dreams that are left over in their town. He personifies...
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...which she gives an account of her colorful life with five husbands. The tale continues the main question of women’s desire for sovereignty over men. A young Knight rapes a maiden while she was returning home. As a punishment for his heinous act he has to discover within a year what women most desire. The Knight was searching in the whole country in search of the answer. At the end he promises to grant a wish to an ugly old hag in return for the right answer. When he has given the answer in court and secured his liberty, the old hug jumps up and demands that he marries her. The Knight begs her to reconsider and wish for something else but the old hag stubbornly refuses. The Knight marries her secretly. At night as they lay in bed, the Knight keeps on turning restlessly. The old hag asks him if he would prefer her ugly and faithful or beautiful and faithless. The Knight allows her to decide. The old woman is delighted to have won ‘sovereignty’ over her husband and rewards him by becoming faithful and beautiful all the time. The Knight’s Tale describes how two kinsmen Arcite and Palamon fall in love with the same woman named Emily, whom they first see out of their prison window. Emily is the niece of King Theseus. Arcite gains his freedom but is banished from Athens. He comes back masked since he cannot bear to live away from Emily. In the meanwhile Palamon breaks out of prison and coincidentally meets Arcite in a forest grove. Here Theseus discovers them fighting a bloody duel...
Words: 1862 - Pages: 8
...Steinbock explains valid arguments for why we morally disapprove of adultery, but questions if adultery is wrong. Although adultery is not comparable to theft or murder it's illegal in some states, but rarely prosecuted because it is a private matter. Our view of adultery is shaped through our thoughts about love, marriage, and fidelity. Steinbock claims adultery breaks trust and creates deception, but also argues that open marriages have no deception since sexual fidelity is not promised. Steinbock agrees in some cases adultery can be morally acceptable. Essay 1 “What’s wrong with adultery?” by Bonnie Steinbock explores the immorality of adultery in a changing modern world. Steinbock agrees adultery violates trust and creates deception, but also validates open marriages as being an exception. Steinbock concludes you may accept or deny adultery and decide what is moral to you in your life. Morals are a set of...
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