...Outline & evaluate one social-psychological theory of aggression One social-psychological theory of aggression is the social-learning theory. Bandura suggested that as well as being learnt through direct experience, aggressive behaviour can be learnt indirectly, through observation of others. If a person observes aggressive behaviour in a model, they may imitate their behaviour, especially if they identify with or admire the model. The observer forms a mental representation of the event, including the consequences (rewards or punishments) of the models behaviour. Vicarious reinforcement is when the model is rewarded, and this will increase the chance of the behaviour being repeated. In this way, children learn appropriate and effective ways to use certain behaviours. When a person imitates the behaviour, they gain direct experience. The outcome of aggressive behaviour will influence the value of aggression for a child. When a child is rewarded for behaviour, this is direct reinforcement, and will make them more likely to repeat the behaviour. A child develops confidence in their ability to use aggressive behaviour successfully. If they are unsuccessful, they will have lower self-efficacy, so will be less confident that they can use aggression successfully, and will turn to other behaviours. A strength of social learning theory is that it is supported by empirical evidence, for example Bandura’s Bobo doll studies. Children who were shown a video of an adult being aggressive...
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...Tahreem Naz Outline one social psychological theory of aggression Aggression is an act that is carried out with the intention to harm another person and is viewed as one of the most disturbing forms of human social behaviour. Some psychologists believe that aggression is a legacy of our evolutionary ancestry, while others might believe it is best explained by the ‘social learning theory’. One of the most powerful sources of learning behaviour is imitative learning where we learn from observing others and imitating their actions. This is clearly shown in Bandura’s (1961) study, which involved children observing aggressive and non-aggressive adult models and then being tested for imitative learning in the absence of the model. Children in the aggressive condition reproduced a good deal of physically and verbally aggressive behaviour resembling that of the model, whilst the children in the non-aggressive condition exhibited virtually no aggression towards the bobo doll. In addition, the boys reproduced more imitative physical aggression than girls, but they did not differ in there imitations of verbal aggression. The boys showed more aggressive behaviour when the adult model was the same-sex which suggests that behaviour is likely to be imitative when the role model is not the same gender. Furthermore, according to social learning theory theorists, if behaviour is to be imitated it must be seen rewarding in some way. Bandura and Walters (1963) found that children who...
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...marks for AO1 and 16 marks for AO2/3/Issues, Debates and Approaches (IDA). So, you need to make a lot more evaluative points in A2! Here are some 24 mark questions from past papers: Topic: Relationships Discuss the influence of childhood experiences on adult relationships. (8 marks + 16 marks) Topic: Eating Behaviour Discuss explanations of one eating disorder. (8 marks + 16 marks) The questions can also be ‘parted’ like these: Topic: Eating Behaviour Discuss the role of one or more factors that influence attitudes to food. (4 marks + 8 marks) Outline and evaluate the role of neural mechanisms in controlling eating. (4 marks + 8 marks) Topic: Aggression Outline the role of genetic factors in aggressive behaviour. (4 marks) Outline and evaluate one social psychological theory of aggression. (4 marks + 16 marks) So it’s important to know when and how much AO1 and AO2/3/IDA to write. Also, don’t skip revising any parts of topics as they might come up in the parted questions. Different types of evaluation. AO2: This is where you provide evidence to support an AO1 idea e.g. about a theory, model or study. AO3: In AS you did this as part of AO2. AO3 is where you comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the research methods used to investigate the topic, for example: (1) What methods the research uses: * experimental methods (lab experiment, field, quasi/ natural experiment) (must have an IV and DV) or * non-experimental...
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...Outline and evaluate one or more social psychological theory of aggression. (24 mark) Aggression is defined as behaviour that is intended to harm or injure, this is directed towards another living being and can include physical injury. There are two approaches to aggression that I will be discussing in this essay, social learning theory and deinidividuation. Social Learning Theory (SLT) is defined as learning behaviour that is controlled by environmental influences rather than innate or internal forces. The behaviour shown by individuals during this theory of aggression is often referred to as modelling or observational learning; this is a form of vicarious experience. It is believed that humans are not born as aggressive individuals so the acts of aggression can only be acquired through direct experience and the observation of others. The behaviourists’ explanation emphasises on reinforcement. This is when certain behaviour is rewarded, encouraging it to be repeated and learned. Aggression that is associated with a reward is likely to be learned. Bandura et al (The Bobo doll) tested this theory of aggression and found that children who observed a model behaving aggressively towards a doll were likely to carry out the same behaviour when allowed to interact with the doll. His findings found that when left alone with the doll children would even improvise their own aggressive actions towards the doll. This behaviour was more commonly shown when the adult’s aggressive behaviour...
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...PSYCHOLOGY and your life chapter 1 introduction to ps ychology 2 chapter outline A Gift of Life It was every subway rider’s nightmare, times two. Who has ridden along New York’s 656 miles of subway lines and not wondered: “What if I fell to the tracks as a train came in? What would I do?” And who has not thought: “What if someone else fell? Would I jump to the rescue?” Wesley Autrey, a 50-year-old construction worker and navy veteran, faced both those questions in a flashing instant yesterday and got his answers almost as quickly. Mr. Autrey was waiting for the downtown local at 137th Street and Broadway in Manhattan around 12:45 p.m. He was taking his two daughters, Syshe, 4, and Shuqui, 6, home before work. Nearby, a man collapsed, his body convulsing. Mr. Autrey and two women rushed to help, he said. The man, Cameron Hollopeter, 20, managed to get up, but then stumbled to the platform edge and fell to the tracks, between the two rails. The headlights of the No. 1 train appeared. “I had to make a split decision,” Mr. Autrey said. So he made one, and leapt. Mr. Autrey lay on Mr. Hollopeter, his heart pounding, pressing him down in a space roughly a foot deep. The train’s brakes screeched, but it could not stop in time. Five cars rolled overhead before the train stopped, the cars passing inches from his head, smudging his blue knit cap with grease. Mr. Autrey heard onlookers’ screams. “We’re O.K. down here,” he yelled, “but I’ve got two daughters up there...
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...explaining psychological abnormalities (12 marks) The behavioural approach focuses on the behaviour of an individual in order to explain psychological problems. Behaviourists claim that abnormal behaviour is learned through experiences in the same way as most other behaviour through classical and operant conditioning. Behaviourists believe the concept of classical conditioning can be used to explain the development of many abnormal behaviours, including phobias and taste aversions. The theory of classical conditioning is used to explain how behaviour is learnt through ‘stimulus-response’ associations. An event in the environment (stimulus) results in a physiological reaction (response) in the individual. Then the events and reactions are forged into an association which can lead to the development of phobias. For example a person may climb the top of a high hill and when looking down (environmental stimulus) may experience nausea or dizziness (physiological response). This then will be made into a stimulus-response association and will lead to the development of a phobia e.g. the fear of heights, which means the person, will be scared of heights and will avoid them whenever possible. Watson and Rayner demonstrated how phobias are learnt through conditioning in their experiment involving “Little Albert”. They experimented with an 11-month-old boy, ‘little Albert’, producing fear of a white rat by associating it with loud and frightful noise. Skinner (1974) in his theory of operant...
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... 8/2/10 9:46 PM user-f465 /Users/user-f465/Desktop Key Concepts for Chapter 1 MODULE 1 What is the science of psychology? ● What Psychologists at Work are the major specialties in the field of The Subfields of Psychology: Psychology’s Family Tree psychology? ● Where do psychologists Working at Psychology PsychWork: Licensed Social Worker work? MODULE 2 What are the origins of psychology? ● What are the major approaches in contemporary psychology? ● What are psychology’s key issues and controversies? ● What is the future of psychology likely to hold? A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future The Roots of Psychology Today’s Perspectives Applying Psychology in the 21st Century: Psychology Matters Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies Psychology’s Future MODULE 3 What is the scientific method? ● What role Research in Psychology do theories and hypotheses play in The Scientific Method psychological research? ● What research Descriptive Research methods do psychologists use? ● How do Experimental Research Psychological Research psychologists establish cause-and-effect relationships using experiments? MODULE 4 What major issues confront psychologists conducting research? Research Challenges: Exploring the Process The Ethics of Research Exploring Diversity: Choosing Participants Who Represent the Scope of Human Behavior Neuroscience in Your Life: The Importance ...
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...Chapter Overview 16.1 Social Thought and Behavior Groups Core Social Motives CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.1 Describing 16.3 Attribution: The Person or the Situation? Fundamental Attribution Error Actor-Observer Bias Defensive Attribution Self-Serving Bias Social Roles 16.2 Person Perception Social Categorization Physical Appearance Stereotypes Subjectivity Culture and Person Perception CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.3 Explaining Attributional Biases 16.4 Attitudes and Social Judgments Components of Attitudes Relieving Cognitive Dissonance Influencing Attitudes: Persuasion The Foot-in-the-Door Technique Role Playing Affects Attitudes CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.2 Person Perception and Musical Tastes Culture and Attitudes CONCEPT LEARNING CHECK 16.4 Explaining Persuasion 16 Learning Objectives Social Psychology 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Define social psychology. Compare and contrast social cognition, social influence, and social norms. Describe the core social motives. Illustrate social categorization. Discuss how stereotypes and subjectivity impact personal perception. Explain the various types of attribution. Describe the components of attitudes. Illustrate the different ways to influence attitudes. Differentiate between conformity, obedience, and compliance. Describe the biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of prejudice, aggression, and attraction. Discuss the pros and cons of group influence on an individual...
Words: 20082 - Pages: 81
...psychology Course Description Effective Fall 2013 AP Course Descriptions are updated regularly. Please visit AP Central ® (apcentral.collegeboard.org) to determine whether a more recent Course Description PDF is available. The College Board The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership association is made up of more than 5,900 of the world’s leading educational institutions and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. Each year, the College Board helps more than seven million students prepare for a successful transition to college through programs and services in college readiness and college success — including the SAT® and the Advanced Placement Program®. The organization also serves the education community through research and advocacy on behalf of students, educators, and schools. For further information, visit www.collegeboard.org. AP Equity and Access Policy The College Board strongly encourages educators to make equitable access a guiding principle for their AP programs by giving all willing and academically prepared students the opportunity to participate in AP. We encourage the elimination of barriers that restrict access to AP for students from ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups that have been traditionally underserved. Schools should ...
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...for Psya2 and the essay questions that can be asked for it. If your curious to know more about me you can visit my website at http://www.loopa.co.uk There it tells you more about me, how I self-taught myself as well as contact me directly for help and advice as well as get my other essay answers there instantly. Theres also great resources there too with more added on a weekly basis. You can also follow me on twitter to stay up to date on future resources and books. My username is: SajDevshi Again thank you for your support and I wish you the very best in your exams! Now - Lets get this show started.. Psya2 Overview as smaller questions ranging from 1-8 markers but if you’ve memorised full essay answers, answering the smaller ones should be a fairly easy to do....
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...reports. Understanding the family structure can have an important role in the intervention and prevention of deviant behavior in the child. More parental monitoring was associated with less delinquency in a single parent household. We examine family structure including two parent families, single mother families, single father families, and stepfamilies. This paper addresses the implications of different theories and findings designed to reduce deviance. Single Parent Home Effect on Adolescence Deviant behavior among youth has increased in the United States (Steinberg, 1987). According to the Nature and Meaning of Deviance (2008), Deviant behavior is described as actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including enacted rules and social norms. This paper will examine the social factors associated with deviant behavior among juveniles. It will explore the correlation, if any, between single parent homes and the rise in deviant behavior in juveniles. The two disciplines, Psychology and Sociology, will help evaluate the importance between the single parent homes and the effect it has on juvenile deviant behaviors. Evaluating the reasons for the rise in juvenile delinquency in our nation is complex but most alarming is the young ages of juveniles involved in deviant behavior that are now being reported....
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...EFFECTS OF COMPUTER GAMING ON NEUST STUDENTS’ IN CABANATUAN CITY 1. FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. THE REPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 3. RESEARCH DIRECTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1. ACTIVE USER PERSPECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1. Important studies ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1.2. Problems with the Active User perspective ............................................
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...focus on the following requirements: students need to be analytical and critical in their response students need to structure their writing logically students need to be persuasive writers | students need to answer the question | This booklet looks at, how to analyse your essay question. Other Learning Centre booklets in this series deal with the other aspects: • Analytical Writing deals with the difference between analytical and descriptive writing • Planning and Structuring an Essay deals with logical structures • Developing and Supporting an Argument deals with persuasion Expectations of student assignments One of the difficulties experienced by students, particularly in first year, is understanding what standard is expected in essays at tertiary level. As well as this, each subject discipline has its own ways of doing things and its own conventions about essay structure and writing style. For instance, in some subjects it is acceptable to write very personally and put forward your own opinions and feelings on a topic and in others such a personal response would not be appropriate. You need to find out the expectations and conventions of your subjects so that you can write essays that are valued within the context of your discipline. You may be lucky enough to have information and support provided by individual subject teachers e.g. model essays...
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...third study showed that observing self-disparaging ridicule led participants to generate more creative ideas, compared to other-ridicule or no ridicule. The implications of these “inhibiting” effects of other-ridicule and “disinhibiting” effects of self-ridicule are discussed. Keywords: ridicule, disparagement humor, self-ridicule, conformity, creativity Ridicule is defined as “the act of making someone the object of scornful laughter” (Webster‟s New World Dictionary, 2002). This type of humor is common in modernday society. It is a staple in late-night comedy shows, political campaigns, advertising, and even prime time television. Stocking, Sopolsky, and Zillmann (1977) did a content analysis of humor in prime time television for one week. An incident of humor was recorded as “hostile” if a person or thing was disparaged. They found that 69% of all humorous incidents in prime time were hostile. Contrasting Effects of Ridicule 47 Of course, ridicule is not...
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...provide useful insights while also providing future researchers points of comparison. The purpose of Chapter Two is to support examination of my body of research and to determine similarities and differences in teacher perceptions of bullying in their schools. Background information will be provided to the reader on the kinds of bullying and their definitions, and what affects accompany bullying episodes and current existing attitudes about bullying. Review of the Related Literature Bullying has been come to be defined as the repeated aggressive behavior that can be either physical, psychological to intentionally hurt the recipient and is administered either by an individual or a group and usually unprovoked by the recipient. Bullying has been explicitly identified internationally as a problem in schools, threatening the emotional, physical, and psychological Well-being and safety of many students (Ando, Asakura & Simons-Morton, 2005). Bullying can also lead the way to...
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