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Online Learning Success


Submitted By BRayburn13
Words 492
Pages 2
In todays high pace environment more and more people are taking online classes. Many of these people jump right into taking classes with out learning how to be successful in the class. People become overwhelmed and many times failing their courses. In the article “Ten Simple Rules for Online Learning”, written by David B. Searls, explains how to be a successful online student.
This article covers many different important aspects on how to be a successful online learner. Some of the main points that Mr. Searls covers are quite simple and fairly common to all types of students. Others are more directly representative of online students. For instance, rule number two is to be selective. Residential students must be selective when choosing a school to attend, but online learners have to be extremely more selective while choosing an online school to attend. Online students need to be more selective because the type of online instruction is not the same as a traditional on campus instruction. Other rules that pertain more so to online learners are rules four, five, and six. These rules cover doing the readings, exercises, and assessments. All of these are need to be implemented more by online learners because they are more responsible for their own education. A residential student has the opportunity to experience first hand the subject taught to them compared to an online learner who does not experience face-to-face classes.
After reading this article I discovered many ways in which I can improve my online learning experience. I am new to online learning, so this has opened my eyes to how responsible I have to be for my education and the amount of work that I need to do to be successful. One rule that really stuck with me was rule number four, which was to do the readings. I struggled with trying to do assignments in which I did not complete the entire readings that

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