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Orders His Tomb At Saint Praxed's Church Analysis

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Words 776
Pages 4
Relationship or Religion
Valencia Brewer
Belhaven University

“The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed’s Church”, is a captivating read for the reason that it reveals the character of the Bishop at such a pivotal time in his life. The Bishop is knocking at death’s door, and all he can think about is an attractive monument. He tried to pull his sons/nephew into this dramatic thinking that if they built such a magnificent tomb, he would out due the already deceased Old Gandolf in the process revealing his true faith in God, his mental state and the lack of love for the things of God. The principles of the Catholic Church require a Bishop to be consecrated before being appointed the position. He was also sanctified for the service of God and the edifying of the people. Ultimately, his position is to oversee a God’s people and minister the word. Unfortunately, Bishop did not demonstrate these characteristics perhaps his faith in God was despairing as he failed to live his life serving God. The Bishop revealed his fears and lack of belief in his heart which led …show more content…
He failed to seek after those things that he was called to do and most importantly the things of God. The Bishop missed multiple opportunities to witness to his sons/nephew. First by making sure they had a relationship with the Lord Jesus. Secondly, they did not take for granted their salvation. Finally, he could have taught them to pursue of happiness by going after the things of God spiritually and not materially which can lead to an uncertain eternity. God is not worried about carnal things; he is concerned about the condition of the heart.” Blessed are the pure at heart, for they will see God (Matthew 5:8, NIV)”. All worthy things come from God, and He rejoices in all good things. He is the only and true source of joy, and when we put our trust in Him, we can experience joy in all our

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