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Organizational Behavior 9 Modules


Submitted By jayyadav1983
Words 496
Pages 2
9 modules 1- Organization structure 2- Organization culture 3- Leadership 4- Motivation 5- perception 6- Communication 7- Groups and teams 8- Managing change 9- Decision making

1-Organization structure topics to you use * basic elements of organization structure : span of control , centralization , formalization , departmentalization , authority * Organization decision model : Mechanistic model and organic model * Types of organization : boundary less organization and virtual organization

2-organization culture topics to use * Three layers of organizational culture model : Artifacts, values and assumptions * Hofsted’s four value dimensions : power distance , uncertainty avoidance , individualism and masculinity * Culture’s function * Organizational culture

3- Leadership: * Characteristics of effective leadership * Types of leadership : autocratic, bureaucratic , democratic , transactional and transformational leaderships * Leadership theories : Blanchard’s situation theory and path goal theory * Leadership model : fielder’s contingency model

4- motivation: * Motivation process * Theories of motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s motivator hygiene theory , Vroom’s expected theory and Adams’s equity theory

5-perception: * The perceptual process: observation , selection and translation * Causes of perception : stereotyping , halo effects, similar to me errors , situational perception , needs and perception and attribution theory

6- Communication: * Communication processes * Types of communication: verbal and non verbal communication * Barriers of communication

7- Groups and teams: * Team formation process * Group cohesiveness * Five strategies of group development : forming , storming , norming

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