...Nama : Aogi Soetarto MMUGM-Angkatan 24A Marketing Management PENERAPAN MARKETING DI OSCT INDONESIA LATAR BELAKANG Tumpahan minyak dapat terjadi ketika perusahaan minyak sedang melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak, seperti pemeliharaan fasilitas produksi, fasilitas penyimpanan, pemrosesan, kebocoran tangki penyimpanan minyak. Tentunya minyak yang tumpah baik di darat maupun di laut dapat berakibat fatal bagi lingkungan hidup. Hal ini dikarenakan limbah minyak yang tumpah bersifat mudah meledak, mudah terbakar, bersifat reaktif, beracun, serta dapat menyebabkan infeksi. Akibat yang ditimbulkan dari terjadinya pencemaran minyak bumi di laut adalah: 1. Membunuh flora-fauna yang terkena limbah minyak. Flora fauna yang mati dapat menyebabkan pemanasan global. 2. Rusaknya estetika pantai akibat bau dari material minyak. Residu berwarna gelap yang terdampar di pantai akan menutupi batuan, pasir, tumbuhan dan hewan. 3. Kerusakan biologis, dimana limbah minyak dapat mengganggu proses sel pada makhluk hidup hingga kemungkinan terjadinya kematian. Padahal hewan-hewan tersebut dibutuhkan manusia karena memiliki nilai ekonomi dan kandungan protein yang tinggi. SEKILAS MENGENAI PT OSCT INDONESIA PT. OSCT INDONESIA merupakan Pusat Penanggulangan Tumpahan Minyak Lokal satu-satunya dan terbesar di Indonesia yang berdiri sejak 2001. PT OSCT INDONESIA merupakan Perusahaan Afiliasi dari PT. SLICKBAR INDONESIA, dimana perusahaan tumpahan minyak...
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...Sheet1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 COSTA EYEWEAR DISCOUNT PRICING ORDER FORM AS OF MARCH 1, 2013 BILL TO NAME: AGENCY: STREET ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: MOBILE TEL: PERSONAL EMAIL: SHIP TO NAME: AGENCY: STREET ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: WORK TEL: AGENCY EMAIL: ITEM DESCRIPTION LENS COLOR ANSIL FRAME COLOR RETAIL DISCOUNT PRICE QTY EXT PRICE AN 10 OCP AN 10 OGP AN 11 OGP AN 11 OBMP AN 18 OGP AN 18 OBMP AN 18 OSCP Ansil (AN 10) Tortoise Frame Ansil Copper 580P Ansil Gray 580P Ansil (AN 11) Black Frame Ansil Gray 580P Ansil Blue Mirror 580P Ansil (AN 18) Silver Frame Ansil Gray 580P Ansil Blue Mirror 580P Ansil Silver Mirror 580P Ballast (BA 10) Tortoise Frame Ballast Amber 580P Ballast Silver Mirror 580P Ballast (BA 11) Black Frame Ballast Gray 580P Ballast Blue Mirror 580P Ballast (BA 53) Conch Shell Frame Ballast Copper 580P Ballast Gray 580P Blackfin (BL 10) Tortoise Frame Blackfin Dark Amber Glass Blackfin Dark Gray Glass Blackfin Blue Mirror...
Words: 37676 - Pages: 151
...Even once a person realizes he or she has a passion for information security, moving in the field can seem a daunting task. The education market is oversaturated with degrees, certifications, and training programs. Meanwhile, many prominent hackers mock those programs publicly. Although I’ve touched on security education and training quite a bit, I’m continually asked to provide a resource for people who are trying to transition from school or other fields into Information Security roles. Ours is a healthy job market and we do need qualified and motivated applicants. The jobs exist, but we repeatedly see candidates being given false advice to get them. With tremendous and very much appreciated help from many of my colleagues and friends in the field, I have endeavored to compile a comprehensive blog about starting an InfoSec career. This is a very lengthy blog broken into sections that may help people as parts or as a whole. We want you to succeed in our field. As always, please feel free to ask questions or leave comments / gripes / suggestions. Chapter 1: The Fundamentals Unfortunately, for all the interminable hacking tool tutorials and security guides floating around the internet, many InfoSec job candidates haven’t grasped two fundamental concepts: * To hack something (or defend it from hacking), you must have a solid understanding of how that thing works. And, * InfoSec is not a career that can be put in a box once you go home from work or school. You must be...
Words: 11232 - Pages: 45
...Das Gpg4win-Kompendium Sichere E-Mail- und Datei-Verschlüsselung mit GnuPG für Windows Basierend auf einer Fassung von Ute Bahn, Karl Bihlmeier, Manfred J. Heinze, Isabel Kramer und Dr. Francis Wray. Grundlegend überarbeitet von Werner Koch, Florian v. Samson, Emanuel Schütze und Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner. Eine Veröffentlichung der Gpg4win-Initiative Version 3.0.0 vom 21. Mai 2010 (zuletzt geringfügig korrigiert am 4. Januar 2012) Impressum Copyright c 2002 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie1 Copyright c 2005 g10 Code GmbH Copyright c 2009, 2010 Intevation GmbH Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled „GNU Free Documentation License“. [Dieser Absatz ist eine unverbindliche Übersetzung des oben stehenden Hinweises.] Es wird die Erlaubnis gegeben, dieses Dokument zu kopieren, zu verteilen und/oder zu verändern unter den Bedingungen der GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 oder einer späteren, von der Free Software Foundation veröffentlichten Version. Es gibt keine unveränderlichen Abschnitte, keinen vorderen Umschlagtext und keinen hinteren Umschlagtext. Eine Kopie der „GNU Free Documentation License“ findet sich im Anhang mit dem gleichnamigen Titel. Inoffizielle...
Words: 33574 - Pages: 135