The PSA persuasive project Maddi and I chose to do was about stranger awareness taught in the Jumpstart community. Although there were a few issues that we experienced, we were prepared for them and overcame them. Starting this project, it took a couple days to figure out a topic that we were willing to put all this time into. I came up with the idea of centering our attention around children. Shortly after, we found the topic about stranger awareness. This was concerning that children should not be taught “Stranger Danger” instead, they should be alert of strangers. This means they should not be afraid to talk to someone if they are in need of help.
Our next step for our project was figuring out how we were going to get our message across to the…show more content… Together, we decided our project would turn out successful if we sent out a survey to the Jumpstart staff and create a video that included facts and tips for teaching children about stranger danger. We would then send this video to the staff for them to review and possibly incorporate it into their classroom. To get started, we researched about our project to get facts. This was not difficult because a lot of adults out there are concerned about the way children are taught this topic. We then started creating our survey, this included questions about how stranger awareness is taught in Jumpstart. The results of this survey were not what we expected. First, there was only one individual who responded to our survey. This was a problem because we did not receive a number of individuals thoughts and opinions. Second, the woman who did respond informed us that stranger awareness is not taught within the Jumpstart environment, instead it should be taught at home with the parents. Now Maddi and I had the problem of what to do because our whole project was based on sending a video to the Jumpstart staff so they could teach new ways to the children. To solve this