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Organizational Essay


Submitted By Jclemons1
Words 1274
Pages 6
Organizational Structure Essay

Jim Sota
Organizational Theory
July 16, 2015

This project will be looking at the organizational structure of Lime Jamaica (Montego Bay Head Office). Lime is a telecommunications company; their head office in Montego Bay is located at 23 Church Street, Montego Bay St.James. Lime is a public limited company. It is owned by Phil Bently. Lime specializes in phone and internet industry.
Organizational structure is very important to a business because it is the framework of the business. Without an organizational structure there would be no order in the business depleting is efficiency. Organizational varies from business to business it depends on various factors. For example: If the business it big or small or if the business is specializing in just one area such as production. It should have a good framework to support its production. I chose this topic because the organizational structure of a business is imperative if a business is to survive and make a profit.
Literature Review
“An organizational structure can be viewed from different perspectives, Sociology, Economics and Psychology.” (Peter Stimpson, 2007) “An organizational structure is an arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an organization.” (Baligh, 2006).The Organizational structure of a business decides how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of management. A structure depends on the organization's objectives and strategy. “In a centralized structure, the top layer of management has most of the decision making power and has tight control over departments and divisions. In a decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the departments and divisions may have different degrees of independence.”

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