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Byzantine Empire Research Paper

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The air cools, a messenger runs towards the Ottoman camp. The mighty Byzantine Empire has fallen, the emperor is slain, Mehmed smiles; for he finally, after months of siege, conquered Constantinople and put an end to the Byzantine Empire. He sees the Ottoman colours waving in the city, the mighty three crescent flag flies over a destroyed empire and the beginning of a new age. The Byzantine Empire was an influential,fluctuating empire throughout history and it changed the world forever.
In 285 CE ,after the death of Constantine I, the empire split into two,west and east. The west would collapse within 100 years but the east would survive for more than a thousand and became known as the Byzantine Empire. In the early years the empire usually did …show more content…
The crusaders founded their own state, the Latin Empire. The Byzantines eventually drove out the crusaders but the empire would never recover. They conquered the Bulgarian Empire in the 7th century, but they lost almost all their land to the Ottoman Empire in the following years.
The final nail in the coffin was when the ottomans besieged Constantinople,the last remaining city under Byzantine control, and conquered the Byzantine Empire in 1453. They conquered an empire that once stretched from anatolia to Iberia, and that set off a chain of events that would eventually lead to the discovery of the americas and the New World.
And here are a couple reasons that people care about the Byzantine Empire falling. The fleeing artisans and thinkers from constantinople brought new ideas about god, science, and mathematics. Some historians credit the beginning of the Renaissance to the fleeing refugees from Constantinople that brought ideas to Dark Age Europe and

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