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The Marginalization Of Asian Males In The Media

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Asian males are marginalized and their images distorted in the media. They are usually if not always portrayed as nerdy, effeminate, quiet, hard-working, overly-shy. Hollywood constantly perpetuate these jokes that Asian guys are undesirable and undateable and when trying to think of the last few known Asian roles in Hollywood, there's not much representation to go off of which is a problem that needs a positive change.

The media has been around for quite some time now but when asked to name an Asian male lead in the media, many can't think of more than just a few to none. Especially when asked about a tv show or a movie where an Asian male is the romantic lead or someone who has a kiss scene with a non-Asian female, there is almost none in this country and that is because Asian males are being heavily desexualized in the media. …show more content…
Sad part is how there are quite the numbers of people across many ethnicities who are guilty of this. Also basing attractiveness solely on race is fetishizing which is common when it comes to how many males from other race think of Asian females. This suggests how institutionalized racism lives in America, often times in ways many don't even realize. It’s not a surprise anymore that people start believing in those myths especially since we reside in an environment where it continues to increase sexual stereotypes that’s out of date and harmful. If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat

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