...1. Anwar and Leah are concerned about protecting the funds in their estate after it is passed to their children. They have tried to structure their wills in as optimal a manner as possible, but their advisor has told them that once the children receive the funds, it is up to the children to take certain steps in order to protect the funds into the future. Explain some of the steps that their children (i.e. not Anwar or Leah) could do to help protect their inheritances. 5 MARKS (5 marks) Anwar and Leah, in order to protect the funds in your estate after it is passed onto your children David, Amal and Lisa. There are many steps we can take. However, it is not always possible to protect assets from claims by a former spouse or partner, especially since we are in a society where the statistics show that 50% of all marriages will end with a divorce. There are a few precautions your children can take to protect their inheritances. In David's instance since he is currently the only one married and without a marriage contract, if he wants all inheritances to remain exempt from his current spouse, he would need to discuss with his wife about setting up a marriage contract. This could be a difficult conversation to have and may put a strain on the relationship between David and his wife. She would have to agree on setting up a marriage contract and agree to the terms of being excluded from his inheritances from his parents. A marriage contract is a legal document that discloses all...
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...Investments. This report will specifically address, the IT infrastructure domains and how they are affected by our standards, they are seven IT infrastructure domain and these are they names (1) users domain (2) workstation domain (3) Lan domain (4) lan to wan domain (5) wan domain (6) remote access domain (7) system application domain. My focus in this report is to clearly identify the security risk that goes along with these domains and to identify some solutions also even to open the door for grate discussion to develop a better strategy to protect our company. Sir, Each domain requires proper security controls and must meet the A-I-C (Accountability, Integrity and Confidentiality) triad requirements. But at tins time I will only focus on three domains that are mostly affected by the “Internal Use Only” standard. Listed below are these three it infrastructure and what are the direct dealings within our company and a glimpse of their treat. 1. User Domain • The User Domain defines what data a person can and cannot have access to within an organizations information system. This domain enforces the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which defines what a user is allowed to do within an organization’s owned IT asset. It is the weakest link in an IT Infrastructure. Users must understand what motivates someone to compromise an organizations system. 2. Workstation domain • The Workstation Domain is where most users connect to the IT Infrastructure. Desktop computers...
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...Lab 2 and Assessment 2 Unit 2 Crystal McLey Kaplan University Lab 2 The three most common risk/threats/vulnerabilities that are commonly found in the user domain are: The “domain enterprise Server Management System (DESMS) in HP-UX allows local users to gain privileges” (CVE, 2013), If the domain user logs into the domain with a space at the end of the domain name it will cause an error and wont accurately download a system policy (CVE, 2013), and the domain user or admin have a guessable password in Windows NT (CVE, 2013). In the first article it discusses the use of USB devices in the workplace. USB’s are used for transporting data from one computer to another. These allow for business requirements to be reached at a faster pace but they also pose a number of security challenges. Those challenges may be “disgruntled workers, careless users and malicious individuals” (Couture, 2009, p. 6). Ways to migrate this issue is by gluing shut the ports, disable USB ports in BIOS, prevent users from installing a USB device by denying permission on files called usbstor.pnf and usbstor.inf, making USB ports read only, disable USB ports in Group Policy, or disable Autorun (Couture, 2009, p. 11). In the second article it discusses the vulnerabilities of the BIOS. The BIOS performs power up test amongst the hardware components and memory and without this program the computer wouldn’t know what to do after it was turned on. The BIOS can be accessed by the use of backdoor passwords...
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...any data transferred has to stay inside wherever the domains are. While there are seven IT infrastructure domains, there are only three that are actually affected by the “Internal Use Only” data standard. These domains are the user domain, workstation domain and the LAN domain. As with all infrastructures these domains have their own tasks and responsibilities. The user domain is the first layer of the IT infrastructure defense system. This domain is used to access systems, applications, data and more. You will also find the AUP or Acceptable Use Policy here. The AUP is a policy tells the user what they are and are not allowed to do with any organization-owned IT equipment. This domain is affected by the Internal Use Only standard because it is the first partition of the IT Infrastructure. After the user domain, we have the workstation domain. This domain is used to configure hardware and hardening systems. Hardening systems is the process of ensuring that controls are in place to handle any known threats. This process is done by ensuring that the infrastructure has all the latest software revisions, security patches, and systems configurations. But these aren’t the only things that go on in the domain, this is also where the antivirus files are verified. While you would think that this would be a good place this domain needs additional layers of defense because multiple users can access the workstation domain. A way this can be done is by implementing workstation...
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...sales growth. For that, Mr. Ramsey decides to push Briggs to resign. This culture is not effective in this company. Clan Culture is the least describes the senior management culture. Clan Culture focus on the involvement and participation of employees. However, because Mr. Ramsey publishes anyone who against his view, employees do not share their opinion freely. Moreover, Clan Culture needs leader to take care of employees. However, Mr Ramsey keeps humiliating Briggs in the public and hopes Briggs to resign. It causes Briggs’ death in the end of movie. Therefore, Clan Culture is the least describes the senior management culture. Dominant Values, Beliefs, Behaviors and Assumptions: In Organizational culture, domain value is very important. In Ramsey Company, although Briggs believes that the good will about taking care of employees is the most important, Mr. Ramsey does no think of that. Mr. Ramsey says that, Briggs’ view is also his father’s view. However, this view is out of date. As the leader of company, Mr. Ramsey believes that they should take sales growth as the dominant values. He says that, “the business cannot be run by ‘thank you’” and “this company belongs to us only because we can keep producing”. It makes sense. Because if they cannot make profit, they will no be able to take care of those employees. Moreover, because the recent external environment,...
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...Virtual Organization E-Business: Riordan Manufacturing BUS415 Virtual Organization E-Business: Riordan Manufacturing A global plastics manufacturer, Riordan Manufacturing employs over 500 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. Riordan Industries, Riordan Manufacturing’s parent company is a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of $1 billion. Riordan's major clientele include automotive parts manufacturers, aircraft manufacturers, the Department of Defense, beverage makers and bottlers, and appliance manufacturers (Apollo Group, Inc., 2005). With manufacturing plants in Albany, Georgia, Pontiac, Michigan, and Hangzhou, China, Riordan’s e-business plays a vital role in continued growth. “E-business involves business processes spanning the entire value chain: electronic purchasing and supply chain management, processing orders electronically, handling customer service, and cooperation with business partners” (Wikipedia, n.d.). E-Business is taking new forms and enabling new business practices that may bring numerous risks. Protection of intellectual property is a major concern, but so are the value of contracts, domain names, and handling legal issues in a multinational environment. “Intellectual property rights, such as patents, copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, and domain names are very valuable business assets. Federal and state laws protect intellectual property rights from misappropriation and infringement” (Cheeseman,...
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...about data communicated through Web pages. It is used to convey the meaning or content of the data. 4. Each Web page has its own URL, which contains the IP address or domain name of the site. Because the domain name must be unique, when an owner of a Web site reserves a domain name to be associated with an IP address, no other site can be associated with that domain name. 5. File Transfer Protocol 6. Instant messaging is real-time chat. It is used to form synchronized email, chat rooms and allows customers to chat with sales or support reps. Many online retailers post a special button on their Web pages that lets shoppers establish real-time communication with a sales representative. The instant access fosters more personal service and saves telephone costs. 7. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a family of XML file formats that allows automatic downloads of content such as news, sports, or other information of particular interest to users. This software is especially useful for news Web sites and sites that host blogs and podcats. 8. A blog is a Web page that invites surfers to post opinions and artistic work as well as links to sites of interest. Blogs are often used by businesses. The importance of blogs commercial organizations is to find out what blog participants think and say about the organization. 9. Podcast is publishing sound and video on the Web for download usually on a subscription basis. Unlike radio...
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...What a cybersquatting! Ford wins back its domain Cybersquatting trend is growth with each year. Matthew Lasar, 2010 was a bumper year for cybersquatting cases, Arshtechnica, April 5, 2011, referred to the jump “of 28% over 2009 and 16% more than 2008, which was itself a record year”[i]. Meanwhile, the companies in the U.S. have an effective tool to prevent the misuse of their trademarks in another’s domain: Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, 15 U.S.C.A. 1125(d) (Supp. 2000), or the “ACPA”. Effective as of November 29, 1999, ACPA “was intended to prevent ‘cybersquatting’, an expression that has come to mean the bad faith, with the intent to profit from the goodwill associated with those trademarks”, Shields v. Zuccarini, 254 F3rd 476 (3rd Cir.2001). The ACPA renders one liable to the owner of a brand who, in desire to gain money from a registered mark registers, traffics in or uses a domain name identical or similar to a distinctive mark or a registered mark. The ACPA applies to all domain names, regardless of whether registered before or after its enactment, however, actual and statutory damages are unavailable for violations prior its enactment. In brief, if you establish these elements – registering, trafficking in and using a mark identical or confusingly similar to a distinctive or a famous mark with a bad faith intent to profit therefrom – you can use ACPA to prevent misuse of your brand in another’s domain. Major corporate names were involved and are involved...
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...Individual Analyzing Internet Sources Week 2 What did you learn? I learned more than I expected from the Pearson student lab activities. In the first activity I knew most of the information presented, but in the second activity I learned quite a bit about researching a topic. I did not know that the URL .org is no longer limited to a non-profit or research organization; which makes it harder to use that as a reliable resource but it can still be useful. I learned it is important to look for non-bias opinions, information with publish dates are resourceful, research based, and the best domains to find good information on are .org, .gov, .mil, and .edu. Although just because the site has one of these domains it does not mean the resource is accurate or correct necessarily. What did you not learn? Well as I said in the previous paragraph in the first activity most of the information that was present I acquired before. The comparison between the library and the internet are basic knowledge to most people. The Library is based for research purposes, with trained staff to help you, but closes at certain times. The internet has multiple reasons for use, with no trained assistance, but it never closes. They each have great traits that can be used for study. I also knew it is not safe to purchase items online you must be careful when doing this. You need to do research and make sure the site is reliable. Some people think because a paper has a title and author that it is true but...
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...1. Identify threats to the seven domains of IT within the organization. User Domain: Employee lack of education. A social engineer can trick an employee into giving up there credentials. Users can visit risky web sites and download and execute infected software. Workstation Domain: Susceptible to malicious software. The anti-virus software is installed and up to date. Computers that aren’t patched can be exploited. LAN Domain: Any data on the network that is not secured with appropriate access controls is vulnerable. Weak passwords can be cracked. Permissions that aren’t assigned properly allow unauthorized access. LAN to WAN Domain: Users can visit risky web sites and download and execute infected software. Firewalls with unnecessary ports open allow access to the internal network from the internet. WAN Domain: Any public facing server is susceptible to DoS and DDoS attacks. A FTP server that allows anonymous uploads can host worms from hackers. Remote Access Domain: An attacker can access unprotected connections allowing the attacker to capture and read the data. System/Application Domain: Threats would be not changing default passwords, unneeded services and protocols. 2. Identify the vulnerability’s in the seven domains. User Domain: User’s going to unrestricted websites and executing infected software. Workstation Domain: If computers anti- virus software is not up to date then it is exploited. LAN Domain: A user that doesn’t change their password on...
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...in data representation will often be needed as a result of changes in query, update, and report traffic and natural growth in the types of stored information. Existing noninferential, formatted data systems provide users with tree-structured files or slightly more general network models of the data. In Section 1, inadequacies of these models are discussed. A model based on n-ary relations, a normal form for data base relations, and the concept of a universal data sublanguage are introduced. In Section 2, certain operations on relations (other than logical inference) are discussed and applied to the problems of redundancy and consistency in the user’s model. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: data bank, data base, data structure, data organization, hierarchies of data, networks of data, relations, derivability, redundancy, consistency, composition, join, retrieval language, predicate calculus, security, data integrity CR CATEGORIES: 3.70, 3.73, 3.75, 4.20, 4.22, 4.29 1. Relational Model and Normal Form 1 .I. INTR~xJ~TI~N This paper is concerned with the application of elementary relation theory to systems which provide shared access to large banks of formatted data. Except for a paper by Childs [l], the principal application of relations to data systems...
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...Case 9 Question 1 How did Sedo’s market value develop from 2000 to 2006? With more than 1.4 million member account from around the world, and trading domains in more than 20 languages, Sedo stands alone as the world’s only global domain marketplace. Sedo’s marketplace connect buyers and seller making it simple for individual and companies to acquire the domain names they need for their success and online presence. Sedo’s domain market places is the most active in the industry and offer the world’s largest selection of premium domains with more than 15 million available for sale. Sedo offer the entire tool needed to buy, sell, and monetize domains including domain appraisals, brokerage services, promotion and Sedo’s popular domain parking program. Members use Sedo’s parking program to earn revenue on more than 3.2 million domains while promoting those domains for sales. In early 2000, the young entrepreneurs decide to invest more of their time and money into the business. They booked banners advertisements on website and cultivated relationship with the press. This occurred at the height of “internet hype”, leading to an overwhelming response from the media and the Internet community. The contacts they gained during this time were invaluable: potential business partners, investor and future competitors. One of the Sedo’s competitors is Ulrich Essmann. He already acquire sizeable customer base that Sedo lack, after see the potential, he decide to join the Sedo venture. The...
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...material. License cannot extend holder's rights beyond statute defined by Congress. | Bauer & Cie. v. O'Donnell | 229 U.S. 1 | 1913 | Differences between patent and copyright defined also prohibits a license from extending holder's rights beyond statute. | Macmillan Co. v. King | 223 F. 862 | D.Mass. 1914 | Limits of fair use with respect to an educational context and to summaries. | Nichols v. Universal Pictures Co. | 45 F.2d 119 | 2d Cir. 1930 | No copyright for "stock characters". | Shostakovich v. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp. | 196 Misc. 67, 80 N.Y.S.2d 575 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1948), aff'd 275 A.D. 692, 87 N.Y.S.2d 430 (1949) | 1948–9 | No moral rights in public domain works. | Alfred Bell & Co. v. Catalda Fine Arts, Inc. | 191 F.2d 99 | 2d. Cir. 1951 | Variations of works in the public domain can be copyrighted if the new "author" contributed something more than a "merely trivial" variation, but no large measure of novelty is necessary. | National Comics Publications v. Fawcett Publications | 191 F.2d 594 (1951), clarified 198 F.2d 927 (1952) | 2d Cir. 1951–2 | Derivative works; an author does not forfeit his copyright to a piece of intellectual property if his work is...
Words: 1946 - Pages: 8
...South Carolina Coastal Council, and Dolan v. City of Tigard, the courts created a body of law that one commentator describes as a “mess”. The Courts and commentators have not measured the likelihood of underlying rationale, which explain why the Takings Clause and the state counterparts originally protected property against physical seizures, but not against guidelines affected property values. A Taking must be used for public use, not private. This stipulation has been troublesome for as the definition of the term. It has also become quite clear that the Court does not restrict public use to the property supported by a government organization and available to the general public for use. An example includes, Hawaii Housing Authority v. Midkiff. To combat the ownership in of private landowners in Hawaii, the legislature enacted the Land Reform Act of 1967 to redistribute real property from landowners and transferred to other tenants. To combat the ownership in of private landowners in Hawaii, the legislature enacted the Land Reform Act of 1967 to redistribute real property from landowners and transferred to other tenants. The case presented a stipulation in which the state required huge landowners to sell their property to others. In a unanimous verdict, the Court held that the Public Use Clause did not allow titling real property with just compensation, for the purpose of...
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...ANONYMOUS IT-200 Milestone Two Southern New Hampshire University Networking: Swagger Distribution’s networking illustration is showing a wired networking system for the company. As the diagram shows, the companies system is most important in the computer room. This is where most of the company’s connection begins. The internet, which is the WAN (Wide Area Network) is the beginning to the LAN (Local Area Network). This starts with the WAN coming into the computer room’s T1 Demarcation Router. The T1 Demarcation Router is then connected to the Main Router which has a connection to the Firewall as well as the Ethernet Switch. The Ethernet Switch then has a Fiber Optic cable connecting to the warehouse Remote Ethernet Switch. This allows the connectivity from the Remote Ethernet Switch to be connected to the PC’s in the shipping office. Going back to the Ethernet Switch, it is also connected to a Cross Patch Panel from which an Ethernet Drop is made allowing the data to be accessed from the offices. It is important for the company to have access to all resources throughout the company. Having these connections allows it to do so. The key aspects to the network consists of Routers, Switches, Firewall, Servers, and PC’s. Amongst these, the Routers direct the data in which direction it needs to go while the Switches are forwarding the information to the devices that it is intended to go to. The Firewall is allowing certain information to be processed through to help protect the...
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