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Oprah's War On Weight Analysis

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Hi Everyone,

There was a story on CNN yesterday about how Oprah’s has “publicly admitted” her recent weight gain. She did an interview for O magazine, saying “how did I let this happen again?”

My first thought was, is it really news when Oprah gains weight? After that I had a chuckle at the title of the piece, “Oprah’s War on Weight.” So we’ve gone from the ‘War On Terror’, to ‘War in the Middle East’ to a war on fat? I think CNN’s editorial people might be running out of ideas…their next piece will be something like ‘War on Unemployment’, or ‘War on the Economy’, just watch.

On a more serious note, that got me thinking, I mean, how incredibly brave she is. We’re talking about one of the most visible women in the world, and all she wants to do is disappear. Think you’ve got problems? …show more content…
“battle of the bulge”). I just think it’s time for a new paradigm, as MOST people are not exactly running toward a fight.

I’m sure many can relate to Oprah’s struggles with her weight, and there are good reasons for that. Misinformation is one of the biggest ones, in my opinion. But it’s also about having the right mindset. Instead of always fighting yourself, let’s talk about working with yourself, or living in your higher self, which simply means you care about yourself and help yourself by creating the conditions for you to feel, look, and perform at your best.

That’s what eating right and exercising are all

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