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Organism Physiology Paper


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Organism Physiology
Monroe Handy
June 9, 2013
Shawn Flanagan

At the source of the tree of life lies a single- celled living thing, the 3.8 billion years old ancestor that gave rise to all of following life types. All living things are descendants of that ancestor and on the surface, it might not appear just like all living things are associated, however appearance may be misleading. A living thing regardless of how small or large has gone through modifications all through history. An organism development is significant to the existence of the types. As time alters so should the living thing. Without adjusting to these types of modifications the living thing won't exist and vanish. In this document it will be reviewed on the way the dolphin developed into the living thing that it's today to adjust to their surroundings. Dolphins have adapted their anatomic structures to survive in the water environment and so far, the behavior of their respiratory system during diving has not been fully understood, since they being protected species cannot be subjected to invasive analysis (“Experimental and computational biomechanical characterization of the tracheo-bronchial tree of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates) during diving,” 2011). .

It is important for every living organism to adapt to the altering eras in order to survive. Dolphins, at one time, may have been dependent on land. They are one of the most ingenious mammals whose friendly appearance fun- spirited approach has made them favored in the human nature. Scientist believes dolphins progressed from land to water because of the altering atmospheres of what was taking place millions of years ago. During this period, they became creatures of the sea to correspond with their habitats. They are known for their speed and pleasurable demeanor.
There are several factors several scientists think that they were land creatures. They have got lungs and should pop up for air when swimming in the sea while fish for example flounder, marlins, and salmon should constantly remain under water or they would expire. There are many ways in which the dolphin differs from their fish neighbors. For instance fish lay eggs while dolphins as they are mammals have live births. They are also warm blooded, breastfeed their young, and would have had hair at some stage in their life span. Dolphins save energy by swimming along with ships which is called bow-riding and reside in social sets of five to many hundreds. Scientists think that Dolphins utilize echolocation to locate prey and frequently search collectively by encircling a school of fish, capturing them and taking turns swimming in the school and capturing fish. It is assumed that Dolphins originated from the mesonychids, a creature which existed roughly fifty five million years back, however on the contrary, they do have got skeletal construction much like a person's hand and arm and also humorous, complete with a ball and socket joint. This has also led scientists to think that dolphins developed from terrestrial ancestors depending on DNA, Molecular, and genetic research.
Additionally studying the diagram of the dolphin they've got a blow hole that permits them to inhale once they emerge from the water for air. The blowhole is actually a specialized single nose which is situated on top of their head and Dolphins might clear and refill its lungs in under a fifth of a second. When they inhale, the air departs the blowhole at speeds of more than 100 miles per hour. Adjusting to life underwater the dolphin has got fantastic vision in and out of the sea. Whenever light passes from air to water, it modifies speed. They generate an optical impact or refraction which corrects their eyes for them to view clearly in all circumstances and their exclusively adjusted lens and corneas allows the dolphins to watch in and out of the water. While its forefathers had daylight to help them to see during the whole day the dolphin needed to adjust to seeing under water as well as in the darkness of the deep oceans.
As soon as they picked up the way to swim the dolphin needed to learn how to look for and accumulate food. Learning the way to find food is different in water compared to land. Where the Mesonychids had legs to keep down their victim the modern day dolphin needed to learn how to capture the food with the assistance of other dolphins making a “food ball” that swim surrounding the fish to make a sphere to enable them to capture them and consume the fish. Additionally studying the diagram particularly the teeth of the dolphin this needed to modify too. The forefathers of the dolphin might have big, sharp teeth when compared to the dolphin of these days which has smaller cone shaped teeth. A Dolphin has got a specific gastrointestinal system which is made up of 3 chambered abdomens, much like a cow leading further to its growth from a terrestrial ancestor. Dolphins don't chew up their food, but instead the milling of the meal is looked after with the first or forefront abdomen, the vast majority of digestion is handled in the primary or second abdomen chamber and the final part of the abdomen looks after the rest of their digestion before the materials emptying inside the abdominal area. The dolphin has got developed from a physical standpoint in the manner they interact. Dolphins interact with sounds or whistles to inform others the place there is food or if threat is hanging out. They also have got 2 kidneys exactly like all of mammals however they are more customized kidneys.
In conclusion, the modern day dolphin has grown to become well- adjusted to the modern life in the water. It has taken several millions of years to have what we currently understand the present day dolphin from the land creature of the past. Dolphins are among the most well liked animals, however apart from how lovely they are, Dolphins are in fact linked to whales as well as porpoises but are physically different from them. Dolphins are partially unconscious in contrast to human beings since they sleep with one eye open. This provides for knowledge of the existence of predators. A lot of scientists have spent quite a bit of time in the research of Dolphins and what will affect this species in the long run.

Experimental and computational biomechanical characterization of the trachea
Bronchial tree of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates) during diving. (2011, April). Journal of Biomechanics, 44(6), 1. Retrieved from

Dolphins Research Center. (2013). Retrieved from

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