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Os on the Web


Submitted By grim69
Words 820
Pages 4
Common Internet Operating Systems
Joseph Lyon
University of Phoenix
July 10, 2012

There are a number of operating systems that are used on and for the internet. The most common operating systems used today are Microsoft, Linux, and Mac OS. Each of these offer different ways to view the internet (browser), as well as interact with other computer systems via the internet. Each of these operating systems has almost a cult following whose users are very good at them. The most commonly used OS would be the Microsoft line of operating systems. These started from Windows 3.1 and have evolved to the most recent Windows 8. These operating systems are the most commonly used due to the easy to use GUI and Microsoft has one of the largest software libraries out there. Most Companies use a mix of Microsoft and Linux server systems. The most commonly used version is currently Windows XP, but due to the drop of support, will soon be Windows 7. A large factor to the commonality of this OS is due to the gaming industry and social networking sites. With the increase of graphical complexity of games increasing exponentially, the operating systems needed to be more efficient in its utilization of resources. Then, tie in the MMORPG (Massive multiplayer online role playing game), and you need a system that can put graphics and online resources together to allow playability. Why play a game by yourself when you can play online with a huge player base. With the Social networking, you need a system that can update via internet almost on the millisecond just to be up to date with the multiple sites. On the server side of the internet, the most commonly used operating system is Linux or UNIX. Companies prefer this operating system for their servers is due to the better subsystem to handle security issues and prevents others from gaining access to secure

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