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Genocide Of Rats In Paris

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This past week in global news a debate has broken out in Paris, France over the killing of rat infestations throughout the city, which sees nearly fifteen million tourists per year. The first source I used in analyzing the story was the BBC Global News Podcast from Saturday, the ninth of September. The second sources I used was an article featured in The Telegraph named “Parisians protest ‘genocide’ of rats as city battles rodent infestation” by author David Chazan. The BBC Global News Podcast began the discussion on the genocide of rats by specifying that the rats have taken over major tourist destinations in the city of Paris, France. The discussion continued by elaborating on the local Paris governments approach to remove the rodents …show more content…
This type of news is really never talked about in Global News today, which is usually consumed with United States politics, terrorism, or any number of wide-ranging global topics. Although not as big as other stories, this story is still really important when it comes to Global News, since Paris is one of the largest population centers in the world and a top tourist destination. The presence of rats so close to a massive population center is major news, since the likelihood of disease transmission is through the …show more content…
The article also elaborates that “the French capital is facing its worst crisis in decades” with the infestation of rats that pose the threat of disease and children possibly being bitten. The article even notes that fourteen million euros had been spent this year on what they call deratistation. Then the author David Chazan noted that some residents of Paris disagreed with the policy of genocide, which he stated is possibly influenced by the Disney movie Ratatouille about a rat named Remy. Chazan also stated that psychologist Josette Benchetrit has launched the petition against the genocide of rats because she feels that rats are being exterminated out of fear of the animal. The article also dived into the discussion for the genocide of rats, which many residents think needs to be increased. Some Parisians are even fed up with the European Union’s regulations against poison, since the current campaign has had little impact on the

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