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Order Police Research Paper

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The ordinary men were all working lower and middle class middle aged men who had been drafted into the Order Police because they were considered too old to serve in the German army during World War II. The Order Police was originally created to be a large police formation with military training. During the war as the Germans began to lose many soldiers they decided to group units of men known as Freikorps. In 1919 men from the Freikorps were put into police formations alongside trained military members. Many of these men had no fighting experience because they originated from the Freikorps. Despite this they were all given guns to perform “tasks” to which they were given no instructions until they had to perform it. One of these tasks being to shoot Jews such as the shooting …show more content…
The Order Police hit its peak in 1938 because if you enlisted to become a part of a police army you were exempt from joining the German army; this appealed to many because there was more of a guarantee you would come home from the war. In 1941 the Order Police were used to help invade Russia. Different units of police armies were assigned to certain areas in which they helped perform The Final Solution. They were instructed to perform mass shootings in massive graves to eliminate Jews. The Order Police also assisted with the deportation of Jews. While these are the facts about the men in the Reserve Police Battalion 101 they really were just ordinary men. If the war had never taken place they would have simply been working lower and middle class middle aged men working at a job in their field of expertise. If you were to take away the title Order Police and all the experience that came along with the position these men would just be non-military German citizens. They would have not been anything but an ordinary man without Hitler and without the

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