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Organisational Theory - Organisational Culture


Submitted By iiamdada
Words 2020
Pages 9
In compliance with Hatch and Cunliffe (2013), Organizational Culture is often interlinked with norms, shared beliefs, values and knowledge among cultural members. It could also be considered as a distributed phenomenon where they unite and hold a collective identity. Besides agreeing on the same things, they have to depend on their differences by accommodating one another as well. A subculture is a group of employees within the organization that differentiates itself from the larger group based on either similarity or familiarity. Basing on similarity are shared professionals, ethnic, race, gender or occupational and familiarity are how they interact and by sharing a space in the same place. An alternative of subculture is the corporate subculture which represents the dominant top-level management and together with orthogonal and counterculture. While the former remained away from them, the latter would challenge the norms and expectations from the dominant culture. However, it is not entirely negative as it depends on how they utilise their influences.

Nonetheless, subculture may impede the body and restrict communication of the organization, an issue named silos. It implies the employees in the strong organization subcultures being uncooperative and will lead to unproductivity. In order for managers to change their organization culture, first of all, they need to understand what kind of culture their companies are currently adopting and in which direction they would want to lead them to. Essentially, with a strong culture, an organization could generate higher productivity produced by their employees (Wilson M, 2014). Therefore, the discussion will cover Modernism and Symbolic Interpretive out of the four perspectives in organizational theory and analyse how these two perspectives are able to incorporate into organizational culture.

According to Hatch and

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