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PBIS Reflective Essay

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Each week the entire teaching team meets with Instructional Coaches, Site Administrtor and Site Counselor for training. During PLCs discussions relating to Work Sample, Benchmark Assesments, lesson planning and differation are covered. Changes in policy, actvie supervision, Conscious Disclipine and supporting emotional vocabulary have been discussed this cycle. This cycle a significat foucs will be on understanding and implementing PBIS to support a positive learning environment. As an activie team member I have engaged in discussions relating to behavior recording forms, shared my experience related to STEM activties in the classroom and voiced my professional opinion on school wide expectations.

PLC's continue to be an important part of my growth as a teacher. Many of our PLC's have focused on PBIS training for all staff members. Another PLC meeting focused on how teacher record and analyzle assesement mateiral. I found this to be quite timely and helpful as I have been struggling to find the right system for me. As a result I have been able to reorganize my assessment data in a way that allows me to readily what skills I should be focusing on with each student. …show more content…
It has been a very supprotive expereince for me. PLCs this cycle included additional trainings on PBIS and it’s implementation in the classroom, data gathering and analysis of behavior data. During PLCs we have identified our tops students for intervention as part of a “Name and Claim” intervention program from February 5th to March 5th. We have viewed webinars on Concisions Discipline, which was in contrast to other training on teaching social emotional competency. This philosophy stresses that teacher need to make a connection with the student before any learning (social or educational) can begin. It was an interesting twist on teaching students social emotional

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