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Opportunity Cost Research Paper

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1. Give three examples of opportunity cost from your day-to-day life, and how you made your decision based on opportunity cost. Discuss whether or not these opportunity costs are same or different than monetary costs
Opportunity cost is defined as the value of the best alternative forgone in making any choice. These decisions are made are made almost on a daily basis in our live and I make these decisions on a day to day basis in my life. I must point out that these opportunity costs are not entirely monetary but affect other aspects of life as will be shown in the three examples.
The first example I will give involves decisions that I make almost on a continuous basis. I have on a number of times given up going seeing a movie to study in order to get a good grade. The opportunity cost is the cost of the movie and the enjoyment of seeing it.
The other example is that I have many a times decided to buy food for the kids instead of enjoying some moments with my friends over a beer, the opportunity cost is the enjoyment with friends.
The third and final example the decision I made yesterday to watch a soccer match instead of working on my assignment. The opportunity cost was my assignment.
2. Go to the internet and find a recent article that you find that is relevant for this section. Provide the link, and a summary of the article and discuss, in a …show more content…
Free trade would enable our country to specialise in copper products as it is our main raw material. Free trade will make add value to copper so that we don’t not have to export it in its raw form but export finished products. This will earn us foreign exchange and create jobs for our people. Free trade will also benefit our people as they will have access to quality products at reasonable prices as companies will

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