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Operations Management Abstract


Submitted By jchavis9
Words 453
Pages 2
Firefighters do not try to sale customers, or patients, products, but instead offer their local community a service. The service is usually dangerous, or a customer’s life is in danger. In order for firefighters to offer a superior service they rely on training, effective tools/equipment, and an adequate number of firefighters on emergency scenes. Operations management can apply to every fire department, and help to make each department more successful. Material requirements planning (MRP) can help fire departments to develop incident action plans for any type of emergency they may face. A MRP can help a fire department be better prepared for emergencies by knowing what equipment they need, how much inventory they need, potential customers, and an estimate for the number of potential emergencies. The just-in-time approach will allow fire departments to overcome emergencies with a focus on effectiveness and a reduced inventory. The limited inventory with this approach will save fire department money by limiting storage and service fees. Implementing a maintenance program into a fire department’s training program will ensure the department has capable employees who can handle the frequent stressful situations they encounter. Firefighters are constantly seeking ways to improve themselves, and the operations management tools will help every firefighter become successful on emergency scenes.

Introduction: I will introduce how my fire department currently operates in relation to the three improvements techniques I will be implementing. I will discuss briefly the three improvement techniques, MRP, Just-in-time, and maintenance.

I. MRP in the fire department
A: What tools/techniques are needed and when
B: Materials and training needed to provide the service
C: What tools/resources are currently in the fire department
D: Potential emergencies the fire department will encounter
E: Response times
II. Just-in-time in the fire department
A: Doing more with less on emergency scenes
B: Replacing tools and equipment
C: How a reduced inventory will affect the department’s budget
III. Maintenance in the fire department
A: Monthly training
B: Maintenance of tools/equipment
I will discuss how the three improvement tools affected the fire department. I will validate my claim that the three improvements will make the fire department more efficient and successful.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an MRP system . (n.d) retrieved November 30, 2014, from Web Site:

Conrad, B The Advantages of Just-in-Time Inventory Systems . (n.d) retrieved November
30, 2014, from Web Site:

Heizer J. & Render B. (2014). Operations management (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

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