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Overcoming Obstacles In Everyday Life

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Life has its ups and down, you’ll never expect what is coming next; it's like a rollercoaster in the dark. Obstacles is something we all have to overcome in everyone’s lifespan. Some of those obstacles could be riding a bike, swimming in a deep pool, trying to pass a really hard examination. Throughout life we learn to overcome them, we become superheros of our own stories. Somethings are harder than others, things like deadly diseases; diabetes, high blood pressure, Aids, HIV, having any medical disease or disorder can affect an individual. One of those diseases is cancer. Cancer is abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Cancer affects many different people, men and women, children, at any age. …show more content…
the population is approximately 325,000,000 according to the United States census bureau. Cancer is definitely one of the most harmful disease in the world, it has so many diverse types of cancer, from melanoma to leukemia. Sometimes people get lucky and see a lump and straight away they go to the doctor and it is caught early, or some act like a chameleon to the body and cause late detection. Today's discoveries have changed the amount of people surviving cancer, and the number continues to increase. Different medications, procedures continue to advance today, who knew a doctor could come up with a way to completely get rid of breast cancer. The astonishing journey people go through is unexplainable. The journey is rough but we have many survivors. “ As of January 2016, it is estimated that there are 15.5 million cancer survivor in the United States.”(National Cancer

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