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Online Data Analysis: Gun Control

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Online Data Analysis The topic my group chose was gun control. The questions we chose were: “Would you favor or oppose a law which would require a person to obtain a police permit before he or she could buy a gun?”, “How firm are you about your opinion on gun control?”, and “How important is the issue of gun control to society?”. We chose this topic because it is a hot topic in politics and it is an election year. Also we wanted to see how the school and random shooting have affected people’s views on gun control.
The question that presented on was, “Would you favor or oppose a law which would require a person to obtain a police permit before he or she could buy a gun?”. The variables I chose to analyze are party affiliation, gender, region, level of education, and race. For party affiliation, I predicted that Republican leaning individuals will be more against permits, while Democrat leaning individuals will be more in favor of gun permits. The next variable I chose was gender. I predicted that more females will be in favor of gun permits than males because for the most part, females identify with more liberal views. Then, I chose to focus on regions of the United States and I predicted that the North/East Coast would be more lenient towards having permits. …show more content…
Below I will include the graphs of each category I analyzed with the data below it.

For example, in the party affiliation category, the highest percentage (87%) of in favor of gun permits were “Strong Democrats”. Then, “Strong Republicans” had the highest opposed percentage with 30%. This data shows that there is a clear divide in both political parties. I also found interesting that “Not Strong Republican” had a higher favor percentage of gun permits than “Independents Near

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