...Will online learning replace face to face teaching? In the past ten years, network has made a significant influence on our life. people can do anything they want when you stay at home with a computer. More and more people choose online shopping and online chat, things like that. The application of network is a challenge to traditional life. The same situation occurs in the aspect of the education. Online learning is a new way for people to get knowledge. Educators debate whether distance learning is better than face to face teaching. This essay will argue that online learning will replace face to face teaching because online learning gives students more flexibility and contains a great number of resource and better experiences. The first argument for online learning is that it give students greater flexibility. Online students can formulate their own schedule. Distance learners can learn as quickly or slowly as they want. They can formulate their own curriculum and set their own timetable. And regular e-mail correspondence with a tutor can be much more productive and rewarding than infrequent tutorials(The Guardian 2004). What is more, graduate students also can study while they are working. They can learn at home after work. OU pro-vice-chancellor, Professor Linda Jones(2003)says that Online links generally with the advantages of Open University study. It is very flexible for students to fit study around personal circumstances. Majority students can work full-time .In addition...
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...The University of Phoenix is an excellent choice for online learning. Students will develop strategies for successful distance learning, time management, and for managing the abundance of information available in today's society. Students also explore the appropriate use of information in an academic environment. Threaded discussions will help you communicate with other class members and your instructor throughout the duration of your class. You will be able to give you feedback on discussion questions and post your own questions. Your participation grade is an important aspect of asynchronous communication as it contributes to the overall learning and enjoyment of the class. You must post two substantive messages in the Main forum in 3 different days each week for a total of 6 posts per week. Technology can also make education more convenient. Having online access to entire research libraries on the Internet, being able to collaborate with professionals and colleagues through e-mail, and being able to view photographic or video case studies all help make learning meaningful and help learners make sense of what they study. When this happens, learning can be more enjoyable, if not easier. Distance learners are physically separated from their teachers; therefore, they have to be more self-directed to succeed than traditional learners. As a distance learner, you must be self-motivated to complete reading assignments without falling behind; a lot of your assignments are submitted...
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...Schedule: * All workshops are offered every week. * Workshops begin on Wednesday and end on Friday. * Students can register for a workshop until 11:59pm AZ time on Tuesday. Student Online Registration: * Students register for workshops on ecampus * Students click on "Program" then "Student Workshops" Local Workshop Availability * Most local campuses offer face to face workshops and all University of Phoenix and Axia students are welcome to attend. Please contact your local campus for a complete listing and schedule of available workshops. Titles and Descriptions * Basic Essay Writing -- This 3-day workshop introduces students to the concepts of basic essay writing. The workshop focuses on thesis statements, content organization, introductions and conclusions, and transitions. It helps students develop the competencies necessary for academic success. This workshop also reviews applicable University of Phoenix writing resources. * Learning Teams -- This three-day workshop introduces students to the Learning Team structure and requirements at University of Phoenix. The workshop focuses on the benefits of working in Learning Teams, effective organization and communication strategies in a Learning Team, and effective strategies for resolving conflict in a Learning Team. * Using the University Library -- This workshop is an introduction to using the University of Phoenix Library. The workshop focuses on orienting students with the University Library...
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...Online Learning Caitlin Mudd Liberty University Abstract Rough Draft Caitlin Mudd 8/8/2015 INFT 101 Online Learning When thinking about college, one usually things about a campus with cars, bikes, tons of people walking, but how often do people consider the fact that college can be taken purely online? When learning from a distance it is important that a student can self teach oneself. This is helpful when these students have good learning behaviors. Self-efficiency and technology play a major role on how one’s course grade will look at the end of the semester, but can this relationship predict the grade? This article is about an observation on how the relationship between technology, and self-efficiency effects the outcome of the course. Meaning how well does a student use the resources provided for them, are they efficient, and how this relationship will this affect their ending grade. It also takes into consideration how anxiety can play a role in the end. There is also believed to be a connection between characteristic and previous online leaning expiries. However these variables don’t consistently predict the studies performance (Wang). So in conclusion there is no precise way to predict an outcome at the end of one’s course, this is partially because so many people are different when it comes to their style of learning. The article really helped me a lot, it furthered my knowing about how to teach myself online... It also talks about...
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...What are the benefits of online learning? There are a lot of benefits of learning online, but two that I think are really important are flexibility and increase accountability. As an adult, life can be really busy and finding time to go to school can be really difficult. Having the advantage of taking online courses makes it so much easier. The first benefit I mentioned was flexibility. Now days, it’s hard to take the time out of your life to go to school or back to school, especially if you have a family and work a full time job. Online courses give you the benefit of earning your degree right from your home. It gives you the opportunity to learn and do your work whenever you can that week. The second benefit I mentioned was increase accountability. As I mentioned above, online courses make it easier to earn a degree right from home because it gives you the flexibility to do the work whenever you can that week. But what goes right along with that is accountability. If you are one that procrastinates and always pushing a deadline, then online classes might not work for you. But if you are one that wants help in that area, then this could be a good way to decrease your bad habit of procrastinating and increase a better habit of being accountable. When taking online courses, you have to stay on top of your weekly assignments and make sure that you don’t fall behind. You are the only one that can be accountable for the work because all your work is computer based...
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...Online learning (electronic- learning) is a term that encompasses all forms of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) or very specific types of TEL such as online or web-based learning. Nevertheless, the term does not have a universally accepted definition (Sadeq, 2003), and there are divides in the e-learning industry about whether a technology-enhanced system can be called e-learning if there is no set pedagogy as some argue e-learning is: "pedagogy empowered by digital technology". The term e-learning is ambiguous to those outside the e-learning industry, and even within its diverse disciplines it has different meanings to different people (Dublin, 2003). For instance in companies, it often refers to the strategies that use the company network to deliver training courses to employees and lately in most universities, e-learning is used to define a specific mode to attend a course or program of study where the students rarely or never meet face-to-face, nor access on campus educational facilities, because they study online. However, generally three forms of e-learning are available and are used in different institutions. These are namely, web-based training, supported online training and informal e-learning (Mason, 2002). Kaplan-Leiserson has developed this definition: E-learning: Covers a wide set of applications and processes, such as Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It includes the delivery of content via Internet...
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...Reflective essay Learning & Communicating Online ASSESSMENT 1b Written Response Learning & Communicating Online -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commencing my online studies this year and aiming to be a professional in the Marketing Industry, I have learnt that there are many skills and attributes I need to fulfil this role. In my search, one skill that appeared in all adverts for Marketing Professionals, was strong communication skills, verbal, written and computer. Being able to communicate in the Marketing industry is vital for my success as is, having strong analytical skills. As well as these requirements, the job advert that I discussed stated, that training would be provided in areas of advertising and promotions, all of which are skills I require in the Marketing Industry. ‘Social Intelligence, and Novel and Adapting Thinking’ (Institute for the Future, 2011) are also important skills to be considered. Having Social Intelligence allows us ‘to connect with others deeply and directly allowing us to gage their reactions’ whilst Novel and Adaptive Thinking encourage us to be ‘proficient at thinking and find solutions’, basically, thinking outside the box. Learning online has completely surpassed all my expectations in comparison to my previous methods of learning, one of which was an online course. My previous online learning experience was...
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...In today’s busy world, a new way of obtaining one’s college degree is available: online classes. The question now being asked by many is a question of how legitimate is a degree earned online versus a degree earned by physically attending classes. This writer, and also online class attendee, believes that an online degree is just as legitimate, if not more legitimate, than a degree earned by attending classes physically. To be a successful online student one must possess the technological ability, the discipline to set aside time for homework and study time, and the drive to be successful. Online degrees are demanding, not only do most online students attend full time, these same students are more likely to be working a full time job and raising a family. The amount of time that a student needs to be able to set aside per online class can vary. Most times, an instructor will advise his or her class to plan on at least 8 hours of time to study and complete the assigned homework. In a full week, there are 168 hours. If a student is working a full time job, they are already busy for 40 hours minimum during that time, leaving only 128 hours. Add on a family to that schedule and one must add at least another 40-60 hours, dropping one’s available time to 88-68 hours. Each class a student takes requires at least 8 hours of time. If a student is attending full time, they are taking a minimum of 3 classes that amounts to 24 hours. This student now has 64-44 hours left to...
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...demand of online degree programs has increased inpopularity. In fact, within the United States, 6.7 million students enrolled in at least one online course in fall 2011—an increase of more than 500,000 students compared to 2010. What is the big difference in online versus traditional education? “Each student learns differently and in today's era of increasing technology, the question will not be whether to offer classes online, but rather how to implement them,” says Allison Hiltz, a former online and traditional education student who writes for The Book Wheel Blog. There are several options when it comes to online or traditional education degrees. The platform offers everything from certificates and diplomas to more advanced degree options such as an associate or bachelor’s degree. With constant changes in technology from all different degree programs, let’s take a look at the advantages to an online versus traditional education and examine how each type of education impacts you as a student. The job market has become much more competitive in the last few years. As companies cut back on labor to stay in business, education has become extremely important for employees who want to be more competitive in their current positions or want to transition into a new career. The level of competition for good jobs has made obtaining a certification or degree an absolute necessity. More people are returning to school than ever before. Many are choosing to obtain degrees online while others...
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...INTRODUCTION 3 – 6 2.0 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ONLINE LEARNING AND TRADITIONAL CAMPUS -BASED CLASSES 7 – 9 3.0 STRATEGIES FOR ONLINE LEARNING SUCCESS 10 – 12 4.0 CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT LEARNERS 13 5.0 SUCCESSFUL ADULT LEARNERS AT IPD-OUM AWARDS CEREMONY 14 6.0 CONCLUSION 15 7.0 REFERENCE 16 1.0 INTRODUCTION Online learning has grown rapidly in the past few years in colleges requiring instructors to learn effective ways to build online communities of learners. There are barriers to avoid, as well as key components to include, when creating online learning environments. There are many technology options to choose from to deliver course material, but instructors must keep in mind the adult learners’ unique needs. Creating Online Learning Environments for Adults As our world embraces technology, the way instruction is delivered to students is evolving from face-to-face instruction to online formats. Creating effective interactive learning environments for adult online courses is important to the success of students. Online learning is a relatively new format for teaching, but as a growing field, it is important for educators to understand the best methods for creating learning environments with available technology. Technology can enhance or defeat the building of community learning environments. Social constructivists understand that learning takes place in a community setting, where instructors...
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...Learning English has become one of the necessity to face rapid changes in this globalization era. The desire to learn English is increasing and it resulted in increasing the number of courses for English, either online course or face to face course. Both types of learning require instruction from teacher, have the same purpose to give knowledge and make the students can speak English fluently and write properly in English. However, learning English online and learning English face to face, they differ from one to another in term of flexibility, convenience, time efficiency, and also cost. Traditional class is not flexible as it requires the students and teacher to attend a particular place at specific time. For instance, if students of traditional...
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...Understanding the Implications of Online Learning for Educational Productivity U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology Prepared by: Marianne Bakia Linda Shear Yukie Toyama Austin Lasseter Center for Technology in Learning SRI International January 2012 This report was prepared for the U.S. Department of Education under Contract number ED01-CO-0040 Task 0010 with SRI International. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education is intended or should be inferred. U.S. Department of Education Arne Duncan Secretary Office of Educational Technology Karen Cator Director January 2012 This report is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce this report in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the suggested citation is: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, Understanding the Implications of Online Learning for Educational Productivity, Washington, D.C., 2012. This report is available on the Department’s Web site at http://www.ed.gov/technology On request, this publication is available in alternate formats, such as Braille, large print, or computer diskette. For more information, please contact the Department’s Alternate Format Center at (202) 260-0852 or (202) 260-0818. Technical Contact: Bernadette Adams Senior Policy Analyst Office...
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...people are taking online classes. Many of these people jump right into taking classes with out learning how to be successful in the class. People become overwhelmed and many times failing their courses. In the article “Ten Simple Rules for Online Learning”, written by David B. Searls, explains how to be a successful online student. This article covers many different important aspects on how to be a successful online learner. Some of the main points that Mr. Searls covers are quite simple and fairly common to all types of students. Others are more directly representative of online students. For instance, rule number two is to be selective. Residential students must be selective when choosing a school to attend, but online learners have to be extremely more selective while choosing an online school to attend. Online students need to be more selective because the type of online instruction is not the same as a traditional on campus instruction. Other rules that pertain more so to online learners are rules four, five, and six. These rules cover doing the readings, exercises, and assessments. All of these are need to be implemented more by online learners because they are more responsible for their own education. A residential student has the opportunity to experience first hand the subject taught to them compared to an online learner who does not experience face-to-face classes. After reading this article I discovered many ways in which I can improve my online learning experience. I...
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...Benefits of Online Learning Often when thinking about higher education, typically a brick and mortar building comes to mind. When you attend a four-year school and obtain a degree, you will land a great job. This is what we have been told our whole lives. This viewpoint is changing with the increase of technology and use of the Internet is becoming widely available. There are numerous benefits to obtaining an education through online learning instead of attending lectures on campus. Online education is available to everyone due to the increase of technological accessibility. Through an online program you can obtain a degree, perhaps through an Ivy League school, for less than attending on campus classes. Finally, various studies have determined that learning in an online setting can be as effective as learning in a typical classroom setting. With online education becoming more widely accessible it is easier for non-traditional students to obtain or complete their educational goals. Johnson (2013) cites a study from Sloan Consortium which “found that 62.4 percent of the colleges in the study offered degrees that could be obtained entirely online, up from 32.5 percent ten years ago” (para. 10). This is creating hybrids and blended classes that still bring the experience of campus and online classes into one. As Ukpokodu (2008) in the Journal of Interactive Online Learning, states that “Program coordinators … are encouraging, in some cases, demanding that online programs and...
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...E-Learning was used for the first time in the professional settings in October 1999, during computer based training system seminar in Los Angeles. In addition to such terms as "online learning" and "virtual learning" which mean to provide the means to learn based on the advance technology utilization to get access to the online, interactive and in some cases, individualized training using the internet or other media to improve skills while the learning process is independent of time and place. Dr .Vlachopoulos define e-learning as “ an approach to teaching and learning, representing all or part of the educational model applied, that is based on the use of electronic media and devices as tools for improving access to training, communication and interaction which facilitates the adoption of new ways of understanding and developing...
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