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Jack Caffery's Gone

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Jack Caffery; a name you’ll want to remember. Jack is a detective in the story GONE and thinks he knows what has happened, but he was wrong. In the beginning of the story there are two girls that are kidnapped, Rose Bradley and her daughter Martha. At first Jack and his team of detectives thought that it was just Rose that was in the car, but they went over the footage they had a gain and realized their was a little girl in the back as well. They person behind the kidnapping had a mask on but they do know that it is a guy. At this moment Jack had thought that this guy had made a mistake about stealing them and would eventually drop them off somewhere. Little did Jack know that he was wrong. In this journal I will be visualizing, evaluating, …show more content…
It was an ordinary day for Rose Bradley and her daughter Martha. They were out shopping; they went and got groceries and even went clothes shopping a little. They were having a fun mother and daughter day, but they didn’t know their life was going to change in a matter of a couple minutes. They walked out of the grocery store to their car and Martha got in and Rose was putting the bags in the car. Rose turned around and saw a man running right for her. He had a black leather mask on and dark clothes. He pushed her into the car and he got in the drivers seat and drove off. When he drove off he stepped on the gas very remiss for Rose in the back: “She recovered herself and raised her head just in time to see the car speed towards the exit” (Hayder 7). They were in a parking garage so you had to use a ticket to get out. The guy used Rose’s ticket to get out, so he got out very smoothly and didn’t have to seal with any …show more content…
Jack is in a house with his partner Turner and an agency manager and they are worried that a little boy in this house is in trouble. They are in this house to watch how the family treats him and how much they actually pay attention to him. It is obvious that if the parents know that they are being watched they are going to act well. They are going to show a lot of attention to their son: “We’ve got nothing to hide. And my son needs to go to bed now” (Hayder 212). Jack had a feeling before he came her that the parents are doing drugs but his feeling was correct: “He ignored the tobacco pouch sitting there like a bomb” (Hayder 213). As they were leaving they plodded out the house. They wanted to make sure that they had all the information they needed. So my prediction is that they are going to go back to the station and go through all the information that they have, and that they are going to find something that is not

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