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Slavery In North America Research Paper

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Slavery first began in North America, the colony of Jamestown, Virginia, lasting for two hundred and forty four years. ( Slavery first came about when the slave owners soon realized that they wanted to aid in the production of lucrative crops such as tobacco. Soon realizing that it would require a lot of time, work and effort the slaves soon began to board the ship to North America not knowing what they would be used for. In spite of slavery's lurid history and the harsh treatment of African Americans, the emergence of the Underground Railroad provided a way out of the misery, shining the light of hope in the darkness. Slavery really began to be practiced in the American colonies during the seventeenth century and the eighteenth century, these slaves brought over helped build the economic foundations of the nation. In nineteen seventy three the south had solidified the central importance of slavery by the cotton grind. Soon enough during the nineteenth century Americans westward expansion along with the growing abolition movement in the North provoked a debate …show more content…
Most of the work given depended on the size of the plantation. Most of the plantations had multitude of buildings like the homes of the masters family, overseer, and the slaves, as well as outbuildings, barns, and workshops. These large plantations isolated the slaves from the outside world. The work on the plantations was never ending for slaves. Depending on your sex you were worked different; for instance, if you were a male slave you were ordered to work on fields, pastures and gardens, overseers would ride around on horseback with whips to make sure there were no escapees or slacking off on their work. Female and kids were usually served as domestics, which would be tending to the masters family as cooks, servants, and housemaids, and were often starved whipped, and even

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