...Organizational behavior is the study of what people think, feel and do in and around organizational. Human beings are complex because we are not alike and two people often act differently in the same situations. For instance, not everyone is motivated by money and a job that is appealing to one person may not be to another. Almost everyone needs to work with other people to get things done. In the modern globalization culture, people are require to work with bosses, peers, and employees who are born and raised in different cultures. There is also an increase in foreign assignment where people are transferred to operating division in other country. Each individual needs and motivation is different and the style of communication might be perceive differently across different culture. Therefore, having the knowledge of organization behavior, allows you to work efficiently with people from different cultures, and how to adapt your interpersonal skill to their differences. For instance, managers and employees in Singapore are experiencing the needs in adjusting to large influxes of Asian workers, especially managers and workers from China. Today in most developed countries, majority of employees work in service related jobs. Examples of these service related jobs include technical support representatives, fast-food counter workers, sales clerks, waiters and waitresses, nurses, consultants, financial planners, and flight attendants. The common characteristic of these jobs is that...
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...Accompany Organizational Behavior 5/e emerging knowledge and practice for the real world by Steven L. McShane and Mary Ann von Glinow Chapter 1 Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior Prepared by: Steven L. McShane, University of Western Australia This Instructor’s Manual 1ile is part of the Instructor’s Resource CDROM for Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge and Practice for the Real World, 5th edition 10‐digit ISBN: 0073364347 13‐digit ISBN: 9780073364346 Published by McGraw‐Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw‐Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10020. Copyright © 2010, 2008, 2005, 2003, 2000 by The McGraw‐Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw‐Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. McGraw-Hill Irwin Chapter 1: Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior 1 Introduction to the Field of Organizational Behavior LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, students should be able to: 1. De1ine organizational behavior and organizations, and discuss the importance of this 1ield ...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 9th edition by Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University Prentice Hall International, Inc. "... the number-one-selling organizational behavior (OB) textbook in the United States and worldwide. More than 700.000 students around the globe have studied OB from this text" (preface, XXIII). Part One – Introduction Chapter 1 What is Organizational Behavior? Part Two – The Individual Chapter 2 Foundations of Individual Behavior Chapter 3 Values, Attitudes, and Job Satisfaction Chapter 4 Personality and Emotions Chapter 5 Perception and Individual Decision Making Chapter 6 Basic Motivation Concepts Chapter 7 Motivation: From Concept to Applications Part Three – The Group Chapter 8 Foundations of Group Behavior Chapter 9 Understanding Work Teams Chapter 10 Communication Chapter 11 Leadership and Trust Chapter 12 Power and Politics Chapter 13 Conflict and Negotiation Part Four – The Organization System Chapter 14 Foundations of Organization Structure Chapter 15 Work Design and Technology Chapter 16 Human Resource Policies and Practices Chapter 17 Organizational Culture Part Five – Organizational Dynamics Chapter 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR "We have come to understand that technical skills are necessary but insufficient for succeeding in management. In today's increasingly competitive and demanding workplace, managers can't succeed on their technical skills alone. They also have to have...
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...Organizational Behavior Faculty Name: Smita Kulkarni Room No: 114 Wing No: D Consultation Hours: between 10.55- 12.10 on Fridays Email: smita@ibsindia.org Course Objective: Semester: I The management of complex organizations requires an understanding of the nature of human behavior in corporate and other organizations, styles of motivations, personality and perceptions, company leadership, power and authority, strategies of organizational design and change, teamwork, conflict and collaboration, and culture. Organizational Behavior explores individual and group behavior within work organizations and helps students understand, describe, and explain human behavior at work Learning Outcomes: After completing the course the student will be able to: Apply and analyze different concepts related to organizational behavior Define the purpose and nature of the field of organizational behavior Understand how to Manage individuals for high performance by developing your understanding of individual and interpersonal behavior Understand how to manage groups for high performance through an exposure to theories, concepts, and principles of OB Recommended Text Book: Organizational Behavior, Stephen P Robbins,Timothy Judge and Neharika Vohra 15e, Pearson. Suggested books: 1. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior, 8e, TMH, India. 2. John W Newstrom, “Organizational Behavior – Human behavior at work”, 12e, TMH, India. Course outline Sl No. 1 Session No. 1-2 Topic / Area...
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...CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR CHAPTER OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter students should be able to: 1. Define organizational behavior (OB). 2. Identify the primary behavioral disciplines contributing to OB. 3. Describe the three goals of OB. 4. List the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts. 5. Describe how OB concepts can help make organizations more productive. 6. Discuss why work force diversity has become an important issue in management. 7. Explain how managers and organizations are responding to the problem of employee ethical dilemmas. 8. Discuss how knowledge of OB can help managers stimulate organizational innovation and change. LECTURE OUTLINE I. THE FIELD OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR A. Definition 1. Organizational behavior is the systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations. (ppt 4) 2. Key parts of the definition a) Systematic study (ppt 5) 1) The use of scientific evidence gathered under controlled conditions and measured and interpreted in a reasonably rigorous manner to attribute cause and effect. (ppt 6) 2) OB—its theories and conclusions—is based on a large number of systematically designed research studies. b) Systematic study of actions (or behaviors) and attitudes include three areas: productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. (ppt 7) 1) Managers clearly are concerned...
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...Syllabus Organizational Behavior Summer 2013 – 37:575:345:T2 Course Instructor Amir H Maleki ah.maleki@rutgers.edu Description The field of organizational behavior (OB) is about understanding how people and groups in organizations behave, react, and interpret events. It also describes the role of organizational systems, structures, and processes in shaping behavior, and explains how organizations really work. Drawing from fields including management, anthropology, sociology, information technology, ethics, economics, and psychology, OB provides a foundation for the effective management of people in organizations. Because it explains how organizations work from individual motivation to team dynamics to organizational structure, knowing about OB is essential to being effective at all organizational levels. Because an organization’s people are responsible for gaining and keeping a competitive advantage, understanding how to mobilize and motivate employees is critical to organizational performance. Businesses excel when employees understand how their behaviors influence an organization’s performance and enable strategy execution, and when they are led effectively and are motivated to do their best. Competitors can often copy a firm’s technologies, products, processes, and structures, but it is difficult to duplicate a core of talented, knowledgeable, motivated employees who work together to achieve the firm’s goals and who care about their firm’s success. Understanding and practicing...
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...CHAPTER OVERVIEW Job performance is the set of employee behaviors that contribute to organizational goal accomplishment. It has three components: 1) task performance, or the transformation of resources into goods and services; 2) citizenship behaviors, or voluntary employee actions that contribute to the organization; and 3) counterproductive behaviors, or employee actions that hinder organizational accomplishments. This chapter discusses trends that affect job performance in today’s organizations, as well as practices that organizations can use to manage job performance. LEARNING GOALS After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: 2.1 What is the definition of job performance? What are the three dimensions of job performance? 2.2 What is task performance? How do organizations identify the behaviors that underlie task performance? 2.3 What is citizenship behavior, and what are some specific examples of it? 2.4 What is counterproductive behavior, and what are some specific examples of it? 2.5 What workplace trends affect job performance in today’s organizations? 2.6 How can organizations use job performance information to manage employee performance? CHAPTER OUTLINE I. Job Performance A. Defined as the value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute either positively or negatively to organizational goal accomplishment 1. Behaviors are within the control of employees, but results (performance...
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...Organizational Behavior An Evidence-Based Approach Twelfth Edition Fred Luthans George Holmes Distinguished Professor of Management, University of Nebraska Me Graw Hill Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, Wl New York San Francisco St. Louis Bangkok Bogota Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto Contents About the Author Preface v PART ONE ENVIRONMENTAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT Evidence-Based Consulting Practices 1 iv Organizational Behavior Case: Conceptual Model: Dream or Reality? 30 Chapter 2 Environmental Context: Globalization, Diversity, and Ethics 31 1 Learning Objectives 31 Globalization 31 Diversity in the Workplace 34 Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach 5 Learning Objectives 5 The Challenges Facing Management 6 Undergoing a Paradigm Shift 8 A New Perspective for Management 10 Evidence-Based Management 12 Historical Background: The Hawthorne Studies Reasons for the Emergence of Diversity 35 Developing the Multicultural Organization 38 Individual Approaches to Managing Diversity 39 Organizational Approaches to Managing Diversity 41 Ethics and Ethical Behavior in Organizations 46 47 The Impact of Ethics on "Bottom-Line " Outcomes 13 The Illumination Studies: A Serendipitous Discovery 13 Subsequent Phases of the Hawthorne Studies 14 Implications of the Hawthorne Studies 15 Research Methodology to Determine Valid Evidence...
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...Licensed to: iChapters User Licensed to: iChapters User Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, Tenth Edition Ricky W. Griffin and Gregory Moorhead Vice President of Editorial, Business: Jack W. Calhoun Executive Editor: Scott Person Senior Developmental Editor: Julia Chase Editorial Assistant: Ruth Belanger Marketing Manager: Jonathan Monahan Senior Content Project Manager: Holly Henjum Media Editor: Rob Ellington Buyer: Arethea L. Thomas Marketing Communications Manager: Jim Overly Production Service: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Sr. Art Director: Tippy McIntosh Cover and Internal Design: Joe Devine, Red Hanger Design LLC Cover Image: © Eric Isselée, Shutterstock Rights Acquisitions Specialist/Images: John Hill © 2012, 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 1-800-354-9706 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online...
Words: 34296 - Pages: 138
...MKT 305 WK 7 QUIZ 6 CHAPTER 10 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mkt-305-wk-7-quiz-6-chapter-10/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM MKT 305 WK 7 QUIZ 6 CHAPTER 10 MKT 305 WK 7 Quiz 6 Chapter 10 TRUE/FALSE 1. A relevant group is a group of individuals who has significant relevance for a consumer and who has an impact on the consumer’s evaluations, aspirations, and behavior. 2. Group influence refers to the ways in which group members influence the attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of others within the group. 3. Group members share a set of expectations, rules, and roles. 4. A focal group is a group that includes members who have frequent, direct contact with one another. 5. Social ties in secondary groups are very strong. 6. Professional organizations and social clubs are examples of secondary groups. 7. Brand communities are groups of consumers who develop relationships based on shared interests or product usage. 8. A formal group is a group in which a consumer formally becomes a member. 9. A nonconformity group is a group that has no membership or application requirements, and codes of conduct may be nonexistent. 10. An aspirational group is a group in which a consumer desires to become a member. MKT 305 WK 7 QUIZ 6 CHAPTER 10 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/mkt-305-wk-7-quiz-6-chapter-10/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE...
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...CHAPTER 1 Understanding the Manager’s Job CHAPTER 1 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW 1. What are the four basic functions that make up the management process? How are they related to one another? The four basic functions of the management process are planning and decision making, organizing, leading and controlling. Managers utilize all of these processes to achieve the goals of their organization. 2. What are the four basic activities that make up the management process? How are they related to one another? The basic activities that make up the management process include setting goals and determining how to best achieve these goals. Once a manager has set these goals they must determine the necessary resources to carry them out. Leadership and motivation are a vital element as well as controlling the activities to meet the goals. 3. Identify several of the important skills that help managers succeed. Give an example of each. Technical skills are necessary for managers so that he or she can understand the type of work that is done in their organizations. Managers must also possess good interpersonal skills which are the ability to listen to a subordinate as well as convey ideas of the company. This skill might also be helpful in motivating individuals. Time management is also an important skill for managers. Effective managers can prioritize work load, make sure it is done in the most efficient manner as well as delegate specific duties. 4. Briefly...
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...Session Objectives * Understand the dynamics of group behavior and how group behavior can be different from individual behavior * Understand how managers can leverage the power of groups and teams to achieve organizational goals Session 7 & 8 Theme: Understanding Groups and Managing Teams Pre-Session Readings (40 pgs, 80 min) * Textbook: | | * Chapter 9 : Foundations of Group Behavior | pp 308-341 | * Chapter 10: Understanding Work Teams | pp 346-373 | Additional Readings (26 pgs, 50 min) * Handout Folder | | * Pablo Cardona , Paddy Miller: “The Art of Creating and Sustaining Winning Teams” | pp | * Linda Hill and Michel J. Anteby: “Analysing Work Groups” | pp | Classroom Session (70 min) * Foundations of Group Behavior * Functional and Dysfunctional Group Processes * Understanding Work Teams * Team Building and Teamwork * Team Effectiveness Competencies Group Work (70 min) * Read the two cases, “The Dangers of Groupthink” (Case Incident 2, pp 341-342), and “A Virtual Team at Nanavati Associates” (Case Incident 1, pp 372 373) of the textbook, and prepare your answers to the questions at the end of each, in the form of a ppt of max 3 slides for each case. | | In-Class Exercises * Will be announced in the class Application Exercise (Assignment to be submitted) (30 min) * Refer to the articles in the handout folder namely, “The Art of Creating...
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...Organizational Behavior An Evidence-Based Approach Twelfth Edition Fred Luthans George Holmes Distinguished Professor of Management, University of Nebraska Me Graw Hill Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, Wl New York San Francisco St. Louis Bangkok Bogota Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto Contents About the Author Preface v PART ONE ENVIRONMENTAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT Evidence-Based Consulting Practices 1 iv Organizational Behavior Case: Conceptual Model: Dream or Reality? 30 Chapter 2 Environmental Context: Globalization, Diversity, and Ethics 31 1 Learning Objectives 31 Globalization 31 Diversity in the Workplace 34 Chapter 1 Introduction to Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach 5 Learning Objectives 5 The Challenges Facing Management 6 Undergoing a Paradigm Shift 8 A New Perspective for Management 10 Evidence-Based Management 12 Historical Background: The Hawthorne Studies Reasons for the Emergence of Diversity 35 Developing the Multicultural Organization 38 Individual Approaches to Managing Diversity 39 Organizational Approaches to Managing Diversity 41 Ethics and Ethical Behavior in Organizations 46 47 The Impact of Ethics on "Bottom-Line " Outcomes 13 The Illumination Studies: A Serendipitous Discovery 13 Subsequent Phases of the Hawthorne Studies 14 Implications of the Hawthorne Studies 15 Research...
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...and Organizational Behavior / Management Abstract Organizations today must learn to adapt to an ever changing global market or they will surly fail. Changes within a firm must be optimized to address the increased competition as a result competitors producing products better, faster, and cheaper. Change management processes must be developed and matured within the organization in order for them to remain competitive. Only through good leadership and the understanding of how to incorporate change can a company survive in today’s fast-paced, ever changing world. Common Errors and Consequences to Anchoring Change Over the years many firms have tried, but failed miserable because they were unable to effectively manage the processes of change which they have established in their organizations. Major change management is an extremely difficult simple process, but when all of the steps or phases of that process are followed, as mentioned in Kotter’s book Leading Change, the outcome will most always be positive. But, if a step(s) is skipped or only partially completed, implementation of the desired change effort will be less than desirable or fail completely. Kotter (1996) states, “To some degree, the downside of change is inevitable. Whenever human communities are forced to adjust to shifting conditions, pain is ever present.” (p. 4). Below are eight the most common errors and the consequences that affect the success of the change process. Figure 1 - Eight Errors Common...
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...Chapter 1 Read chapter 1 (“What is Organizational Behavior”) in your e-text, answer these questions, and watch the chapter 1 quiz video for course mentor clarification. 1) Johanna Reid, a campaign manager at a child rights organization, recently started working on an illiteracy project. During the project, she needs to motivate team members to attain their project milestones and direct them through different phases of the project. Which of the following kinds of functions will these tasks be covered under? a) planning b) organizing c) scrutinizing d) evaluating e) leading Answer: 2) Regina George works as a campaign manager in a not-for-profit organization in Hampshire. For the upcoming campaign against genetic engineering, she is networking with managers who are working on the issue of food safety. Through her network of contacts, she strives to gain information about the stakeholders in the food industry and other lobby groups. Which of the following roles is George most likely to be playing according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles? a) figurehead b) leader c) liaison d) entrepreneur e) resource allocator Answer: 3) The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other people, both individually and in groups, may be defined as ________. a) human skills b) technical skills c) conceptual skills d) cognitive skills e) analytical skills Answer: 4) According to Fred Luthans and his associates...
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