...|Assignment brief – QCF BTEC | |Assignment front sheet | |Qualification |Unit number and title | |BTEC Subsidiary Award in Business |Unit 1 The Business Environment | |Learner name | Assessor name | | | | |Date issued | Hand in deadline |Submitted on | |23 June 2014 |22 September | | | | | |Assignment title |Assignment 1: Type, purpose, ownership and stakeholders | |In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence...
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...Notes CIMA Paper P2 Management Performance For exams in 2013 theexpgroup.com CIMA P2 Performance Management ExPress Notes Contents About ExPress Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. Pricing and Product Decisions Cost planning and analysis Budgeting and Management Control Control/Performance Measurement of Responsibility Centres 3 7 22 31 37 Page | 2 © 2013 The ExP Group. Individuals may reproduce this material if it is for their own private study use only. Reproduction by any means for any other purpose is prohibited. These course materials are for educational purposes only and so are necessarily simplified and summarised. Always obtain expert advice on any specific issue. Refer to our full terms and conditions of use. No liability for damage arising from use of these notes will be accepted by the ExP Group. theexpgroup.com CIMA P2 Performance Management ExPress Notes START About ExPress Notes We are very pleased that you have downloaded a copy of our ExPress notes for this paper. We expect that you are keen to get on with the job in hand, so we will keep the introduction brief. First, we would like to draw your attention to the terms and conditions of usage. It’s a condition of printing these notes that you agree to the terms and conditions of usage. These are available to view at www.theexpgroup.com. Essentially, we want to help people get through their exams. If you are a student for the CIMA exams and you are using these notes for yourself only, you...
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...Demand and Supply: The Basics 21 FUNDAMENTALS OF ECONOMICS FOR BUSINESS - (Second Edition) © World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. http://www.worldscibooks.com/economics/6794.html Chapter 2 Introduction The most basic, and in many ways the most lasting, lesson to be learnt from “Economics 101” relates to the fundamental concepts of demand and supply and their interaction. These are usually presented in a simple graphical format involving demand and supply “curves”. The word is in quotes because in this chapter, for simplicity, we will actually assume only straightline relationships between price and quantities demanded and supplied. The main issue that is important in reality is the direction of the relationship between prices and quantities. Will a reduction in price lead to an increase in the quantity demanded of any particular product or service? Will an increase in price lead to an increase in supply? And so on. The principal technical tools for analyzing demand and supply conditions in particular markets, then, are the demand and supply schedules or curves. The demand curve shows an estimate or conjecture about the relationship between the price of any particular product or service and the quantity of that product that will be demanded by consumers. It is usually assumed to slope downward, in the general case, for most products and services. In other words, the lower the price of the item, the greater the quantity of it that will be demanded. Technically, this...
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...Unit 16: Human Resource Management in Business Unit code: K/502/5445 QCF Level 3: BTEC National Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to methods of managing human resources in the workplace. Learners will use their knowledge of relevant human resources management theory and link it with current human resource management practices in organisations. Unit introduction Human resource management is a dynamic activity in any organisation as it takes place against a changing economic, technical, legal and social background. It is important for learners to appreciate that effective human resource management means getting the best out of the people who work for an organisation in order to ensure the organisation fulfils its purposes, whether it is a football club winning the premiership, or a hospital increasing the success rates for medical operations. Many organisations say that their employees are their most valuable resource because of their skills, knowledge and attitudes. As labour is both an expensive and valuable resource, it is important to ensure it is planned and that the best value is obtained from employees contributions. Human resource managers have to plan their human resource requirements against a background of internal and external factors which are dynamic and constantly changing. The first part of this unit introduces learners to the factors that influence human...
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...BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary / Diploma, Business Studies Unit 2 – Business Resources Assignment 1 (P1, P2, M2) – Recruiting the Right Staff Scenario You are coming to the end of your BTEC course and you have been considering getting a job in the summer break before you start university. As well as earning some extra money, you are looking forward to the opportunity to develop your skills and put into practice the knowledge you have learnt on your BTEC course. Task one (P1 part) Research some jobs that you can apply for on job websites. You could look at www.monster.com or www.totaljobs.com. You need to find a job that you think you could apply for either now or at the end of year 13. You need to collect a job description, person specification and application form as evidence. (P1 part) Task two (P1, P2 M2) To show that you understand the relevance of these documents used in recruitment you need to complete an information sheet which analyses their contents (see attached for template). Your information sheet should 1. Describe the recruitment documentation used for the job you have chosen. What is a job description, what is a person specification and what is an application form? How are they used in business? (P1) 2. Identify the skills required on the job description. Describe how you have these skills or if you don’t have them, describe how you could develop them this year. (P2) 3. For each of the skills that you have already identified...
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... | Centre: | Rugby/Leamington Spa | Course Title: | BTEC Nationals in Business | Year of Course: | Year 1 of 2 | Project Manager/Assessor: | Liz Cutter | Internal Verifier: | Sam Ramsay | Project Title: | Communication Project Milestone 3Unit 4 – Business Communication | Milestone 3 Presenting Complex Business Information | Unit | Grading Criteria: | Evidenced in | | | Milestone | Task | 4 | P1 | Explain different types of business information, their sources and purposes | 1 | 1 | 4 | P2 | Present complex internal business information using three different methods appropriate to the user’s needs. | 3 | 2 | 4 | P3 | Produce corporate communications | 3 | 1 | 4 | P4 | Evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service | 2 | 2 | 4 | P7 | outline electronic and non-electronic methods for communicating business information, using examples for different types of audience | 1 | 1 | 4 | M1 | Analyse different types of business information and their sources | 1 | 1 | 4 | D1 | Evaluate the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions | 2 | 1 | 4 | D2 | Evaluate the effectiveness of business information and its communication as key contributors to the success of an organisation, using examples to illustrate your points | 2 | 2 | Project start date: | 20.01.2014 | Project completion date: | 24.02.2014 | Project milestone: 3 | 10.02.2014 | Milestone hand in date: | 24.02.2014 | Student declaration:I...
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...Unit 27: Understanding Health and Safety in the Business Workplace Unit code: H/502/5458 QCF Level 3: BTEC National Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to enable learners to develop knowledge of the legislation and regulations relating to health and safety in a business workplace in order to conduct an audit and carry out a risk assessment. Unit introduction It is important, when working in business, to ensure compliance with organisational procedures and legal requirements, as the consequences of non-compliance can have serious implications for employees and employers. It is important, therefore, for learners to appreciate that those working in business must understand the principal issues which affect the working environment, for all individuals and the organisations that employ them. This involves keeping up to date with information on the legal issues that affect safe working practices. Everyone at work plays an important part in ensuring health and safety and it is essential that key personnel are aware of their roles and responsibilities. Employers must take reasonable care to protect their employees, and others, from the risk of injury, disease or death, while employees must take care to protect themselves and others. Safe working conditions and the ‘welfare of employees’ can contribute to the success of an organisation. It is important that organisations take steps to prevent accidents...
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...1 Week | | Qualification | BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma | Units covered | Unit 18: Managing a Business Event | Learning aims covered | 1 Understand the role of an event organiser2 Be able to plan a business event. | | Scenario | ScenarioYou are working in the Conference centre at Bournville College and have been asked to organise an event. You are expected to plan, organise and co-ordinate the event. This will include arranging meetings, marketing and the launch of the event.You will need to plan the activities for the event, produce a programme and launch the event. You will need to produce publicity material for the event. You will need to agree aims, objectives and outcomes of the event, and sources of finance to fund the activities. You will need to plan a budget and present it to your tutor but you may need additional sources of finance. | | Task 1 | Task 1: Produce a PowerPoint presentation (part a), and then write an essay explaining the role of an event organiser (part b). Remember not to overcrowd the slides and add information to the notes. You may use images to strengthen your evidence. You may use templates and transitions but keep them consistent. a. Describe the skills required of an event organiser. Please include the following and say why an event organiser would need each skill for their job role with relevant examples 1. Communication and interpersonal skills 2. Time management 3. Problem solving 4. Negotiating 5...
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...Unit 4: Unit code: QCF Level 3: Credit value: Business Communication H/502/5413 BTEC National 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to show learners that the collection and management of business information, and the successful communication of that information throughout a business, is critical for the future prosperity of the organisation. Unit introduction A business needs accurate and relevant information from internal and external sources in order to operate profitably. Proper collection of data creates an environment where informed decisions can be taken for the benefit of the business. In order to manage information effectively, there must be good communication systems within the organisation. Staff must possess good verbal and written skills in order to communicate and share information Business information can be used to obtain competitive advantage and promote efficiency. Organisations generate information internally, recording details of products manufactured, purchased and sold, and their associated costs. Businesses use information to manage not only what is currently happening in the organisation but also to plan for the future and ensure their survival. Information is collected, stored, manipulated, analysed and reported to those who need to use it. People need to become skilled manipulators and users of information to ensure organisations become more efficient and succeed in achieving their stated purposes. Since the...
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...Edexcel Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business Harrow High School Unit 2: Business Resources Grade P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 | P7 | P8 | P9 | | | | | | | | | | M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | | | | | | | | | Overall Grade P | | M | | D | | Deadlines Date Issued: | Date Due: | Date Submitted: Date | Declarations Student: I declare that the work submitted in this assignment is my own work and any resources used have been acknowledged. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice. I understand the requirements of this BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Applied Science. I have been offered constructive feedback and the opportunity to improve my work. Assessor I declare that I have issued the relevant resource material. I ensured that the student understood the requirements for the completion of this course. The student named above completed the work that is submitted and the work is their own. Student Signature | Assessor Signature | Date | Date | Unit 2 – Business Resources At the core of every organisation are the human, physical, technological and financial resources that enable it to function. This unit will give learners a broad understanding of the importance organisations place on managing their resources efficiently in order to achieve their objectives. It is important that learners are able to relate their understanding of resource management to a real organisation...
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...BACHELOR OF COMMERCE (B.COM.,) PAPER – 2.1 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS UNIT – I CHAPTER - I SECTION - I Definition of Managerial Economics Managerial economics refers to those aspects of economics and its tools of analysis most relevant to the firm’s decision-making process. According to MeNair and Meriam, managerial economies consists of the use of economic models of thought to analyze business situations. Some writers consider managerial economics as the integration of economic theory with business practice for the purpose of facilitating decision-making and forward planning by management. The underlying idea of all these definitions is that managerial economics means economics applied in decision-making. So we may consider managerial economics as a special branch of economics bridging the gap between abstract theory and managerial practice. It may be pointed out here that effective decision-making at the firms’ level calls for a careful analysis of a choice between alternative courses of action. Economic theory offers a variety of concepts and analytical tools which can be of considerable assistance to the manager in his decision-making process. In fact actual problem-solving may require many skills and tools which are not available in the traditional economist’s. For example, knowledge of accounting and of statistical concepts and methods, which are not taught in economics, can help the analyses to apply more effectively the economic...
Words: 33751 - Pages: 136
...BTEC Business Project |Assignment |2013/2014 | Learner Declaration I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work or, in the case of group work, the work myself and other members of the group in which I worked, and that no part of it has been copied from any source. I understand that if any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarised, none of the work submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment. |Centre Name: |Westminster Kingsway College |Centre No: |10240 | |Learner’s Name: | | |Learner’s Signature: | | |Assessor’s Name: | | |Assessor’s Signature: | |Date: | | |Date Issued: |3rd February 2014 |Submission Date: ...
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...Unit 5: Business Accounting Unit code: M/502/5415 QCF Level 3: BTEC National Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to enable learners to understand the purpose of accounting, and the associated processes and its role in the managing of a business. Learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to understand financial information. Unit introduction Understanding how a business operates and what makes it successful, requires knowledge of the accounting process. Accounting involves recording business transactions and, this in turn, leads to the generation of financial information which can be used as the basis of good financial control and planning. Inadequate record keeping and a lack of effective planning ultimately lead to poor financial results. It is vital that owners and managers of businesses recognise the indications of potential difficulties. Remedial action can then be taken. The unit is divided into two parts. The first develops an understanding of the accounting processes necessary to provide accurate and relevant financial information. The second part covers the practical aspect of carrying out those accounting activities. Learners will be introduced to accounting terminology as they study the purpose and function of accounting and consider the various categories of business income and expenditure. It is important to know the sources of an organisation’s income and the nature...
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...Unit 13: Unit code: QCF Level 3: Credit value: Recruitment and Selection in Business A/502/5434 BTEC National 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to introduce learners to recruitment and the importance of ensuring that the best people are selected to work in organisations. Learners will study selection and recruitment techniques and will set up, and take part in, a selection interview. Unit introduction Recruiting the right people is the key to the success of many organisations. These organisations ensure that the processes and procedures involved in recruitment and selection meet their needs and are legal. In this unit, learners will develop an understanding of the impact of the regulatory framework on the recruitment process. Potential applicants may decide to apply for a post based on the quality of information that they receive. Details of the post will usually be the first communication they have with the organisation. It is important that the organisation makes a good first impression on potential applicants to ensure that they attract sufficient applicants of the right calibre. Learners will develop their knowledge of the types of documentation used in an interview process. A structured and planned selection procedure is crucial to the success of the selection process. The impression a business makes may determine an applicant’s decision to accept an offer of appointment. Staff conducting the interview will also be forming their impressions...
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...St Peters Catholic School BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business Unit 3 Introduction to Marketing QCF level 3: BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Business 2013-14 Learning hours: 60 Credit Value: 10 Unit code: Y/502/5411 Aims and Purpose of Unit 3 The aim and purpose of this unit is to give you an understanding of how marketing, research and planning and the marketing mix are used by all organisations. You will initially study two business organsations, but you will focus on the products at Denbies Vineyard and we will work in collaboration with them. Issue: 8th September 2014 Deadline: 1st December 2014 Learning outcomes On completion of this unit you should: 1. Know the role of marketing in organisations 2. Be able to use marketing research and marketing planning 3. Understand how and why customer groups are targeted 4. Be able to develop a coherent marketing mix. Assignment 1 You work as a marketing assistant for a large marketing company called “Creative Dreams” . The manager of your department has asked you to carry out the following task. The organisations you will investigate for unit 3.1 are “Thorpe Park” and “Surrey Wildlife Trust”. www.thorpepark.com www.surreywildlifetrust.org Task 1 (P1, P2, M1) Write up a brief introduction for both organisations, this must include size, location, nature of the business, objectives and marketing objectives to provide an introduction to the two businesses. (a) P1: DEADLINE THORPE PARK P1 15/09/14, DEADLINE...
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