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Organizational Behavior Review


Submitted By uaetech
Words 1704
Pages 7
My Review
Organization: - A collection of people who work together and coordinate their actions to achieve a wide Varity of goals.
Organizational Behavior:- Is the study of factors that have an impact on how people and group act, think, feels and respond to work and origination, and how organization respond to their environments.
3 levels of analysis of OB:- 1- Organizational level 2- Group level 3- Individual level. Role: - Is a set of behaviors or tasks a person is expected to perform because of the position she or he holds in a group or organization.
Management:- IS the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization’s human, financial and material resources to increase its effectiveness
Personality: - Is the pattern of relatively enduring ways that person feels thinks and behaves.
Attraction: - Individuals with similar personalities tend to be attracted to an organization.
Selection: - Hired by the organization
Attrition: - Individual with other types of personalities tends to leave the organization.
The big five personality’s traits:- 1- Extraversion: - (they are the positive people and so social) personality trait that predisposes individuals to experience positive emotional states and feel good about themselves and the world around them. 2- Neuroticism: - (Negative affectively) personality trait that reflects people’s tendency to experience negative emotional states, feel distressed and generally view themselves and the world around them negatively. 3- Agreeableness:- personality trait that captures the distinction between individuals who get along well with other people and those who do not.( if they are high in agreeableness tends to be good team player, they are likable and affectionate. 4- Conscientiousness: - personality trait that describes that extent to which an individual is careful,

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